Margaret Smith (maggie_smith05) Translations

ID Unverified
About 11 years ago
London, UK
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
maggie_smith05 English → Japanese
Original Text

ok, so i'll give you the order i have so far...
glico maple syrup collon
strawberry milk pretz

now... i hope i am not asking too much.. i just want to try a few new things ;D
hope you have a great day!! i am thinking that soon, glico will release new flavors of giant collon and it will be exciting!!

here is the last part of the order--
(instead of a small box of maple collon)
i want the variety pack again, since it is the giant size flavors i hoped for!! (maple and cocoa, yum :3)
 and this will complete the order i sent you in the previous letter.
thank you so much for your time my friend.

here is the collon mix link again, because yahoo did not copy it correctly...
hopefully it works out this time lol.







maggie_smith05 English → Japanese
Original Text

i dont think white hair would be so bad ;p a lot of people do dye it though.. when i was younger,
i used to dye mine pink or blonde... ;D i wont do it now, because im afraid it will turn gray or white faster! O.O (and im just 33, so no thank you.. lol.) how old are you? (if you dont mind my asking.... maybe im a bit too personal.. )

and i dont know if it is popular because i dont talk to that many people and on facebook, nobody has ever mentioned it to me, so i doubt they know about it... im happy because i can watch my weight and eat snacks once in awhile.. as long as i keep my calories correct, im fine. :D *i dont eat many at a time any way, i have little time or im too tired to eat much after i leave work..*


白い髪はそんな悪くないと思う。たくさんの人が髪を染めるし。。。若い頃は、私もピンクや金髪に髪を染めてた。。。;D 今は、すぐ白髪になったら嫌なので、髪を染めたりはしないけど。。(ていうか、私33歳だし、、もう髪を染めるのは遠慮しときます。。)あなたは、何歳?(聞いても構わないですか?個人的な質問過ぎるかもしれないですが。。)


maggie_smith05 English → Japanese
Original Text

i do want to add more later on, but im not sure what yet.. i just may do a small order, i will think about it and let u know next letter... i wish everything was available all through the year, but i guess that's what makes japan have seasonal foods....

im sorry i made you misunderstood. i have ordered drinks from japan before, but not alcohol. (i have ordered candy and snacks with alcohol in it though... i love nama shochu choco..) i wish i could try chuhai!! :'( is it possible to get it without the alcohol in it? also, is carbonic acid, carbonated water? if it is, i have had it... i dont like it very much.. i drink mostly tea, some coffee and water... ;3




maggie_smith05 English → Japanese
Original Text

how are you doing ? i hope you are doing well today. im getting ready for sleep, lol.. it is 12:07am if you didnt know... and it was pretty busy today... i didnt get done until almost 9 (and i was supposed to be finished at 8:30..) my stress level is a little better because since i was sick that past sunday i told you about, they have been a little nicer... i hope to God it stays that way. i cant stand when they are miserable!

anyway... the only good thing about working, is trying to save extra money for japanese food ;D if only my checks were higher... i would LOVE to do a big order.... i have a partial order for you because some things are limited, once again.. (just love japan!)




maggie_smith05 English → Japanese
Original Text


The high living and conspicuous consumption of the'80s proves to many to be an empty pursuit, and the beginning of the '90s sees a widespread reevaluation of priorities. Facing the next millennium, people are becoming more concerned with the environment, family life and old-fashioned values. This search for quality and authenticity helps to perpetuate the basics boom of the late '80s, leading to an interest in period originals and in newer lines that recapture the details and fabrics of the past. Once again adapting to the spirit of the times, jeans now represent an old friend, practical and modern yet linked to the purer, simpler life of days gone by.


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