mina3709 Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
Business Publishing/Press Release
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mina3709 English → Japanese
Original Text

He decided to build one. Last month, he pushed the first version of a web app called NoRedInk that creates quizzes to teach grammar skills. Instead of just pointing out the grammatical mistake a student makes in papers over and over again, he now assigns him or her a specific skill quiz within the app. It’s not a multiple-choice quiz. Rather, students manipulate punctuation and change words themselves.

Teachers can view how all students in a class are progressing in NoRedInk through one dashboard. Without any sort of marketing push, Scheur says about 300 of them — most in the Chicago area, where he teaches — have signed up to use it in their classrooms.




mina3709 English → Japanese
Original Text

And I did, so there were benefits here.
It was this moment that I ask myself that life defining question:...
..."If my life were a book and I were the author, how would I want this story to go?"
And I begin to daydream.
I daydreamed like I did as a little girl.
And I imagined myself walking gracefully,...
...helping other people through my journey and snowboarding again.
And I didn't just see myself carving down a mountain of powder.
I could actually feel it.
I could feel the wind against my face and the beat of my racing heart...
...as if it were happening in that very moment.
And that is when a new chapter in my life began.



mina3709 English → Japanese
Original Text

However, in a world that’s changing so quickly, you’re guaranteed to fail if you don’t take any risks. We have another saying: “The riskiest thing is to take no risks.” We encourage everyone to make bold decisions, even if that means being wrong some of the time.

Be Open

We believe that a more open world is a better world because people with more information can make better decisions and have a greater impact. That goes for running our company as well. We work hard to make sure everyone at Facebook has access to as much information as possible about every part of the company so they can make the best decisions and have the greatest impact.




よりオープンな世界はより良い世界だと信じています。情報が多ければより良い決断を下すことができ、大きな影響を与えるからです。これは企業経営にも当てはまります。 Facebook で企業のあらゆる情報にできる限りアクセスできるようになれば、皆、懸命に働き、最良の決定を下し、最大の影響をもたらすのです。

mina3709 English → Japanese
Original Text

When praising the work someone has done, avoid using general statements: "You always do great work," or "That's the best thing you have ever done." General praise offered too often will lessen the effect of the praise, and the recipient may wonder if you really know or understand what has been done well.
Be truthful and specific in your praise. Identify tasks that have been done well, and tell the person exactly what they are. Praise people directly: "You are very good at closing a sale; that's a real art," or "You have done an excellent job at taking this project and laying out plans to accomplish the desired end."


チャプター 5-2