aaaa (kenny2030) Translations

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Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Renren’s web pages and the UI of its iOS app both look awfully similar to Facebook. Wei once thought that “Renren is going way too far from being a Facebook now.” Take a look at the two companies in revenue breakdown: over 80% of Facebook’s revenues come from ads; for Renren it’s only 14.8%.

Renren’s gaming pipeline mostly consists of browser-based games and mobile games, which all have relatively shorter life cycle. To solve the problem, Renren has to come up with new offerings from time to time to retain users.

When Renren is on track to transform itself to a gaming company, the Chinese Internet titan Tencent is trying to pull off tighter control over its SNS initiatives.


RenrenのウェブページとそのiOSアプリのユーザーインターフェースは両方ともひどくFacebookにそっくりだ。Wei氏は「現在のRenrenとFacebookとはあまりにもかけ離れている」と考えていた。 ここで少しこの2社の収益の内訳を見てみよう。Facebookが広告から得ている収益は80%以上であるのに対して、Renrenの場合はたったの14.8%だ。


Renrenがゲーム会社への転換を図っている時、 中国のインターネット企業の大手であるTencentはSNSにおける主導的な立場をさらにしっかりと押さえておくことができるよう努めているのだ。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Its main site, Yebhi, is one of India’s leading e-tailers of low- to mid-range clothing and shoes for both men and women. It has recently diversified into other items, such as electronics and mobile top-up payments. Its first funding round in November 2010 raised Rs 10 crores, followed by raising Rs 40 crores last year.

Qualcomm Ventures, the investment arm of the chipmaker Qualcomm (NASDAQ:QCOM), usually invests in mobile-oriented startups, and it seems that mobile commerce is on its mind with its first backing of Big Shoe Bazaar. Qualcomm Venture’s senior director Karthee Madasamy said in an announcement today:



半導体メーカーのQualcomm (NASDAQ:QCOM)の投資部門であるQualcomm Venturesは、通常モバイル関連のスタートアップに投資する。したがってBig Shoe Bazaarに対して初めて行う資金提供については、モバイル端末を利用した商取引を念頭に置いているのだろう。Qualcomm VentureのシニアディレクターKarthee Madasamy氏は、今日の発表で次のように述べた。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Crowdfunding, Wujudkan and Their Future in Indonesia

Collective fund raising for a project – be it for creative or social related, can take a lot of time to do in Indonesia. Bringing it online is a whole different matter. Crowdfunding, as it commonly known as, is a new way to collect fund to meet the goal. The fund needed for a project can be announced on this kind of website along with the deadline of the fundraising. As a reward, donator is promised something from the product of the project after it’s finished or something related to the project’s result.




kenny2030 English → Japanese
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Lastly, about the issue if crowdfunding utilization as additional mean to raise fund – project will still running regardless its success in crowdfunding, Mandy says that Wujudkan will never judge them because this is solely project owner’s right.

Those who share similar concern for crowdfunding will surely be invited and considered as partner in the campaign of the utilization of crowdfunding. On the other hand, there is no limitation if one only wishes to raise fund in Wujudkan. As long as the project meets every requirement, it will be displayed on Wujudkan.




kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

・Online advertising spend in Asia-Pacific reached US$24.8 billion in 2011, making the region second only to the US, with $34.5 billion.

・Every marketing dollar spent online returns $1.78, exceeding the returns of all other marketing media including TV, print, out of home and trade (according to Nielsen).

・By 2015, Asia Pacific is expected to account for a third of all global mobile ad spend, reaching $6.92 billion.

・India, China, Australia and Japan are expected to generate $258 billion in commerce sales in 2012 between them, and mobile commerce is on the rise with 34 percent of mobile internet users in China and Korea transacting via handheld devices.






kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

・Mobile app downloads reached five billion in 2011, generating $871 million.

Here are some of the key demographic tables from desktop internet users in Asia as a whole. It focuses on who’s online, Asia’s most trafficked sites (note Chinese web giants Tencent and Baidu), and where folks go for social media, online gaming, and e-commerce:

And here are three of the demographical highlights of mobile web users in Asia in the ADMA report. It’s interesting to note just how much more likely Asian mobile users are to do serious, practical stuff on their smartphones or feature-phones:





kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Formerly named BrightKit, the social media dashboard has its integration with major social media such as Facebook, Foursquare, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, MySpace,, mixi and WordPress. For additional integrations, Adobe SocialFlow, Digg, Flickr, Orkut, Tumblr, YouTube have also joined their app directory which provides more social offering to its 3.5 million users.

Catching up with Community Coordinator Stephanie Wiriahardja in Jakarta, she shared some interesting information on the individual meet-ups, ‘HootUps’ and the enthusiasm of Indonesian users. Her main duties include promoting the four-year-old start-up to international audience, not merely representing it in Indonesia.


以前はBrightKitという名前であったこのソーシャルメディアダッシュボードには、例えばFacebook、Foursquare、Twitter、Google+、LinkedIn、MySpace、、mixiそしてWordPressなどの主要なソーシャルメディアが統合されている。追加で統合されたものとして、さらにAdobe SocialFlow、Digg、Flickr、Orkut、Tumblr、YouTubeがそのリストに加わっており、Hootsuiteはよりソーシャルなものとして350万のユーザーへと提供されているのだ。

Community Coordinatorを務めるStephanie Wiriahardja氏とジャカルタで話した際、彼女は「HootUps」という名のイベントやインドネシアのユーザーがHootsuiteに対して強い興味を示していることについて興味深い情報を伝えてくれた。彼女の主な職務は単にインドネシアにおいてその代理を務めるというだけではなく、この4歳となったスタートアップを国際的な顧客たちに対して宣伝することも含まれている。