speedy Translations

ID Unverified
About 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
speedy English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

The executive deeply believed that a company should hire people for such positions from the out-side only after exhausting all the inside possibilities. But her new company believed in first looking outside "to bring in fresh blood." There is something to be said for both approaches - in my experi-ence, the proper one is to do some of both. They are, however, fundamentally incompatible- not aspolicies but as values. They bespeak different views of the relationship between organizations and people; different views of the responsibility of an organization to its people and their development; and different views of a person's most important contribution to an enterprise.



speedy English → Japanese
Original Text

I called ebay yesterday to inform them about your attempt at negative feedback extorsion, and they said that after that, you cannot leave negative feedback of any kind, nor should I offer anything to you. I am still confident that there were NO scratches at all on the fan when I shipped it to you, so it sounds like to me that you are trying to get a better deal on a perfect fan. I am thinking that you have sent me pictures of a different fan and not the one that I sold to you. I mark all of my items that are out of the original box or in an open box with a special marker that will only show up unter certain lighting conditions so that i can verify that an item that is returned is the same item that I sent.



speedy English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

1) could you please provide us with a detailed description of how your service works and what specific features does it offer to clients?
2) who are the target clients of your company? Are you primarily aimed at the Japanese market or provide your services in other countries too?
3) how do you see our payment solution (EcoCard) being marketed to your clients? Are you planning to register with us as a Merchant to accomplish this?
4) As you know we offer the e-wallet with attached MasterCard – do you think that your clients will mainly be looking for an e-wallet solution or they would like to apply for a MasterCard?


1) 御社サービスの仕組みとクライアントへ提供している具体的な機能の詳細説明をご提供いただけますか?
2) 御社のターゲットクライアントはどういった方でしょうか?主に日本市場向けでしょうか、それとも他の国でもサービスを提供していますか?
3) 弊社のペイメントソリューション (EcoCard) を御社のクライアントに向けてマーケティングすることに関してはいかがお考えでしょうか?達成のため、弊社にマーチャントとして登録する事をご予定されているのでしょうか?
4) ご存じの通り弊社ではMasterCardと紐づいたe-walletを提供しております。御社のクライアントは主にe-walletソリューションを求めているのでしょうか、それともMasterCard申し込みを希望されているのでしょうか?