Agnes Metanomski (meissa) Translations

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Almost 11 years ago
English French (Native) Japanese German
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
meissa English → French ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Although it sometimes wanders off the righteous path to recount a depressing or perverse anecdote at length—such as the tale of a ridiculously expensive child custody evaluator who bragged of drug use and unprotected group sex on Facebook—for the most part it's a stylistically bland work. "Divorce Corp" is directed and edited at roughly the same level of imagination as a network newsmagazine story: talking head, talking head, talking head, cut to a chart, exterior shot of a courthouse, cut to another chart, talking head, capped by a segue along the lines of, "And if you think that's shocking, wait'll you hear this."


Malgré le fait qu'il s'éloigne parfois du droit chemin pour raconter en detail une anecdote déprimante ou perverse - tell que l'histoire d'un évaluateur de garde d'enfants ridiculement cher qui se vantait de consommation de drogues et de rapports sexuels non protégés avec de multiples partenaires sur Facebook - la plupart du temps c'est un travail stylistiquement fade. "Corporation de divorce" est dirigé et édité avec le même niveau d'imagination qu'un reportage de magazine d'actualités du réseau: tête qui parle, tête qui parle, tête qui parle, coupure à un diagramme, prise de vue extérieure du palais de justice, coupure à un autre diagramme, Tête qui parle, couronné par un enchainement selon les lignes de "si vous croyez que s'est choquant, attendez d'entendre ceci".

meissa Japanese → English ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text







The Tanto (protection sword) is the generic name for a sword of approximately 30.3cm length that serves as an every day tool, including as a dagger for children and women.

They were treated as some kind of charm (talisman) to drive away ill will and disasters.

Even today, among the ceremonies of the imperial household there is one called "Gift Sword Ceremony", in which when a child is born to the imperial family or to the family of one of the princes, a Tanto is gifted by the Emperor.

As a heirloom, used in prayers for the healthy growth of children and grandchildren and the peace of the house, and transmitted from generation to generation, the Tanto has been produced in Japan since ancient times.

In addition, there are questions and facts to verify prior to making a Tanto.