penpen (penpen) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
penpen English → Japanese
Original Text

I would be happy to sell it to you for $500.00 plus shipping. I will need to figure out how to do it. I will contact ebay and see if they have any suggestions or if you know how just let me know.

Disney Bear, pre Duffy bear in used condition. Comes with booklet in plastic sleeve and other tag.

Bear is exactly as shown in pictures. There is a small spot re-sewn above bears left eye.

Please let us send invoice before paying.

Payment is paypal, please pay within 3 days of auction end. There is a 3 day return policy with refund of product cost only. Returns will only be accepted within 3 days of receipt of products. Anything beyond 3 days will be assessed a 25% restocking fee.



Disney Bearのpre Duffy bear、中古品です。パンフレット付き、プラスチックスリーブ包装で、タグも付いています。




penpen English → Japanese
Original Text

ALL the batteries have arrived and I have a new quote for the shipment charges from UPS. I can put 20 lbs. in a box for $90 (as opposed to $60.95 for USPS). Would you be willing to split the difference of the shipping charges with me? I will lower the value of the batteries to reduce the taxes at your end. I will pack 2 boxes of each battery BSL1830, BSL1430 and EB1214S and put as many as possible in each box to stay under the 20# weight limit. Would you still like me to ship only $2500 in value per day?
I do not know if I will be able to hold to this rate moving forward but it will continue to apply the these shipments. I have 40 - EB1830, 80 – EB1430 and 40 – EB1214S batteries here on hold for you.


バッテリーは全て到着しました。また、UPSから送料について新しい見積書を入手しました。重量20ポンドの荷物1箱で$90です(ちなみにUSPSでは$60.95です)。送料の差額を別で請求したほうがよろしいですか?貴方の支払う税を抑えるため、バッテリーの金額を低目に記入しておきます。BSL1830、BSL1430 、EB1214Sそれぞれを2箱に、20ポンドを超えない範囲でできるだけたくさん入れておきます。発送は1日につき$2500分だけというのは、今もそのようにご希望ですか?
レートは変動しているのでこのレートで今後も対応できるかどうかわかりませんが、これらの荷物に関しては、これで申請するつもりです。EB1830 40個、EB1430 80個、EB1214S 40個の在庫を貴方用在庫として、お取り置きしております。

penpen English → Japanese
Original Text

Reality: The CEOs who have not been successful can tell you that a plan without the right execution is just that – an unrealized plan. Steve Jobs deserves the accolades that he gets but much credit also go towards the exceptional folks put in place who worked on aspects including software development, sourcing for manufacturers, etc.

Without execution, a vision is just a dream.
5.You need to fail many times before you succeed

Words often said to encourage those who have not succeeded, or worse, failed previously and continue to do so. CEOs have indeed failed at times along the path to success and proudly show their “battle scars” to the adoring audience, shareholders and business school students.





penpen Japanese → English
Original Text



It has been 1 year since the massive earthquake. When I considered what could be done as a photographer, I found it was to go around the devastated area to record "the present situation" of Kendo players there. Although originally I planed to compose the records into a digital book to deliver global Kendo players, I gave up the idea as it was very difficult for me as an individual to make it a reality. However, a magazine "Kendo Jidai" became interested in my idea and it was introduced in an article of its September issue. Now when it has been 1 year since the earthquake, I visited Kendo players living in Northeast area again to take their current figures. I will upload the records taken last year and this year about the Kendo players on FB every day, which I could not do last year. I would like to share my report with every Kendo family member all over the world.

penpen English → Japanese
Original Text

I have got in contact with our representative in Japan. I have asked him if he can get in contact with you as soon as possible, with a bit more information.

If you have any other enquiries please feel free to reply to this email or call one of our friendly Customer Care Advisors at 1-800-835-4386 (from within the US or Canada) or 1-860-749-0706 (from outside the US or Canada). We are available Monday through Friday from 8AM - 10PM EST and Saturday through Sunday from 10AM to 6PM EST. Please have your reference number handy if you need to get in touch with us: 030645903A

as this may lead to a long delay in responding to you. Please note that we cannot accept any email attachments at this time.



営業時間は月曜日から金曜日は、午前8時から午後10時(東部標準時)、土日は午前10時から午後6時(東部標準時)となっております。ご連絡の際には、お客様番号をご記入ください: 030645903A


penpen English → Japanese
Original Text

Front-runner Mitt Romney won six states on Super Tuesday, including the grand prize of Ohio...
...which is crucial to the Republican nomination, says the Washington Post.
But he only won narrowly in Ohio and thus failed to pull away for good from Rick Santorum, who won three states.
The Wall Street Journal says that the close results in Ohio quote, "illustrated Romney's vulnerabilities as a front-runner."
The New York Times says Santorum's three victories highlighted divisions within the Republican Party.
Still, Romney's six victories advanced his claim for the Republican nominations says USA Today.
His wins led him to say that he was counting the days until November.

