Shino Case (sweetshino) Translations

ID Verified
Over 13 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

Ensure training
As you begin to push authority down to the people who have the responsibility to get the job done, you must make sure that they have had the training they need to make the right decisions. It would not be right to urge new employees to make decisions before they are fully trained in the job and they have had enough time to know how the job should be done.
Some employees will never be able to rise above their insecurities. You will need to build their confidence.

Choose the right ones
Then it is important to find the right people to be in the decision-making positions. Employees will have expectations of what they want from their jobs and what they are capable of doing.




sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

When there are job openings suitable for your employees, go to bat for them. Encourage them to apply if they haven't already. Talk them up to the people who will be making the decisions. Not only will these employees have the chance to move up given time, but they will constantly have you pushing them to accept more challenges because you believe in their abilities to grow and continue to contribute greatly to the success of the company.

Show confidence
When you begin to champion your employees, they will sense your confidence in them. Confidence is infectious, and as you show employees that you have confidence in them, their confidence will grow.




sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

All too often in companies, there is a clear division between management and labor, bosses and workers. In many cases it is an unhealthy, adversarial relationship that needs to be changed. Employees with this attitude often have a deeply held belief, whether realized or not, that management is out to get them.

Be supportive
One way that you as a boss can begin to show leadership is to champion your employees. That means voicing your support of them whenever you can. Let everyone in ~our company know how valuable they are, what great contributions they make, and how deeply you believe in their talents and abilities and in them as people.




sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

Stopping abuse
Some employees may take advantage of this policy. The first thing to do is to make your interruptions short and to the point. An impromptu meeting doesn't have to last fifteen minutes, thirty minutes, or an hour. You might be able to deal with the issue in a few minutes. You already have other times for personal chitchat, so get to the issue. The second thing to do is to exert leadership and point out that the employees themselves need to be making decisions. That is, in fact, why you have them in their positions. As they interrupt you for advice or counsel, point out to them the issues that you would rather they handle on their own.




sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

The demands on the time of a manager are enormous. You have to spend time on budgets, personnel issues meetings with your staff, meetings with other executives and planning, and the list goes on. With all the various items pulling for your time, it is obvious that you must protect it and manage it.
Your time is also the one thing you have that no one else can give to the people who work for you. There are questions to be answered, crises to be handled, and problems' to be addressed. How do you find the time to give all of these concerns? Sometimes you just can't. You will have to decide what things are higher on the priority list and/or work extra time to complete the tasks before you.

