monagypsy Translations

ID Unverified
About 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

eBay has strict policies related to members' contact information. More information on these policies and reporting violations can be found at the following address:
If you feel your telephone number is being used for harassment, contact your phone company to report the situation. If you receive calls that threaten your property or personal safety, you may also report the incident to your local law enforcement agency
eBay takes its members' privacy seriously. Your contact details are only ever shared in accordance with eBay's Privacy Policy. For example, to help facilitate transactions or to allow other members to contact you.



monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Sound familiar? Yeah, InMobi (under Sprout) and 2359 Media (under MobDis) also provide similar self-service mobile ad management solutions and both are also ORMAA friendly and fighting for market share in Asia.

When asked about Crisp’s hiring and expansion plans in Singapore, Tom Limongello, VP of Marketing of the company told me that they plan to hire three to five team members in 2012 in Singapore who will focus on serving brand advertisers in the Asia Pacific region. Besides sales, the Singapore team will also focus on R&D and product development. Limongello shared more about Crisp Media’s plans in Asia:



Crispのシンガポールにおける雇用と拡大プランについて尋ねた時、会社のマーケティングのVPであるTom Limongelloは私に、彼らはシンガポールにおいて2012年にアジア太平洋地域においてブランドの広告主に使えることを焦点に置く3から5のチームメンバーを雇用するつもりであると話した。セールスの他にも、シンガポールチームはR&Dと製品開発にも焦点を当てる。LimongelloはアジアにおけるCrisp Mediaの計画について更に共有してくれた:

monagypsy English → Japanese
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"Our plan for 2012 is to focus on regional opportunities in Singapore as well as local opportunities in China, Korea and Japan, and to that end members of the Crisp team have made trips to those countries recently to meet with agencies, ad networks, media reps and publishers."

That’s nice to hear! But InMobi seems to be a step ahead in Asia. It has bagged $200 million (led by Japan’s Softbank) and has also recently set up an office in China. Plus, InMobi already has a strong presence in the APAC region. Then again, Asia is surely big enough for more players to enter into this dog fight.




monagypsy English → Japanese
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Meanwhile things are getting a little worrying for Singapore-based 2359 Media which has only launched MobDis three months ago. Since then, we haven’t heard many updates from the company.

Limongello also told me some factors that motivated Crisp to set up a base in Asia and not in Europe: he said that Asia is a larger and less fragmented market. Labor cost is also much more affordable here in Asia than in Europe. “You can develop Europe from US but not Asia,” he added.

Plus, Crisp also manages global customers in its New York office, including the Wall Street Journal and Microsoft who want ad campaigns done in Asia too.


同時に、たった3か月前にMobDisをローンチしたシンガポールを拠点とする2359 Mediaは、少し気がかりな様相になっている。それ以来、私達はその会社からあまりアップデートを聞いていない。


更に、Crispはそのニューヨークオフィスに、アジアの居て広告キャンペーンを行いたいWall Street JournalやMicrosoftを含むグローバルな顧客を管理してもいる。

monagypsy English → Japanese
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But with that said, we’re still humbly building our network and learning the ropes as we blog along. I don’t think any blog out there has the balls to claim that they know everything tech in China.

(And for the record, there’s no such thing as the “Michael Arrington of Asia.” And no one should aim to be that either — Live your own legacy!)

So the bottomline is that, like any small startup, we have to focus on things we do best and make an impact. Sure, we have a lot of aspirations to do this and that. But our current resources wouldn’t allow us to realize them — So yeahhh, for editorial content China is our focus, along with startups across Asia.



(そして、記録に残すために、「アジアのMichael Arrington」なるものはない。そして、誰もそれを目指すべきではない-あなた自身の遺産で生きるべきだ!)


monagypsy English → Japanese
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Those are believed to cause more damage to urbanites’ lungs than the larger pollutants that are indexed by the older system that the authorities here use. And so the EPA-backed PM2.5 measure is controversial as it gives a truer picture of what’s in Beijing’s soupy “fog.”

The app’s name in English – DirtyBeijing – is a bit risky too, though its Chinese moniker translates to the more bland “Beijing air pollution index.” The app is a bit basic, with only one screen, but it’s still brand-new and just at version 1.0. At the moment it just has two graphs, the PM2.5 read-out, and two pieces of advice for those who’re venturing outdoors – including whether its advisable to wear a mask.




monagypsy English → Japanese
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First, he points out that he would be distracted by trying to woo all the girls with pretty avatars who made positive comments on his posts. With all the seeking through their Weibo accounts to find pictures and such, he’d have no time to write full articles. This is meant to be tongue-in-cheek, but Han does have a reputation as a playboy and his writings have been accused of betraying a pretty sexist attitude on more than a few occasions, so I suspect there’s more truth to this than Han meant to suggest.

He also notes, “I am a vain man,” and Weibo certainly offers enough feedback that a vain celebrity could get lost in the endless string of comments, retweets, and (for him) pretty avatar photos.




monagypsy English → Japanese
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His real issue with Weibo and microblogging, though, is that its extreme speed, while an advantage when spreading breaking news, is also a weakness. His essay concludes with a story:

"Last week I was racing, and I didn’t have time to go online. On Monday, after the race was over, I opened up Weibo on the car ride home. I saw a friend of mine was writing about a tragedy that had happened a week ago. He said he’d been thinking carefully about it for seven or eight days, had read through relevant materials, and that he felt perhaps it was this way [i.e., he expressed his opinion on the tragedy]. His analysis made a lot of sense, and I really approved of it.




monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Usually this friend has many people retweeting his posts, but this one only had a few dozen retweets, and one of the first comments was: “How are there people still talking about this, this event [the tragedy] is already old [outdated].”"

If you can stomach his braggadocio bullshit about wooing pretty girls, as usual Han’s article makes a good point. News of tragic events that might previously have been censored in China now spreads quickly on Weibo, but it also disappears just as quickly, leaving time only for snap-judgements and pithy witticisms and punishing users who attempt to use it as a forum for deeper analysis.




monagypsy English → Japanese
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DeNA Taps Vietnamese Game Studio VNG to Make Mobile Social Games for Mobage

The Japanese company DeNA (TYO:2432) has announced this afternoon that it is tapping a Vietnamese games studio called VNG to bring new social games onto Mobage, DeNA’s global social gaming platform. VNG is one of Vietnam’s largest web companies, with 1,500 employees at present.

With this tie-up, DeNA will provide support for VNG in its production of new games that will be distributed on the Mobage platform. The aim is to create at least three new social games for smartphones on Mobage in 2012. It has not been revealed how much an investment and/or renumeration this entails.



