monagypsy Translations

ID Unverified
About 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Tencent To Build Chinese Site for Barcelona Football Club

Tencent (HKG:0700) has been very good at bringing celebrities on board its Internet services. But recently, the Chinese Internet giant seems laser-focused on sports celebrities. After recently landing Cristiano Ronaldo, we learned that it has decided to bring an entire Football club to its range of Internet products. That football team is none other than FC Barcelona, one of the largest and most successful teams in the world.

In the agreement, Tencent is tasked to develop a Chinese site for FC Barcelona. Tencent will also help FC Barcelona to create a digital presence on QQ, Qzone, Pengyou, and Tencent Weibo.



Tencent(JKG:0700)は、そのインターネットサービスにセレブリティーを呼び込むことに長けている。しかし最近、中国のインターネットジャイアントは、スポーツ界のセレブりティーに的を絞っているようだ。最近Cristiano Ronaldoを獲得した後、Tencentがフットボールクラブ全体をそのインターネット製品にすることを決定したと知った。そのフットボールチームは、FC Barcelonaにほかならぬ、世界で最大で、最も成功しているチームの一つである。

契約において、TencentはFC Barcelonaの中国語サイトを開発することが課されている。Tencentはまた、QQ、Qzone、Pengyou、Tencent WeiboでFC Barcelonaがデジタルプレゼンスをつくる助けも行う。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Users can expect to see FC Barcelona branded mobile games and apps soon with this agreement. However, the content will be vetted through the football club before going live.

It is a win-win situation for both parties. FC Barcelona obviously wants to have more influence and reach in China. While Tencent can provide users with FC Barcelona-related content in Chinese.

This move could also help to reanimate many dead accounts who are fans and want to follow FC Barcelona news. And of course, it’s a “muhaha” moment for Tencent as it adds yet another big, recognizable brand to its range of products, especially Tencent Weibo.


ユーザーは、この契約と共にFC Barcelonaブランドのモバイルゲームとアプリをもうすぐ見ることができるだろう。しかしながら、コンテンツはライブの前にフットボールクラブを通して点検される。

それは、両者にとって有利な状況である。FC Barcelonaは中国においてより影響力をもち、浸透したいと願っている。一方で、Tencentはユーザーに中国語でFC Barceronaに関するコンテンツを提供することができる。

この動きは、ファンやFC Barcelonaのニュースをフォローしたい多くの人々の放置アカウントを蘇生させる助けにもなるだろう。そしてもちろん、それはTencentがまた別の大きく、知名度のあるブランドを、とりわけTencent Weiboにその製品に取り込めたことによって、Tencentにとって「muhaha」な瞬間である。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

I believe FC Barcelona will not be allowed to have an account on Sina Weibo if there’s an exclusivity clause attached to the agreement.

Interestingly, Dídac Lee, the director of new technology at FC Barcelona explained that this is the first time Tencent has signed “an agreement with global reach.” Indeed it seems to have made Lee a very happy man. He added:

[Tencent’s] executives have told us how satisfied they are, not only because we are a great Club, but because we also share common values.

(I wonder what those common values are?)

I’m looking forward to seeing how Tencent executes their digital promotion of FC Barcelona in China through its digital channels.


独占条項が契約に盛り込まれている場合、FC BarceronaはSina Weiboのアカウントを持つ事を了承しないと思う。

興味深い事に、FC BarcelonaのニューテクノロジーのディレクターのDídac Leeは、これはTencentの初めての「海外展開での契約」であると説明した。実際、それはLeeをとても幸せにしているようである。彼は付け加えた:



私は、Tencentがそのデジタルチャンネルを通して中国でどのようにFC Barcelonaのデジタルプロモーションを実行するのかを見る事を楽しみにしている。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

The UI is designed to look and feel like a group messaging app (pictured below), such as Whatsapp, Miliao, or Weixin. So although it is not tied to a phone number, it effectively works more like a group-messaging app.

While some might write this off as “another messaging app clone”, I actually find this strategy pretty interesting. Think about it… For messaging apps to be successful there must be a network effect. Meaning, the app will be useless if your friends aren’t on it. (I was actually one of the first paid users on Whatsapp but didn’t really use it until some my friends are on board).




monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

But with 250 million users, Sina Weibo already has a huge advantage over the rest. You can get a microblog and messaging service using just one Sina Weibo account. But I’m not sure why Sina didn’t want to integrate Weiyou within its official app. Perhaps Sina has doubts whether Weiyou will actually catch on.

