MTS (mayumits) Translations

ID Verified
Over 8 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mayumits English → Japanese
Original Text

'm a bit concerned if the bass I ordered is really a
"Fender Japan Exclusive Classic Special 60s Jazz Bass Vintage White".

Because you list a bass as
"Fender Japan Exclusive Classic Special 60s Jazz Sonic Blue" which is
just a normal "Exclusive Classic 60s"- Model.

The main differences between the "Exclusive Classic Special" and
the normal "Exclusive Classic" are:

Exclusive Classic Special: Exclusive Classic:

- Alder Body - Basswood Body
- Finish: Nitro Lacquer - Finish: Polyester
- Special Soft Case - Normal Gig Bag
- US Pickups & Electronics - Japan Pickups & Electronics

and of course the price.


私は、注文した”フェンダー日本限定クラシックスペシャル 60年代 ジャズバスビンテージホワイト”が本物であるかどうか心配しています。

なぜなら、あなたが出品されている”フェンダー日本限定クラシックスペシャル 60年代ジャズソニックブルー”が、一般的な”限定クラシック60年代”モデルであるからです。


限定クラシックスペシャル: クラシックスペシャル:

はんの木製のボディ           アメリカボダイ樹製のボディ
仕上げ:ニトロラッカー          仕上げ:ポリエステル
特別製ソフトケース           一般楽器バッグ
アメリカ ピックアップ&エレクトロノクス  日本ピックアップ&エレクトロノクス


mayumits English → Japanese
Original Text

Can a customer purchase the Special Limited Model and request for no change to be made to the original exterior of the car?
What is the fuel consumption of the 360PS engine?
What is the 0-60 time for this car?

So is that the confirm price for shipping to my country?
I have received your quote and just working the numbers on items to see if I purchase.

Here is too late but i will take that data tomorrow and soon as I have it i will text you. Dou you have a whatsapp number? It will be more easy for me to text you there.

It is clear that due to this the bracket can move up and down a little because of these measurements.

I have a video showing the movement -would you like me to share this with you on dropbox?




この連絡は遅すぎですが、明日にはその数を割り出し、すぐにメールいたします。あなたは、watsapp(アプリケーション)の番号をお持ちですか? それで連絡する方が簡単かと思います。



mayumits English → Japanese
Original Text

If the current growth trend continues, the American life expectancy at birth by the middle of the 21st century will be nine years more than our current one, raising the number to 88.
But keep in mind, with the possibility of medical advancements in the future, these numbers can shift. In fact, universities and research centers have already begun investigating ways to add more healthy years to our lives. The Buck Institute, a biomedical research institute in California, is one of them. They focus only on research related to aging and chronic disease. In a study published in 2013, scientists at the institute were able to increase the lifespan of worms by five times.



mayumits English → Japanese
Original Text

Similarly, in a recent study by Mayo Clinic, researchers were able to increase the lifespan of mice by 35% by removing senescent cells, which slows the rate of wear and tear on organs and tissues that naturally occurs over time. Although neither of these studies have been replicated using humans, they offer a glimpse of what may be in the future.
This might sound great, but the possibilities of radical life extension bring a lot of debate about what advancements could mean for society. Pew Research Center conducted a survey of more than 2,000 American adults in 2013, and more than half of those surveyed had never heard about potential life extension before.

