monagypsy Translations

ID Unverified
About 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

This shows the competitiveness of the Chinese market, and as such, in order to build brand recognition and remain relevant, companies need to have huge advertising budgets to expand rapidly.

On top of that, the group buying market in China has evolved. The group buying business model is now not unique to pure group buying firms. There is an increasing trend of major e-commerce firms integrating group buying into their services, with big players in the different sub fields such as, Vancl(Clothes & Apparels) and Ctrip(tourism) integrating group buying as one of their sales models. This expands the playing field for the entire industry, therefore driving further competition.




monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Foreign Entrepreneurs in China Should Be Aware – Part 2

Following on from my previous post, “Foreign Entrepreneurs in China Should Be Aware – Part 1” I will expand upon more of Bowei’s presentation. I got in touch with Bowei who kindly updated his slides.

In the last post, I wrote about the allure of China’s size and opportunity that shines so brightly it sometimes blinds foreign entrepreneurs who think they can easily set up shop and sell something that people will buy. Like everywhere else, doing business is hard. Doing business in China is even harder. There are some things you just won’t get until you come here, experience, learn, accept and adapt.





monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Competition is very much a factor start-ups must consider when entering a market. Do you believe you can beat them? If not, then why do it? Bowei touched on some good points that I will elaborate on:

1. Endless competition – does it matter?

Bowei noted that in America, there are usually only a handful of competitors that really dominate the market. Of course China has its key market players, but the amount of smaller competitors can be in the 1,000’s!

In China, as a result of its massive size, low barriers to entry, lack of intellectual property laws many start-ups attempt to attack the big players all the time. That’s why there are over 5,000 Groupon clones and 100+ Android app stores.






monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

So they scrapped together an average site with poor operational processes but failed to think and plan carefully about building a solid and sustainable business first. So even if you hear a number like 5,000 clones of course it will be harder to stand out, but put that number in context of serious competitors.

2. Competition is vicious, many are unethical, and some are illegal – are you willing to play?

Due to the high amount of competitors and strong drive to win in China, often people feel pressured to compromise ethics and do whatever it takes. It is questionable whether people really feel an ethical dilemma. China is such a different place culturally, that some things are just seen as normal.





monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Bowei referred to practices of buying customers, paying people to write good reviews about them or bad reviews about their competitors and even faking user activity and sales. I have heard stories where companies will pay PR agencies to do the dirty work for them. I also wrote about group buying sites, faking numbers before to things look more popular or create a sense of urgency. Why this happens is a very complex issue and I don’t really know why.

I’m not trying to generalize and say foreigners are more ethical than Chinese, but I am saying that you need to be aware of some of the practices that happen here.




monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Either you can stick to your moral values and do everything legitimately or you may also feel pressure to bend them in order to compete. There is also potential for being in China to influence the way you think and behave.

3. Big US internet giants become road kill in China – need a local partner?

Bowei refers to some of the most famous and classic examples of American tech giants that have failed to assert themselves in China. The likes of Google, Yahoo, Ebay, Twitter, Facebook have failed to make a serious footprint in China. Bowei makes it clear that of course some companies had no chance before they even started due to government regulation, which prevents their service from working in China.





monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

A good example of this is with Facebook, where Ren Ren, the Chinese clone is virtually a replica of Facebook in Chinese and many Chinese people have never heard of Facebook. So with this kind of government ‘tariff’ that is preventing outside competition from coming in, local companies have an open battlefield to rumble in.

For a foreigner wanting to succeed in China, many experienced entrepreneurs and investors advise that you need a local Chinese partner (when I say foreigner, I am including overseas born Chinese). The reasoning is fairly obvious. Locals inherently understand the culture, they naturally communicate in Chinese, and they have a better chance of getting connected.




monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Follow these nine tips to make your website design and customer service more approachable, and thus, gain the trust of more customers.

Go with the Flow

Website usability is built on convention. Follow tried and true design strategies to ensure that your users can move through your site as easily as possible. Remember, the less effort, the better.

・Use the words “Contact Us.” It may sound boring or generic, but the phrase works. (There’s a reason exit signs don’t use the words “leave” or “depart.”) People don’t read your site — they scan — and they’ve been trained over time to instantly recognize those two words.






monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

・Place contact info and phone number at the top, right corner of the page, where it’s expected. Also, make sure to include your phone number as an HTML, not an image. That way, a mobile user can tap the phone number link and launch into a call immediately. When mobile browsing eclipses desktop browsing in two years, nearly everyone will need that instant access. While you open yourself up to potential spamming, the benefits certainly outweigh the risks.

Make It Easy

A user must already overcome an internal battle in order to share her personal contact information. Your job is to remove as many obstacles as possible so that she makes the leap.