The biggest problem is that Weiyou came to the party slightly too late. Chinese users are now very tied down to conventional IM such as QQ, or have already gotten settled into other group messaging apps like Weixin or Miliao. Nonetheless, it is surely still worth a try.

Here’s the Weiyou app for Android in the Market.


しかし、2憶5000万人のユーザーと共に、Sina、Weiboはすでに他よりもかなり有利な立場にある。あなたはSina Weiboアカウント一つを利用するだけでマイクロブログやメッセージングサービスを得ることができる。しかし、なぜSina Weiboがその公式アプリ内にWeiyouを統合したくなかったのかわからない。おそらく、Sinaはweiyouが実際に流行るかどうか疑念があったのだろう。



monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

I Got Conned and Wasted $0.99 on a Chinese Health App

So, I was interested to find out more about Chinese health apps. And I came across one called Jian Kang Guan Jia, which literally means health management tool. But the app, (let’s call it OKJK because of its domain) has been a great disappointment. The description on the site promises a lot but the actual content doesn’t at all live up to the hype.

OKJK is built to help health fanatics and professionals to understand key topics in the industry, which include slimming, food, and other trending issues. It is essentially a content app focusing on health. Most importantly, the site claims to have more than 4.5 million downloads on iOS.



なので、私は中国の健康アプリについてもっと調べることに興味を持った。そして、健康管理ツールという意味のJian Kang Guan Jiaと呼ばれる物を見つけた。しかしそのアプリ(そのドメインがOKJKなのでそう呼ぶことにする)には非常にがっかりさせられた。サイトの説明では、沢山のことを約束しているが、実際のコンテンツは、まったくその誇大宣伝に応えていない。


monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

I also don’t see much activity on the discussion board which is kinda strange for an app which has over 4 million downloads. So I went back to the website thinking that I might have missed its key feature. No I didn’t.

Perhaps I’m overly tired this week — It was only through my second check that I realized the download figures for its iOS and Android apps are the same — 4,557,575. How can that be? Now I get it. I got conned. I should have gotten the hint on iTunes earlier. It has zero ratings and no comments. Again, that’s impossible for an app that supposedly have over 4 million downloads.



私は今週非常に疲労した-そのiOSとAndroidアプリのダウンロード数が全く同じ- 4,557,575-であるときずいたには2度目にチェックした時だった。どうしてそんなことになるのか?今、私は理解した。騙されたのだ。私は早い時期にiTunesでのヒントを得るべきだった。評価はゼロで、コメントも全くなし。ダウンロードが400万以上あると推定されるアプリにおいて、それはあり得ない。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Seven teams built startups from Friday night until Sunday evening. The ideas ranged from helping consumers manage loyalty cards to preparing your digital assets for when you die. Similarly, participants varied in their backgrounds and gave a good mix of business, development, and design experts to put together some great prototypes.

The winner for the weekend is AwesomeShip ( They created a service that notifies customers when a package ships or has major status changes, such as if it is about to be delivered. This will keep the customer experience consistent, even between different shipping methods, and has been shown to reduce the customer service overhead within companies.




monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

The overall feedback is that the resulting prototypes and plans were very good quality, and it was difficult for the judges to come up with the outstanding winner.

The next Startup Weekend event will be in 3-6 months. We will be looking at potentially doing a Cantonese version to help reach out to the local community more (although, most participants this time were local Hong Kong Chinese already). If you are interested in the Hong Kong tech startup community, StartupsHK has weekly Startup Monday (#SUMHK) meetups at BootHK, and there are a variety of other events happening in what has turned into a very active and cohesive community in the last two years.



次のStartup Weekenイベントは、3-6カ月内に行われる。私達はよりローカルコミュニティーに(今回はほとんどの参加者が地元の香港系中国人であったけれど)到達することができるように、広東語バージョンを行う可能性を目論んでいる。もしあなたが香港のテックスタートアップコミュニティに興味があるなら、StartupHKはBootHKで毎週Startup Monday(#SUMHK)が行われている。そして、過去2年においてとてもアクティブで結合力のあるコミュニティーとなった様々な他のイベントがある。