penpen (penpen) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
penpen English → Japanese
Original Text

The scientists believe the gene works by eliminating specific proteins within brain cells that help in the onset of sleep.
The researchers also found flies with mutations lived only about two thirds as long as others.
But when the scientists eliminated the gene from neurons - allowing it to remain in the rest of the flies' bodies - this disparity was eliminated. The resulting animals slept poorly but lived just as long.
Dr Stavropoulos said: "This suggests reduced sleep can be 'uncoupled' from reduced lifespan, supporting the idea some disruptions of sleep do not effect overall health, at least as far as lifespan is concerned."



penpen English → Japanese
Original Text

Rush service for stateside orders is available upon request. A dealer will not be awarded an exclusive dealership, nor will he be allowed to use Cabela's name, trademark or slogan (World's Foremost Outfitter) in print, in advertising or in store displays without Cabela's prior written consent. However, a dealer will be allowed to reproduce pictures of merchandise bearing Cabela's name and to sell merchandise bearing Cabela's name in a retail store. A dealer may not indicate that he is a Cabela's representative, dealer, distributor or in any other way indicate that he is associated with Cabela's or representing Cabela's as an authorized agent of our trademark without Cabela's prior written consent.


アメリカ国内からの注文に関しては、希望に応じ迅速対応可能。カベラスによる文書による事前承諾なしには、ディーラーは専属特約店の地位を与えられることはなく、また、カベラスの名前、商標、スローガン(World's Foremost Outfitter/世界で最高のアウトドア用品店)を印刷したり、ショップのディスプレイに出すことは許可されない。しかし、ディーラーは、カベラスの名前入り商品の写真を複製したり、カベラスの名前入り商品を小売店で販売されることが許可される。カベラスによる文書による事前承諾なしには、ディーラーは自らがカベラスの代理店、ディーラー、販売業者であることを示してはならず、あるいは、自らがカベラスと関係が有ること、カベラスの商標を使用できる委任代理店であると名乗ることは、許可されない。

penpen English → Japanese
Original Text

This Position Statement is directed toward Dealers. Trading companies, importers, exporters and distributors are also entitled to the same dealer benefits outlined in this position statement and must abide by the regulations outlined in this statement and by further detailed agreements.

We insist that Cabela's dealers have an established retail store in their country in order to qualify for a dealership. We request that they send us a copy of their business license, license for re-sale, registration status and pictures of their retail store. This requirement enables Cabela’s to make an informed decision on the requestor’s legitimacy.




penpen English → Japanese
Original Text

Before any dealer may order from Cabela’s for resale, the attached position statement must be agreed to, signed and on file with Cabela’s. This is necessary in order to give you dealer benefits.

Please sign the attached statement and fill in the information requested on the last page. After the Position Statement is executed, please send all pages with your original signature (via scan and email is fine) a copy of your business license/registration If required in your country) and photographs of your retail establishment. If you have an order pending, it will not be processed until all information and documentation has been received and reviewed.




penpen English → Japanese
Original Text

The startup’s founder/CEO Yutaka Shinohara explains:

"As our email messaging services transition to the cloud, users became more free to use messaging without thinking about the background mess. But today, we turn to using a variety of social media, and have been forced to use different networks to reach a specific contact, in accordance with whichever network he or she belongs to. [This really means] we are no longer free. We just wanted to launch an aggregation service that allows us to use multiple social network platforms more openly."


創立者でありCEO シノハラ ユタカ 氏のコメント


penpen English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Reduced Barriers to Cross Border Trade: eBay sellers are globally competitive and regularly sell outside the U.S. The U.S. Government has the power to help continue this success by reducing unnecessary customs barriers to cross border sales. eBay sellers can lead the way for Congress and make it easier for small businesses to become active participants in the global marketplace. The eBay Inc. Government Relations team is dedicated to protecting the eBay community of users from harmful legislation in Congress and state capitals. But the real power lies within you, the community. Watch eBay CEO John Donahoe share the "power of grassroots" in this short video message.


eBayの売主は世界的に競争力があり、アメリカ以外の国とも日常的に取引をおこなっている。アメリカ政府は、越境取引で障害となる不要な関税を削減して、このように成功を収めているビジネスをさらに後押しする力があるはずだ。eBayの売主らがまずはアメリカ連邦議会への道を切り開き、小規模企業が世界市場に積極的に参加しやすくする道筋をつけることは可能だろう。eBay Inc. と政府間の関係チームは、連邦議会や州議会議事堂で制定される有害な法律からeBayのユーザーコミュニティを守ろうと必死だ。しかし、本当の力は、あなたたちコミュニティの中に存在している。このビデオメッセージでeBay CEO のJohn Donahoe氏「草の根運動の力」について語っている。是非ご覧いただきたい。

penpen English → Japanese
Original Text

Internet Sales Taxes: Small businesses and individuals using the Internet should not face new sales tax burdens. When California enacted an Internet Sales Tax law last summer, Main Street members were critical in convincing state legislators to exempt from the law all sellers with less than $1 million in sales into the state. That pro-small business provision protected nearly all eBay sellers. Now the U.S. Congress is considering a new Internet Sales Tax. Main Street members will play a pivotal role in ensuring small business protections are included in any federal law.


インターネットの売上税:ネットを利用して商売をする小企業や個人売主は、新しく導入された税負担に煩わされることはないだろう。カリフォルニア州は昨夏、インターネット取引の売上税法を成立させたが、Main Streetのメンバーは、同州内で売上が100万ドルに満たない売主は法律の適用外とするよう、州議会議員を説得するにあたり、重大な役割を果たした。小企業にやさしい条項ができたことで、eBayを利用するほぼ全ての売主は、保護されることになった。現在、アメリカ議会は新たなインターネット売上税を検討している。Main Streetのメンバーは、連邦法に小規模企業を保護する文言を盛り込むという確約を得るために、重要な役割を担うことになりそうだ。

penpen English → Japanese
Original Text

Government action can impact businesses, including eBay sellers and PayPal users. Issues like Internet Sales Taxes, online privacy, and reducing barriers to small business exports can have a real bottom-line impact. The eBay Inc. Government Relations team knows that engaged eBay users can make a powerful difference toward achieving sound government policy.

If you are not yet a member, we invite you to join the 250,000+ eBay users who comprise Main Street, eBay Inc.'s grassroots advocacy network. The Main Street community promotes government policies that protect small businesses and individual entrepreneurs. Together, eBay sellers are making a huge difference on key issues, including the following:


eBay Inc.

まだメンバー登録していなかったら、25万人以上からなるeBayに登録してみることをおすすめする。ユーザーは、eBay Inc.の市民参加支援団体ネットワークであるMain Streetを構成している。Main Streetコミュニティは、小規模企業や個人売主を保護する政策の成立を働きかけている。また、eBayの売主達は、下記に示すような主要な問題でも大きく影響を与えている。

penpen English → Japanese
Original Text

The Commission recently adopted rules to permit a category of unlicensed devices access to television (TV) broadcast frequency bands in order to provide wireless broadband services on those TV channels that are not occupied by licensed incumbent services (also known as TV white spaces).1 The rules governing the operation of such Television Band Devices (TVBDs) are codified in Subpart H of the Part 15 rules depicted in Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Objective This paper is intended to specify and document recommended measurement and validation procedures applicable to TVBDs that will provide sufficient data to demonstrate compliance to the applicable rules specified in Part 15,

