Matt (martymh77) Translations

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Over 11 years ago Male
Japanese (Native) English Vietnamese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
martymh77 English → Japanese
Original Text

Punk icon Arturo Vega passed away this morning at age 65, as the San Francisco Bay Guardian reports.

Vega had served as the "artistic director, guardian and very close friend" for the Ramones, creating their iconic presidential logo, album art and stage designs for decades. During the band's formative years, he even housed bassist Dee Dee and singer Joey Ramone in his Bowery loft apartment. A true "fifth member," Vega claimed to have been at all but two of their 2,263 concerts.

A thirty-year retrospective interview with Vega about working with the Ramones may be seen below.





martymh77 English → Japanese
Original Text

The band formally announced that they were writing earlier this year. No title or timeframe for record has yet been disclosed. According to the group, they're not likely to self-release the album, as they opted to do with their upcoming TAYF10 Acoustic film and record, but they're "still figuring out" the specifics.

Though this marks Taking Back Sunday's sixth album overall, it will be the third with its current lineup, making John Nolan the first co-vocalist/guitarist to appear on more than two of band's releases. The current, Tell All Your Friends-era lineup reunited in 2010, and released a self-titled album in 2011.


Taking Back Sundayは今年すでに曲作りを進めていると正式発表した。今のところ,タイトルやレコーディング終了時期については公表されていない。本人たちによると,このアルバムはそう簡単にセルフ・リリースする気はないようで,とりあえずDVD付きアルバム「TAY10 Acoustic」で間に合わせるとのこと。しかし,詳細については「まだ試行錯誤中」だそうだ。

このアルバムはTaking Back Sundayの通算6枚目のアルバムになるのだが,現在の顔ぶれでのリリースは3枚目となり,結成当初の共同ヴォーカル/ギターのジョン・ノーランを2枚以上で起用することとなる。現在の「Tell All Your Friends-era」メンバーは2010年に再結成し,2011年にはセルフタイトル・アルバムをリリースしている。

martymh77 English → Japanese
Original Text

Currently, NewsLoop has a presence in Singapore, Australia and Indonesia and will continue its efforts to expand regionally in the coming months. However, there are so many news aggregator apps, like Flipboard and Pulse, for instance. How would an app like NewsLoop differentiate itself from its competitors? Alex noted that it is their focus on local content and Asian users that will set them apart from their rivals. “In each country that we roll out NewsLoop, we aggregate the best of local content, from mainstream media to long tail bloggers. We then combine that with global media brands like the BBC or ESPN.



martymh77 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

What then are the most popular publications in Southeast Asia? Alex noted that big names like Channel News Asia, BBC and ESPN are very popular, but people also enjoy reading content from long-tail bloggers. “We combine major media brands with small bloggers in our 30 news and lifestyle categories. It is all about quality content, so that whenever users open up NewsLoop they see articles they want to read. Another great feature of NewsLoop is that it remembers what you have read so that the next time you open up the app it surfaces articles from your favorite publications. That way you’ll never miss your favourite content.”


それでは,東南アジアにおける最もポピュラーな出版物はどれだろうか?Fenby氏は,Channel News AsiaやBBC,ESPNといった一流メディアは大変人気があるものの,多くの人はロングテール・ブロガーのコンテンツも好んで読んでいる,と述べている。「弊社の30のニュースやライフスタイル・コンテンツでは主要メディアと小規模ブロガーを統合しています。すべてはハイクオリティなコンテンツを提供するためです。これにより,ユーザーはNewsLoopを開く時いつでも読みたい記事を見つけることができます。さらに,NewsLoopの別の大きな特徴は,ユーザーが読んだ記事を記憶し,次回アプリを開いた時にユーザーのお気に入りの情報誌からの記事をトップに表示することです。これで,お気に入りのコンテンツを見逃すことはないでしょう」。

martymh77 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

The duo then created a Chinese flash card application that can record pronunciations and give scores based on accuracy. ”Pocket Chinese Tutor” launched on both iOS and Android. Shortly after that app gained traction among the startup’s global audience, the team was then chosen to be part of the inaugural batch of Appworks Venture, a program in Taiwan similar to Y Combinator.

The team then shifted toward language learning apps. ”So I quit my job and start Q.L.L. to do language learning contents on devices. Soon after, we pivoted our business model to publish language learning apps.”


次いで両氏は、発音を録音したり正解率に基づいて採点したりできる中国語フラッシュカード・アプリを開発した。「Pocket Chinese Tutor」と呼ばれるこのアプリはiOSとAndroidの両方向けに発表された。このアプリはstartupの世界中の閲覧者の間で瞬く間に評判となり、この開発チームはY Combinatorに類似した台湾のプログラムであるAppworks Ventureの創設メンバーとして選出された。
