Shino Case (sweetshino) Translations

ID Verified
About 13 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
sweetshino English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

10. A growing number of startup initiatives: 5desire,,,, Saigon Hub, Start Center, Hub.IT,, VYE Bootcamp, Launch, Action Space, and Founders Institute are just a few initiatives that have been growing, especially in the last year. We’ve seen a steady explosion of co-working spaces, listing sites, events, and programs that adapt to the needs of startups in the ecosystem. If this growth keeps pace, we will see a healthy and mature startup scene by the end of next year. And by healthy, I mean startups that can raise money, possibly exit, or acquire staggering amounts of users.


10.スタートアップイニシアチブの増大:5desire、、、、 Saigon Hub、 Start Center、 Hub.IT、、 VYE Bootcamp、 Launch、 Action Space、 そして Founders Instituteは特に昨年中に成長しているイニシアチブの数例である。共同オフィス、掲載サイト、イベントそしてエコシステム上でスタートアップのニーズを適合させるプログラムの堅調な成長ぶりを目の当たりにしている。この成長ぶりが続けば、来年末までには健全で成熟したスタートアップシーンを見る事が出来るだろう。健全という意味では、収益を稼ぎ出したり、可能であれば出口戦略を実施したり、圧倒的なユーザー数を獲得したスタートアップのことを指している。

sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

To make sure eBay buyers have the best possible shopping experience, we want to ensure easy and accurate searching and purchasing. To help make items easier to find, we have a policy that doesn't allow duplicate listings.
We understand that you may not have been aware of this policy or that this may have been an oversight. Unfortunately, we had to take the following action:
- Duplicate listings have been removed
- We have credited all associated fees except for the final value fee for your listing(s).
Please take the time to review your listings and remove any other duplicates.
The duplicate listings we identified were listed on the following multiple accounts.


eBayでお買い物される方に考えられる最高のショッピング経験をして頂くため、当社は 簡単で正確な検索と購入手続きが出来るようにしたいと考えています。商品が簡単に検索できるよう、複製の掲載はお断りする方針を設けております。
