aaaa (kenny2030) Translations

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Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

At the moment, the startup is making money from partnerships with other travel firms, such as its flight ticket search engine which actually leads users to eLong (NASDAQ:LONG), the nation’s second-largest online travel operator. There’s also a recently-added hotel booking portal of its own, replete with phone support staff, putting the startup up against the likes of eLong and Ctrip (NASDAQ:CTRP). These are all run from its and sites.

If you want more leisure-related China apps that are perfect for use in China, check out those 8684 apps or this other selection of travel apps that my colleague made last year.


今のところ、このスタートアップは他の旅行会社との提携により利益をあげている。たとえば、フライトチケットの検索エンジンでは中国で2番目に大きなオンライン旅行会社eLong (NASDAQ:LONG)へとユーザーを連れて行くのである。さらに、最近追加された自社所有のホテル予約ポータルでは、電話サポートスタッフをたくさん抱えており、eLongやCtrip (NASDAQ:CTRP)と競合するようなサービスとなっている。これらはすべて8684.cnおよび8684.comによって運営されている。


kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Merchants who’ll attend the meeting are all popular brands online or offline, e.g. Handuyishe, Goelia, Nike and Lining, making up a well-selected B2C merchants team. Those star merchants have already proved their sales scale and service on platforms like Taobao and 360buy. It is estimated that they altogether have generated over RMB 57billion in revenues in 2011. Asked about the reason why Tencent bother to select and then invite merchants one by one, Wu said that it wanted to make sure the stability of the platform in the preliminary stage. In the second half Tencent will draft out detailed requirements for merchant so they can apply on their own.



kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

However, those will almost definitely keep opening up to attract more merchants to their platforms.

The industry insider also noted that “Open B2C platforms can level up the whole industry. With Tencent’s traffic advantage and user base, merchants can save a lot of marketing costs. Thus the rough price war can evolve into a service war, which is good thing for every parties involved.”

Social Shopping is also included in Tencent’s future strategy, staff told that it was still new and needed more exploring. “But we are now trying to utilize the traffic of Tencent’s community for the benefits of our B2C service.”





kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

The co-working space first opened its doors to aspiring entrepreneurs last October, and is co-founded by partners of Adventure Capital. It is also home to over 40 high-potential seed stage companies, in excess of 100 individuals in Melbourne. Stuart B. Richardson (pictured right), co-founder of YBF and managing partner at Adventure Capital, tells us what defines the culture at YBF:

[#GSD] .. We Get Shit Done! We live by this and expect it from those who choose to be part of the YBF community – its really important to see resilient and sustainable businesses built to give them the best shot at global success.


このコワーキングスペースは意欲的な起業家たちを迎え入れるため、Adventure Capitalのパートナーたちと共同で設立、昨年の10月にオープンした。さらに、現在シードステージにあって可能性をたくさん秘めたメルボルンの40を超える企業、100を優に超える個人にとっての本拠地となっている。YBFの共同設立者、そしてAdventure CapitalのマネージングパートナーのStuart B. Richardson氏(写真右)はYBFのカルチャーの特徴についてこのように語る。

[#GSD] ・・・仕事をやり終えたぞ!(原文はWe Get Shit Done!、略すとGSDとなる)私たちはこれで生活しており、YBFのコミュニティの一部となることを選択した人々が仕事を成し遂げることを私たちは期待しています。回復力に富み持続力のあるビジネスがグローバルな成功に向けてベストショットを打つ上で、だんだん盛り上がっていくのを見ることは本当に大切なことなのです。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

There is a constant flow of new and interesting people and events happening in YBF all the time – including demo-days for the local incubators and accelerators and a veritable plethora of meet-ups, such as AWS, Big Data, Clojure, Google, WordPress and ESRI Users.

We are really proud of the rich collaboration between the diverse community we support which incorporates our current residents, alumni and the wider corporate and technology community – this along with the ‘supercharged ecosystem’ which we’ve created that supports the entrepreneur from curiosity and the genesis of their idea through to funding and value realisation – and most importantly we have heaps of fun in-between.


YBFにはいつも、新しく面白い人物や出来事が絶え間なくやって来るのです。地元の起業支援者に対するプレゼンテーションイベントや、AWS、Big Data、Clojure、Google、WordPressそしてESRI Usersといった企業のミートアップイベントがたくさん含まれています。


kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

It feels really cosy with its open plan co-working space with sofas and an informal collaborative area (pictured right) which has a really awesome coffee machine and industrial fridge. And oh, how can I forget the beer? The permanent desks are $600 per month, inclusive of all services. Part-time ‘hot-desks’ are also available at $100 per month for a day per week. Being a resident at YBF also provides reciprocal access to a global network of similar spaces, such as StartupHQ in San Francisco.

For you folks out there who are interested in checking out the space, here’s the address and some pictures below:

62-66 King St
Melbourne, VIC 3000




62-66 King St
Melbourne, VIC 3000

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

2. Avoid cheque payments

Cheques first appeared in 352 BC, and should have stayed there. They are really an outdated financial instrument.

・Cheques are blocked. Issuers make mistakes which cause the bank to reject the cheque.
・Cheques bounce. It is easy for the issuer to over draw the account.
・Cheques go missing. Cheques can be lost in the mail, or at the clearing house.

If you do need to write cheques, write them only once a month. Gather all the invoices you wish to pay by cheque, write all the cheques at once for each invoice like a production line, and then carefully eyeball cheque for mistakes.


2. 小切手での支払いを避ける




kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Record on the cheque stubs and details like the supplier name, amount and description. This makes it easier to track the cheque in the future.

If you receive cheques, record the cheque number and issuer details. Better still, scan the front of the cheque with your camera phone and send the scan to the cloud.

3. Favour bank transfers and credit cards

A more elegant solution is to use bank transfers or credit cards. Payments can be automated, and it is impossible to over draw the account.

Having a personal or corporate credit card can help you manage monthly expenses. Credit card companies provide monthly statements, with each purchase broken down by date, item, description and amount.




3. 銀行振替とクレジットカードを使おう

