monagypsy Translations

ID Unverified
About 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

By the end of next week, I will be sending you a men's line sheet so you can start keeping track of samples as they arrive. Some are ready, but I am waiting to consolidate in order to simplify the invoicing process. I'd say you should have all men's salesman samples by Jan 21.The men's shoe samples are running a little later than expected. We're going to likely have to shoot a separate look book for the shoes, and you will have to hold separate appointments for the men's shoes. I will keep you posted as I am supposed to hear back from the factory with more info by tomorrow afternoon.Let me know if you have any thoughts on the above.


来週末までにメンズラインシートをお送りしますので、到着次第あなたはサンプルを把握することができます。いくつかは用意できておりますが、インボイスの過程を簡単にするための整理統合を待っております。1月21日までに、すべてのメンズセールスマンのサンプルを持つべきだと思います。メンズシューズサンプルは、予想していたより少し遅れております。私達はシューズ用に別でLook Bookの撮影をするつもりです。そして、あなたはメンズシューズ用に別の予約を取る必要があるでしょう。明日の午後までに工場から更なる情報を聴く予定なので、お伝えいたします。上記において何かお考えがある場合、お知らせください。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Cell phone drive: Ameriprise Financial is holding a cell phone collection drive for Cell Phones for Soldiers. The business is at Ameriprise. Mark Antonich of Ameriprise Financial is working with Cell Phones for Soldiers to collect unused cell phones for troops to stay in touch with their families. Bring phones to the above location. Details about the organization:

Cell Phones for Soldiers hopes to turn old cell phones into more than 12 million minutes of prepaid calling cards for U.S. troops stationed overseas in 2008. To do so, Cell Phones for Soldiers expects to collect 50,000 cell phones each month through a network of more than 3,000 collection sites across the country.




monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Polarized caps are replaced with non-polarized caps for added transience and transparency. Small value ceramic caps in the signal path are replaced with high quality film or silver mica caps for added warmth and lower noise.Other BD-2 mod kits completely change what the pedal sounds like, this mod takes what the BD-2 already does well and makes it better, FAR BETTER.If you have basic soldering skills and can follow directions this is an easy project. Don't pay hundreds of dollars for a Boutique overdrive when you can upgrade your BD-2 for $19.95.
WARNING: Performing this mod will void any warranty your pedal may have


シグナルパスの低圧用セラミックコンデンサは、温かさと低静音を加えるため、高品質のフイルムもしくはシルバーマイカコンデンサと交換されている。他のBD-2 mod kitは、ペダルの音質を全く違うものに変えていますが、このmodはBD-2が改良したところを取り入れ、よりよく、さらに素晴らしいものにしています。もし、基本的なはんだ付けの技術をお持ちなら、指示に従うことができる、とても簡単なプロジェクトです。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

●Dr. Upshaw, can you tell us what

●This case is an example of primary hepatic
lymphoma — a rare presentation of lymphoma
that mainly affects middle-aged or older men, such
as our patient.

●The CDC guidelines
also recommend allowing oral, opt-out consent
for HIV testing, rather than written, opt-in

●The rapid, point-of-care HIV test
can provide preliminary results in 20 minutes, during
the same clinical encounter, and has allowed
for expanded testing in emergency departments
and urgent care facilities.

●This patient is typical of many elderly patients
with complex medical issues that may culminate
in a presentation characterized by nonspecific
findings such as failure to thrive.







monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

●he pointed
to a site of obstruction in his throat
●The remainder of the
examination was unchanged. Laboratory-test results
are shown in Table 1. A chest radiograph was
unchanged. Intravenous fluids were administered.
●Later that day
upper gastrointestinal endoscopic examination
was attempted but was obscured by barium.
●In view of this patient’s long history of smoking,
known exposure to asbestos, and chronic
obstructive lung disease, we must consider the
possibility of a primary pulmonary process, especially
lung cancer, as the cause of his illness.
This patient is at risk for a smoking-related malignant
condition, including the development of
a tumor, or pulmonary disease because of his exposure
to asbestos.



monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

●The diagnoses of esophageal
candidiasis and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma do not
guarantee that the patient has no other diagnoses.

●will you give us your impressions
at the time you saw this patient?

●Our thinking
was similar to that of Dr. Stone. We obtained written
informed consent from both the patient and
his family for antibody testing for HIV;

●We were also concerned about the possibility of additional opportunistic
infections. An induced sputum specimen
was positive for the presence of P. jiroveci,

●Fine-needle aspiration and core
biopsy of the liver were performed; small cores of
tissue and fluid for cytologic evaluation were obtained.

●Dr. Abramson, how did you manage
this patient’s lymphoma?






