penpen (penpen) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
penpen English → Japanese
Original Text

Wonderful day makes me feel so happy that my face is numb!
So many places and people to meet, now that I've lost my job!
They say Young man, the world's your oyster
Just give me second.
I don't know why but today seems like it's gonna be a great day!
I should spend more time with my kids!
It's carpe diem, gotta seize the day, I'm gonna move to Spain and run with the bulls
And my wife and boss and kids and parents will say "We were wrong about you Dennis"
Something today makes me feel fine and fancy-free
Much of the ocean is still unexplored, how did I get up in this tree?
Any problem is solvable, we can feed the hungry and cure disease
But all of that would be a huge waste of time because we live in the matrix.



penpen English → Japanese
Original Text

Richard has spent his career thinking about these problems. He’s given it 30 years. And I gave it just a few minutes. Now, certainly he can be wrong and I could be right, but it’s better to think deeply about something first before being so certain you’re right.

There’s also a difference between asking questions and pushing back. Pushing back means you already think you know. Asking questions means you want to know. Ask more questions.

Learning to think first rather than react quick is a life long pursuit. It’s tough. I still get hot sometimes when I shouldn’t. But I’m really enjoying all the benefits of getting better.





penpen Japanese → English
Original Text

最近、「震度7」を超える大地震が東京を襲う(かもしれない)というニュースをよく見ます。しかし、この震度7の破壊力の程度を具体的に説明している資料はまだ見たことがありません。「固定していない家具のほとんどが移動したり倒れたりし、飛ぶこともある。」「壁、梁(はり)、柱などの部材に、斜めや X状のひび割れ・亀裂が多くなる。1階あるいは中間階の柱が崩れ、倒れるものが多くなる。」等が気象庁の説明ですが、具体的に揺幅が何メートルで何分揺れるという具体的な記載がなく、曖昧な感じを受けます。


Recently, we frequently see the news saying that Tokyo would be hit by a massive earthquake(s) with above level 7.0 on the Japanese scale. However, I have never found any materials that states in detail about how much destructive power the level 7.0 earthquake would have. According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, the definitions of the destructive power of such level 7.0 quakes are: "Much of unfixed furniture may move, fall down, or jump in the air.", or "More crosswise/X-shaped cracks and flaws would be seen on building components including walls, joints and pillars. Pillars of the 1st floor level or intermediate floor level might collapse, which would prevent many buildings from keeping standing.". Their indications do not give us more specific information such as the estimated width of shake or length of the quake. I think they provide us only ambiguous definitions.

penpen English → Japanese
Original Text

Product introduction
This machine has a beautiful new, easily adjustable,easy to use,the pressure balance and stability,quality,reliable,simple,lightweight footprint small,the pressure balance and stability, stamping corner clear. And compared to similar products on the market,more stable,more secure service.
This machine is major used for:Printing or hot stamping your own design,logo,pattern or texts on paper,leather,plastic,cloth,PVC cards,ect,with excellent hot foil stamping effect.
You can develop your creation by this machine, it can made your dream come true.

☆1.Install the foil paper.(For more detail,please refer to the diagram.Also.clients can cut.)
☆2.Then adjust the temperature into 100 degree



penpen English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

Use of the machine
1.Have the bronzing machine connected eith DC,rotate the temperature adjustment knob to set the temoerature of 100℃,and then turn on the power switch.
2.Put the bronzing substances on the bronzing table,and then adjust the location ruler of the bronzing table to make the bronzing substances placed on the proper location of the heat conductive rudder or electric aluminum template with the bronzing surface facing up.

☆First cut the adhesive pare in the size which you need.Tear off the back paper(white)
then stick the high-temperature adhesive paper(yellow) onto the stamping plate.
Insert the material which need to be stamp, then pull the handle. And it done.




penpen English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

5.Pressure and bronzing time:The too dark bronzing lines indicate that surface pressure is too large, while the too light even incomplete bronzing lines suggest that the surface pressure is too small; and if the bronzing time is too long, the bronzing coloring will be beyond the mark, even become indistinct, while if the bronzing time is too short,the coloring will not be uniform.The smooth surface of prints requires a smaller pressure and a shorter bronzing time, while the rough surface of prints requires a larger pressure and a longer bronzing time

☆1.To stack the foil paper on the paper stand with the colorful surface 1 acing up.Move the foil paper along the clock direction.



*1 箔紙をペーパースタンドに保管する際には、色のついた面を上にしてください。箔紙を時計回りに動かしてください。

penpen English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

4. When the temperature control indicator light becomes green,use hands to move the handle to make the surface of the heat conductive rubber or electric aluminum template contacted fully with the surface of the bronzing substance.The required temperature varied from the different bronzing papers, if the temperature is too high,the boundary of the colored lines may be beyond the mark,even become indistinct, while if the temperature is not enough high, the coloring may not be uniform.For this arrangement,the temperature shall be adjusted according to the bronzing effect
☆2.Move around the lower end of the front location road and cross over the bronzing table.Then move round the lower end of the front location rod


