aaaa (kenny2030) Translations

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Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kenny2030 English → Japanese
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Like WeChat’s platform of the same name, the new Sina Weibo feature would allow users to send group messages, although right now it is apparently targeted only at large media outlets. The chief advantage of this platform, aside from the fact that it’s designed specifically for mobile, is that it would allow for the posting of messages longer than 140 characters. This means that news media, for example, could share full stories within the platform and their followers could read them directly within Sina’s app, without having to click a link and shift to a mobile browser. The same thing, of course, is also possible with WeChat.


このSina Weiboの新機能では、WeChatのプラットフォームと同じようにユーザーがグループメッセージを送ることができるようになるはずだ。しかし今のところ、この機能は大きなメディアだけが利用できるようだ。このプラットフォームの主な利点は、特にモバイル用として設計されているという事実は別として、140文字より長いメッセージの投稿を可能にするという点だ。これは例えば、ニュースメディアがプラットフォーム内で記事全文をシェアできることを意味する。そして、メディアのフォロワーはSinaのアプリ内で直接記事を読むことができる。リンクをクリックして、モバイル用ブラウザから見なくてもよいのだ。もちろん、これと同じことはWeChatでも可能だ。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
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Since Sina’s “Public Platform” is currently still in internal testing, it’s not clear what it will actually look like by the time it’s released — if it ever does get released. But one question raised by the folks over at TechWeb that’s worth pondering is whether media outlets will really be interested in engaging with a platform that doesn’t direct readers to their own websites. If users are reading full stories right in Sina’s app, that’s great for Sina, but it deprives those media outlets of website visitors, and thus advertising dollars. Aiming the Public Platform right at media outlets might make it a tough sell.



kenny2030 English → Japanese
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Rakuten Sets Up $10 Million Startup Strategic Fund in Southeast Asia

Following Rakuten’s new Asia headquarters in Singapore, the Japanese e-commerce giant has launched a US$10 million fund in Southeast Asia to strategically invest in companies that will help them in its e-commerce ventures. Mr. Toru Shimada of Rakuten (4755:JASDAQ), who leads the fund, told me:

Within Asia, we already have e-commerce businesses in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Taiwan and plan to expand further in Southeast Asia. We not only invest in startups in Asia but also make business synergies [with startups for Rakuten’s] business.





kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

WeChat, Whatsapp, and dating

WeChat is the sole Chinese representative on the global stage in this new monthly data. Made by Tencent (HKG:0700), it makes an appearance in sixth place:

The report notes that WeChat beats Whatsapp in terms of downloads in January, and is seeing good progress in some overseas markets as WeChat takes on rivals like Line and KakaoTalk in Southeast Asia and the Middle East. But, with no consumer-side monetization right now, WeChat makes no further appearances in other rankings. In contrast, Whatsapp, which is a 99 cents download, is second in terms of social app revenue, while Line is in pole position thanks to its paid sticker packs and social gaming platform.





kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

As for the top 10 downloads for iOS just in China in January 2013, it’s dominated by apps for chatting and dating. A complete newcomer steals in as the top iOS download – the dating/chat app MicroLove. The smash-hit messaging app WeChat is in third place. In between is Papa, the Instagram clone that was huge last year in China thanks to one little gimmick – allowing people to post voice messages along with their photos. Tencent, which is China’s biggest web company, continues its reign with top ten spots for its IM-style apps QQ and QQ HD (8th and 9th); Sina Weibo is an interloper in seventh spot.


2013年1月の中国におけるiOS用アプリのダウンロード数トップ10は、チャットやデート用のアプリがずらりと並んでいる。その中でも、完全に新登場のアプリがダウンロード数でトップをさらった。それが、デート・チャットアプリのMicroLoveだ。大ヒット中のメッセージアプリWeChatは3位にランクインしている。これら2つの間に割って入ったのは、InstagramのクローンであるPapa(啪啪)だ。Papaは昨年、中国で大きな人気を獲得したが、これはボイスメッセージを写真と一緒に送信するという機能のおかげだ。中国最大のネット企業TencentもインスタントメッセンジャーのようなアプリQQおよびQQ HD(8位と9位)をチャートに送り込み、引き続きトップ10に顔を出している。Sina Weibo(新浪微博)は7位に食い込んだ。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

WeChat might be quiet on the monetization front right now, but then Tencent has already explained to us that it’s focusing on user acquisition and being a useful social tool.

Chinese developers lose out to Japan

Elsewhere in the report, there’s not much more from the world’s most populous nation. For a newly-risen tech giant, Chinese developers are still not really making it on the world stage. Tencent appears in ninth place among monthly downloads on iOS among global publishers, but that’s pretty much it. With so few China-made apps and games having gone global, and local smartphone users being very reluctant to pay up, the scene doesn’t look too encouraging compared to neighboring South Korea and Japan.





kenny2030 English → Japanese
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The sole Chinese publisher on the Google Play top downloads rankings is’s Go Launcher team, which makes an array of freeware tools and utilities. The ‘Go’ series of apps – including things like Go Weather – are popular around the world, which helped propel the developers into fifth place in terms of downloads (but not in terms of direct monetization).

It’s a timely reminder that, unlike with Korean and Japanese developers, China’s app creators cannot rely on profiting from their own populace, and have yet to muster a global blockbuster. That leaves Chinese developers struggling to monetize from other sources, like advertising or cross-promotion platforms in their home market, particularly on Android.


Google Playのダウンロード数ランキングにおいて、唯一の中国のパブリッシャーとなったのは、3G.cnのフリーウェアのツールやユーティリティーを開発したGo Launcherのチームだ。Go Weatherのようなアプリを含むGoシリーズのアプリは世界中で人気が高く、これによって同チームは(直接の売り上げではないが、)ダウンロード数で第5位となった。


kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

DoctorPage could hit USD500k monthly revenue this year with 1-2% visitor conversion

DoctorPage, a Singapore-based online platform for booking doctors, has reached a milestone with 1,500 health practitioners now available for appointments. That’s more than 10 percent of its list of 12,500 doctors — an achievement that the company says strengthens “its market leader position in Singapore”.

Not all of its 1,500 doctors are available for instant booking however, as the majority of them prefer to have DoctorPage input the appointment booking into a proprietary CRM system that is accessible by the doctor. To make these bookings, users would have to call DoctorPage’s concierge service.





kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

So, assuming that DoctorPage is charging the same rate — and its possible that it is charging at a much cheaper rate compared to ZocDoc — we can expect it to be making USD375k a month right now, which is not a bad figure considering that it only launched in September last year. DoctorPage has confirmed that all 1,500 doctors are paying customers at this point.

On the question of whether visitors are using the platform, I estimate that between 3,000 to 6,000 users are making appointments on the platform every month, based on the figures of 300,000 unique visitors per month with a 1-2 percent conversion rate supplied by the company. The platform is available as a mobile app as well.


