玉米 (mujinam) Translations

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About 14 years ago Male 50s
Chinese (Traditional) Japanese (Native) Chinese (Simplified) English
Medical Music Culture Science Hospitals and Healthcare Patents
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mujinam Japanese → French
Original Text




mujinam English → Japanese
Original Text

Dr. Benjamin D. Medoff: May we review the imaging
Dr. Gerald F. Abbott: A view of the left shoulder
from a chest radiograph obtained on the day of
the patient’s first admission to this hospital shows
a sharply defined, radiolucent lytic lesion in the
left scapula (Fig. 1A). A CT image from the PET–
CT study, performed 6 weeks earlier, shows a
sharply defined lytic lesion with a “punched-out”
appearance (Fig. 1B). A PET study showed intense
18F-FDG uptake in the lesion (Fig. 1C). An unenhanced
axial CT scan of the distal shaft of the
right femur, performed at the time of the CTguided
biopsy, shows a similar sharply defined
lucent defect in the cortex of the femur (Fig. 1D).


ドクター・ジェラルド・F・アボット:この患者の来院した日の初診で得られた胸部から左肩までのレントゲン写真では、放射線透過性の溶解性の病変がはっきりと認められます(図1A)。6週間前のPET-CTからのCT画像では、「打ち抜き像(穿孔)」のようなはっきりした溶解性の病変が見られます(図1B)。PETの報告書からは、18F- FDGの病変部への激しい取り込みを認めます(図1C)。CTガイドによる生検のときに同時に行われた、右大腿骨の遠位シャフトの非造影横断断層CTスキャン(単純CT)によると、大腿骨の皮質に同じようにはっきりと半透明の欠損が見られます(図1D)。

mujinam English → Japanese
Original Text

A chest radiograph obtained on the patient’s first admission to this hospital shows subtle, fine
reticulonodular opacities in both lungs that appear
to spare the costophrenic sulci (Fig. 2A). An
axial image from the chest CT performed on the
second admission (Fig. 2B) shows small, irregular
pulmonary nodules that measure 2 to 3 mm in
diameter. Several nodules appear to be cavitated,
with small central areas of low attenuation, and
some appear centrilobular in distribution. Small
cysts of various sizes are also seen in both lungs.
The small nodules and cysts predominantly involve
the upper and middle zones of the lungs
and appear to spare the lung bases and costophrenic



mujinam Japanese → English
Original Text



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