mura (mura) Translations

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Over 13 years ago
English Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mura English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 100-2
Despite Gates' reputation as a visionary, a criticism often made of Microsoft was that the company was not a great innovator, and simply raided the ideas of others - converting them into Microsoft products. Windows, Microsoft's PC operating system, for example, is still seen by many as an imitation of Apple's Macintosh software.

The company has also been accused of a predatory attitude towards its partners. Microsoft has been described as 'the fox that takes you across the river and then eats you? But according to one industry insider, most of the criticism is sour grapes on the part of its competitors.


PAGE 100-2

mura English → Japanese
Original Text

It's 2012 now: Happy new year! And the year isn't the only thing that's new. YYY is undergoing a huge change, and we have lots of new announcements to make. We've got a new website, redesigned from scratch; the first semester of the ZZスクール with three brand-new classes; and the new Ensemble's first ever public performance!

Even YYY itself is being renewed: we're in the process of registering as an NPO Hojin. The papers are in, and we're waiting for the results.

So I apologize for the sheer length of this newsletter. As you can see, there are many annoucements to make, and I hope you will take the time to look at each one, as each one represents months of hard work, not just for me, but for the entire YYY team.





mura English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 25-1
By the late 1970s, Microsoft was already licensing its software to a variety of customers. In 1977, Gates supplied software for Tandy, but it also licensed BASIC 6502 to Apple for the Apple II Computer. Microsoft went on to work with many of the other leading computer companies. This suited Bill Gates' purposes perfectly. Microsoft was already beginning to set the industry standard with its software. It was this strategy that he continued with MS-DOS, persuading as many PC makers as possible to license the system and distribute it in their computers.


PAGE 25-1

1970年代後半までにマイクロソフトはすでにそのソフトウエアーを多くの顧客にライセンス貸与していた。1977年にゲイツはTandyにソフトウエアを供給したが、またBASIC 6502もアップルIIコンピューター用にアップルにライセンス貸与した。マイクロソフトは多くの他の大手コンピューター会社と提携し続けた。これはビル・ゲイツの目的にぴったりとかなっていた。マイクロソフトはそのソフトウエアでもって業界基準をすでに確立し始めつつあった。MS-DOSに関して彼が用い続けたのはこの戦略だった。できる限り多くのPCメーカーに、このシステムライセンスを使うよう、そしてシステムを彼らのコンピューター中に入れるよう説き伏せた。

mura English → Japanese
Original Text


You may translate our articles into languages other than English, free of charge, without prior notice, and without soliciting our written permission, under the following conditions:

Your publication must be freely available. You may not sell ALA content that you have translated.
You must faithfully translate the article as written. Except for minor issues of vernacular, you may not alter the author’s meaning.
You must link to the original web page at A List Apart in which the article appeared, and must credit the magazine and the original author[s]. You may not claim to have written the material yourself. (But you know that.)



作品が載っているウエブオリジナルページのA Kist Apartにリンクして雑誌と著者の著作権を保証しなければならない。作品を自分が書いたもとの主張してはならない。(承知のことではあろうが)

mura English → Japanese
Original Text

Presented below is the terminology Yokohama Theatre uses to describe aspects of our work in Theatre. A shared terminology helps us be precise when we discuss Theatre-related matters with each other.


Play: Sometimes represented by a script, a play is a story which can be turned into a Project.

Project: An iteration of a Play, including the Show, all documentation (playbills, posters, web posts, video, etc.) generated in its creation. A project may include items produced for public consumption long after the Show is complete. For example: a comic-book adaptation, or a recording of a performance.

Show: The on-stage portion of a Project; all of the performances.

Performance: A single performance of a Show.


下記は横浜劇場(Yokohama Theather)が劇場での我々の仕事で使っている専門用語です。用語を共有すると、劇場に関連することを話しあう時に双方に正確に伝わります。





mura English → Japanese
Original Text


Go to ZZZ station. Exit the station and turn left. Walk past the Yoshinoya and cross the big street. As seen in the image above, the building has a blue awning that reads 観音ビル and is right beside a convenience store.

神奈川新町 station is on the 京急線 between 川崎 and 横浜, under 30分 from 品川 and about 5分 from 横浜. The 観音ビル is also within a 10分 walk of 東神奈川 station on the 横浜線.

