小倉慎平 (pimpshit) Translations

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About 11 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
pimpshit English → Japanese
Original Text

The ICF notes that trust and intimacy and presence are quite related competencies. Therefore, a coach will not receive a passing score for coaching presence on the ACC exam if the coach demonstrates significant interest in the coach’s view of the situation rather than exploring the client’s view of the situation, does not seek information from the client about the client’s thinking around the situation or is unresponsive to that information, does not seek information about the client’s goals regarding the situation, or is unresponsive to that information, or the attention seems to be on the coach’s own performance or demonstration of knowledge about the topic.



pimpshit English → Japanese
Original Text

the data that must accompany the work are
Title/Year/Technical/Support/Measurement/Artist and a brief description of the work and of yourself, write in a maximum of 150 words.
you can write what you prefer, what you feel, what for you is more representative, there are no constraints, this will be the text by which you want to present your work and yourself.
About exhibition only on website, no.......we are organizing something tangible and concrete and advertising on internet is a different thing, that everyone can do. we want to be a "showcase" real and not just virtual.
Which are the sizes of the paintings? To participate we must choose one of them even though they are both beautiful.


タイトル/年/技術/サポート/計測/アーティスト そして、あなたとあなたの仕事の簡潔な説明。150文字以内。
オンライン上だけの展示物について……私たちは実態的で、実質的、そして色々なことへの興味を惹きつけるもので、誰でもできるものを構成しようとしています。ヴァーチャルではなく、現実のショーケースを求みます。どれが絵のサイズか? 参加するために私たちは、どちらとも素晴らしかったとしても、どちらかを必ず選ばなければならないのです。

pimpshit English → Japanese
Original Text

Whether for revenge or for diplomacy, he must be strongly armed: he prepared a fleet and looked about for allies. From Pompeius came envoys, with offer of alliance. Failing a general compact and peace that would include Pompeius, Antonius agreed to armed co-operation. When he set sail in advance with a few ships from a port in Epirus, the fleet of Ahenobarbus, superior in strength, was descried bearing down upon them. Antonius drove on: Plancus was afraid. Ahenobarbus struck his flag and joined Antonius. He had already been secured by Pollio. Brundisium, the gate of Italy, refused to admit Antonius. He laid siege to the city. Then Pompeius showed his hand.



pimpshit English → Japanese
Original Text

6.Do not contact skin with unipolar when using of bipolar , tripolar ,hexpolar work head otherwise it will produce pulse discharge, gel paste. Ect. Products like gel maybe evaporated into a mist.
7.Do not let the laser light straightly shine upon the eyes in case of eyes hurt
Vacuum Multipolar RF
1.1)Click <1>, Adjust the mode to Vacuum.
2),Energy adjust .Click <4>,<5> for adjusting energy, <4>for decreased, <5> for increased.
3), Time adjust .Click <2>,<3> for adjusting energy, <3>for decreased, <2> for increased.
4), Mode Transfer,Click <6> first , make it to the interface for mode transfer , then click <1> to choose the mode which you like. When we do every mode.
2.Set works time, 20 minutes for each parts


2)エネルギー調節 <4>、<5>をクリックしてエネルギーを調整。<4>で減少。<5>で増加。
3)時間調節 <2>、<3>をクリックして時間調節。<3>で減少。<2>で増加。
4)モード変更 最初に<6>をクリック。モード変更のためインターフェースで接続し、それから<1>をクリックして好きなモードを選択。すべてのモードを選べます。

pimpshit English → Japanese
Original Text


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