rasinblancs Written Reviews

ID Verified
Almost 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) French English
The review activity that this user made to other translators' works. This activity includes writing corrections and comments to those translations.
rasinblancs rated this translation result as ★★ Japanese → English
02 Feb 2014 at 06:02
rasinblancs rated this translation result as ★★★ Japanese → English
13 Jan 2014 at 08:24
はじめまして。ネイティブではないのでベストな添削ができなくて申し訳ないのですが、2行目の「Confirmed the letter,...」の部分が不自然に感じます。例えば、「After I confirmed...」 とするのも1つの方法だと思います。
rasinblancs rated this translation result as ★★★★★ Japanese → English
13 Jan 2014 at 08:04
rasinblancs rated this translation result as ★★★ English → Japanese
09 Jan 2014 at 05:41
rasinblancs rated this translation result as ★★★★ English → Japanese
09 Jan 2014 at 05:58
rasinblancs rated this translation result as ★★★★★ English → Japanese
09 Jan 2014 at 05:55
rasinblancs rated this translation result as ★★★ English → Japanese
09 Jan 2014 at 06:16
rasinblancs rated this translation result as ★★ English → Japanese
09 Jan 2014 at 07:32
rasinblancs rated this translation result as ★★★★★ English → Japanese
09 Jan 2014 at 06:54
rasinblancs rated this translation result as ★★★★★ English → Japanese
09 Jan 2014 at 06:44
rasinblancs rated this translation result as ★★ Japanese → English
16 Jan 2014 at 09:37
rasinblancs rated this translation result as ★★★ English → Japanese
07 Jan 2014 at 04:57
rasinblancs rated this translation result as ★★★★ English → Japanese
07 Jan 2014 at 05:22
rasinblancs rated this translation result as ★★★★ English → Japanese
07 Jan 2014 at 08:49
rasinblancs rated this translation result as ★★ Japanese → French
07 Jan 2014 at 01:44
rasinblancs rated this translation result as ★★ English → Japanese
28 Dec 2013 at 21:10
rasinblancs rated this translation result as ★★ English → Japanese
28 Dec 2013 at 21:47
rasinblancs rated this translation result as ★★★★ English → Japanese
28 Dec 2013 at 22:06
rasinblancs rated this translation result as ★★ English → Japanese
27 Dec 2013 at 01:39
rasinblancs rated this translation result as ★★ English → Japanese
27 Dec 2013 at 04:38
rasinblancs rated this translation result as ★★★ English → Japanese
27 Dec 2013 at 04:06
rasinblancs rated this translation result as ★★★★ English → Japanese
27 Dec 2013 at 03:34
rasinblancs rated this translation result as ★★★★ Japanese → English
27 Dec 2013 at 00:37
rasinblancs rated this translation result as ★★★★ Japanese → English
27 Dec 2013 at 01:04
rasinblancs rated this translation result as ★★★★ English → Japanese
19 Dec 2013 at 01:06