monagypsy Translations

ID Unverified
About 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

But Stephanie Yeo, Head of Marketing and Communications at SCCP told me no. She said that SCCP has been working on R&D for more than a year but Square was the first to bring it to the market.

Square follows the B2C model, meaning it allows consumers to consumers to pay through its system… which is why some folks thought it has the potential to be a good payment system for prostitution business.

On the other hand, Swiff focuses on business accounts. Stephanie explained that only companies with proper registration and corporate bank accounts will be able to use Swiff. Square only accepts U.S based banks but Swiff as described by Stephanie is “neutral to all banks.” She added:


しかし、SCCPでマーケティングとコミュニケーションの責任者であるStephanie Yeoは私に、そうではないと話した。彼女は、SCCPは1年以上もR&Dに従事しているが、Squareがそれを市場に最初に持ち込んだと述べた。



monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Social Games Big in Asia, But How are They Doing in India?

We’ve written much here on this blog about social gaming in Asia, particularly in China and Japan. But we don’t hear too much about the social gaming space in India. Today we’re hearing from MOL, Asia’s leading e-payment provider for games and social networks, that social gaming is ‘experiencing huge growth’ in that country.

MOL India says about half of the nation’s Facebook users play social games. They say that this is about 10 million social gamers, although user metrics for Facebook are never easy to nail down (SocialBakers says 38 million total right now).

Ganesh Kumar Bangah, MOL’s CEO further explains:




MOL Indiaは、国の約半分のFacebookユーザーがソーシャルゲームをプレイしていると言う。彼らは、これはおよそ1000万ユーザーであるというが、Facebookのユーザーメトリックを得るのは簡単ではない(SocialBakersは現在の合計は3800万と述べている)。

MOLのCEO、Ganesh Kumar Bangahは更に説明する:

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Multiply Indonesia Cuts Delivery Fees to Zero, But for a Limited Time

Multiply, which was launched back in March of this year to bring social commerce to Indonesia, has cut its delivery fees to all across Indonesia to zero. The free delivery service promo is supported by JNE, a local delivery service.

There are some conditions, however. The free delivery offer will be valid only for the ‘Buy Now’ – or in Indonesian, ‘Beli Sekarang’ – items, and only when using the Multiply payment platform. The minimum transaction will be IDR 100,000 ($11) and the maximum delivery fee that will be paid by Multiply is also IDR 100,000. The offer runs from November 11 until February 29, 2012.


Multiply Indonesiaは配送料をゼロにするが、期限付きである。


しかしながら、いくつかの制約がある。無料配送の提供は、「今すぐ購入」-もしくはインドネシアにおいて、「Beli Sekarang」-アイテムのみに有効であり、Multiply支払いプラットフォームを利用時のみに有効である。最低取引はIDR100,000($11)で、Multiplyによって支払われる最大の配送料もまたIDR100,000である。サービスの提供は11月11日から2012年2月29日までである。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Geeks + iTwin = :D

I’m excited to announce that we have iTwin coming on board as a sponsor for Startup Asia Singapore. We had announced that the first 50 registrants would receive a somewhat geeky gift (in fact, we’re also offering it to the next fifty registrants as well) and here it is, as promised.

iTwin is a reinvented form of thumbdrive that allows secure and wireless file-sharing between two computers anywhere in the world. With an iTwin you do not need to hand your files over to a third-party server. They stay with you and are shared PC to PC.

For its innovative design and engineering, iTwin was recently feted by CES and Popular Science. Some benefits and features:



Startup Asia SingaporeのスポンサーとしてiTwinが参加する事を発表することに興奮している。最初の50人の登録者は、いわゆるギーク的なギフト(実際、私達は次の50人の登録者にも提供している)を得ると発表し、こちらが私達の約束であり・


その革新的なデザインとエンジニアリングのため、iTwinは最近CEOとPopular Scienceによってお祝いされた。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

The real-time nature of Twitter is a perfect fit for the film and television industries, as it allows fans, stars and producers to engage and converse together.

Beyond just the conversation, let’s look at some other ways that the film and television industries are using Twitter.

1. Premiering Content

One of the more interesting uses of Twitter in recent months has been as a platform to distribute content.

Paramount kicked things off back in March when it released the first trailer for Super 8 on Twitter.

The UK arm of the studio has followed up on the trend, releasing trailers for Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol and Puss in Boots trailers.







スタジオのイギリス部門は、そのトレンドに続き、ミッションインポッシブル:ゴーストプロトコル、Puss in Bootsのトレーラーをリリースした。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Earlier this month, Sundance Channel distributed the premiere episode of the second season of its show, Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys not on iTunes, but on Twitter.

With the ability for video embeds to appear in stream, Twitter can be an ideal way to distribute content that is not only watchable, but easily sharable.

2. Second Screen Apps

Second screen apps are a major trend shaping the future of media, especially when it comes to bridging social and entertainment.

Twitter’s role in the social conversation aspect of social TV makes it a slam dunk for use with second screen apps designed around a movie or TV show.


今月初め、サンダンスチャンネルはGirls Who Like Boys Who Like Boysのセカンドシーズンの第一話 をiTunesではなくTwitterで配布した。





monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

TVplus powers Disney’s excellent second screen app for The Lion King, as well as the official Xtra Factor app for The X Factor. Both apps make use of Twitter alongside the content that users are seeing from the show or movie itself.

3. Connecting With Fans

Increasingly, film and television stars — as well as writers and producers — are using Twitter as a way to engage with fans.

During November Sweeps, CBS ran a “Social Sweep Week” campaign that let CBS stars take over the social media accounts of their respective shows. That means the stars themselves were tweeting from official Twitter accounts and communicating with fans.


TV plusは、ライオンキングのためのディズニーの優秀なセカンドスクリーンアプリとしの機能を提供するとともに、X factorのための公式Xtra Factorアプリの機能を提供する。両アプリは、Twitterと一緒に、番組や映画自体からユーザーが見ているコンテンツを使用する。




monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

It’s becoming essential for directors and stars to engage with fans on Twitter, especially when building up buzz for a new project. Bridesmaids director Paul Feig spoke with Mashable back in May about the importance of using his own social graph to connect with fans.

4. Being Part of the Show

For us, what really excites us about social entertainment is the way that social tools can be used to actually augment or add to the experience surrounding a television show or movie.

With TV, we’re seeing this happen with live competition shows like The Voice and The X Factor. Both shows make significant use of Twitter during the show itself and in allowing fans to vote.


特に新しいプロジェクトを広める時、Twitterでファンと交流するのはディレクターとスターに必要不可欠な事となっている。Bridesmaids監督のPaul Feigは、ファンと繋がるために彼のソーシャルグラフを利用することの重要性を、今年の5月にMashableと共に話した。



テレビで、私達はVoiceやX Facotorのようなライブコンペ番組でこれが行われているのを見ている。両番組は、番組放送中にTwitterでファンに投票をさせている。