If the front door is closed, there is another entrance on the north side of the building which should be open.


Q. Where is the money coming from currently?
A. Our reserves.


Q. How much does it cost?
A. To sponsor a single weekday rehearsal costs 3000円. A single weekend rehearsal costs 6000円. A month’s sponsorship is 54,000円



神奈川新町は、京急線の川崎と横浜の中間にあり、品川から30分弱、横浜から約5分です。 観音ビルはまた横浜線東神奈川駅から徒歩でも行けます。10分以内です。

Q 現在の資金はどこから来ているのですか?
A 我々自身の資金です。

Q どれくらいかかりますか?
A 週一回週日リハーサルでは3000円、週末一回で6000円、月謝では54,000円です。

mura English → Japanese
Original Text

Here are volunteer and internship opportunities that are coming up soon...

Learn the key components of acting with text!

Learn how to harness the power of your own unique voice!

Learn about fully using your entire being as a performer!

Interested in keeping up with events? Signing up for a workshop? Or volunteering for us? Sign up for our mailing lists by clicking ::HERE::.

Otherwise, just fill out the form below to get in touch with us!

What Happens Here?
Workshop classes and rehearsals.

The KK building near ZZ station is an old factory partially repurposed as rehearsal/workshop space. Our classroom is on 2F, room 201. The building is a 3 minute walk from the exit of the station.






イベントを行うのは好きですか?ワークショップに応募するのは?それともボランティアでわれわれに協力してくれますか? ・・・HERE・・・ここをクリックして我々のメーリングリストにサインアップしてください。




mura English → Japanese
Original Text

Students of this course will learn the basics of acting through working on a short, scripted piece. Students will be introduced to a number of basic acting concepts and techniques.


This page contains a list of the classes we will offer in the first semester of 2012.

The dates for the spring semester have been set, and dates for the summer semester will be set in March. Please check back or ::CLICK HERE:: to sign up for our newsletter and stay informed.


Instructor Graig Russell will take students on a journey through the landscape of their own voices, allowing them to discover it in a natural way.


There are many ways you can contribute financially or in-kind to Yokohama Theatre. Here are a few...


春季学期の日程が決まりました。夏季学期の日程は三月に決定されます。ニュースレター配布による情報提供ご希望の応募には、当方にご連絡いただくか、ここ・・・・・CLICK HERE・・・・をクリックしてください。

インストラクターのGraig Russellさんが、生徒を各々自身の音声の風景への旅に案内して自然な方法で自分自身を発見させてくれます。


mura English → Japanese
Original Text

こんにちは、thegolfhabit さん。


BRAND NEW TaylorMade TOUR PREFERRED CB IRONS 3-PW S300 (200691183775)
BRAND NEW TaylorMade TOUR PREFERRED CB IRONS 4-AW S300 (200691200040)
BRAND NEW TaylorMade TOUR PREFERRED CB IRONS 4-AW S300 (310367116241)

BRAND NEW TaylorMade TOUR PREFERRED CB IRONS 3-PW S300 (200691183775)
がシャフトが「DYNAMIC GOLD XP S300 STIFF」ではなく「TP-90 FUJIKURA」が装着されたクラブが届きました。





Dear thegolfhabit:

I have won bits for your items many times.
Other day also I won your three iron-sets, which I received here in Japan.
Among them, however, one set has an improper shaft.
The three items I got this time are:
BRAND NEW TaylorMade TOUR PREFERRED CB IRONS 3-PW S300 (200691183775)
BRAND NEW TaylorMade TOUR PREFERRED CB IRONS 4-AW S300 (200691200040)
BRAND NEW TaylorMade TOUR PREFERRED CB IRONS 4-AW S300 (310367116241)

Among them, the item BRAND NEW TaylorMade TOUR PREFERRED CB IRONS 3-PW S300 (200691183775) was accompanied by a shaft “TP-90 FUJIKURA” not the proper “DYNAMIC GOLD XP S300 STIFF”.

Please let me know how I can respond to this situation.

I would like to buy much more golf clubs from you hereafter. (If possible, I want to do direct transaction with you to buy more items.)

I am looking forward to having your rapid contact.