aaaa (kenny2030) Translations

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About 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kenny2030 English → Japanese
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Crowdsourcing trends in design

Alec shared a few trends that industry observers might find interesting, especially given the markets that have shown promise in the Asia region, namely India, Singapore and the Philippines.

・Top countries that crowdsource are the USA, Australia, and the UK, with strong growth in 2013 in the US and Brazil, Singapore and Germany.

・The top 3 design types requested by volume are logo design, web design and graphic design. The fastest growth is in app design (driven by the iOS and Android boom), Facebook page design (now with 1 billion users, the best way for brands to connect with consumers), and book cover design (driven by the rise in eBook publishing).



Alec Lynch氏は、業界を観測する人々が、特に有望なアジア地域の市場、すなわちインド、シンガポール、フィリピンについて考慮すると、興味を抱くかもしれない動向について伝えてくれた。



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Top earners

He also says demand for crowdsourced design work comes from a mix of small businesses and bigger enterprises. To illustrate, the service has been used by Virgin, Showtime, Amnesty, and Harvard, among other brands. Also, former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd used a DesignCrowd-sourced design for his t-shirts.

We reached out to Alec, and inquired about how lucrative joining DesignCrowd would be, especially with the participation payments. To illustrate, Alec highlighted designer “PB,” who has earned US$200,000 through contests. “From a £1750 earnings / month as a full time employee and working under my dull headed boss, it had zoomed up to £6000 / month on an average.”



さらに同氏は、クラウドソーシングされたデザインの仕事に対する需要は中小企業および大企業を合わせたものによって成り立っている、と述べた。実例を挙げると、同サービスはVirgin、Showtime、AmnestyやHarvard等から利用されている。さらに、オーストラリアの前首相であるKevin Rudd氏が、TシャツのデザインのためにDesignCrowdを利用した。


kenny2030 English → Japanese
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Second top earner would be Art Samurai from the Philippines. “DesignCrowd made participation worthy by introducing participation payments – which makes about 18% of my total earnings and that is a big deal.”

Didn’t win? Don’t worry!

To further add value to the crowdsourcing service, DesignCrowd has launched BrandCrowd, which is a premium logo marketplace for designs that did not win the competitions. Interested clients can browse through these logos or designs, and designers can still monetize those that are chosen.


2番目に多い収入を得ているのはフィリピンのArt Samuraiだろう。「DesignCrowdは参加料を支払うシステムを導入することにより、デザインを提供することに価値を持たせたのです。このシステムからもたらされる収入は全体の約18%となっており、これはかなりの額だと言えます。」



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For designs that don’t necessarily meet the mettle of the clients, there’s still a chance. “BrandCrowd is a marketplace for ready-made brand templates, or unused designs. It provides a passive income option for freelance designers. It’s free for designers and designs are categorized by industry to help small businesses find logos and designers sell them.” Designers keep a 70% commission from designs sold from the marketplace, and users can “spring” each other’s designs — equivalent of “liking” on a social netowork — to give them a boost.

Check out DesignCrowd at




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Groupon, ironically, set up a physical redemption center to compliment their online presence. The purpose of a physical shop was to make it easy to redeem deals, to discover new deals, and to provide customer service. A physical Groupon store is a good fit for mall-crazy Singapore, and it’s a great example of tying offline marketing activities to online, especially in a market that has not historically adopted stand-alone online commerce.

It’s early days for e-commerce in Southeast Asia, but the landscape is maturing quickly. Next generation e-commerce business models in the region will no doubt focus on widespread social media adoption, the emerging mobile landscape, and Asia’s fashion-crazy culture.




kenny2030 English → Japanese
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Signs of life for e-commerce in Southeast Asia

Traditional e-commerce 1.0 business models never made much of a dent in the Southeast Asia market, mostly due to lack of universally adopted payment systems, the complication of international shipping logistics, and a cultural propensity to shop in comfortable air-conditioned shopping malls rather than from a home computer.

But obviously we’re seeing some signs of the e-commerce 2.0 growth in the region, with the emergence a few progressive business models, namely the subscription model (Vanity Trove), flash sales (Groupon), and an exclusive, curated fashion market (Luxola).




しかし明らかに、我々は同地域内でeコマース2.0が成長をとげる兆候を見ている。その例として少数の進歩的なビジネスモデル、すなわち定期購入モデル(Vanity Trove)、日替わりセール(Groupon)、そして選別されたファッションアイテムを限定で提供する(Luxola)がある。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
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Social media as a customer service and research channel

The panelists agree that social media’s greatest strength is its ability to serve as a customer service channel. Most brands are wary of opening up a social channel like Twitter or Facebook since it could expose the brand to public criticism, but Alexis finds the upside of openness to be well worth the risk – “Luxola got a lot more love than we expected.”

And social media channels allow you to listen to your audience as they discuss your products and services, much like a digital focus group. Monitoring social media discussions can inspire topics for a brand’s content strategy.



パネリストたちはソーシャルメディアが持つ最も大きな力は、カスタマーサービスを提供し、その情報を伝える手段としての役割を果たす能力であることに同意する。多くの企業はTwitterやFacebookのようなソーシャルメディアを利用することに警戒心を抱く。なぜなら、企業が一般の人々からの批判にさらされる可能性があるからだ。しかしAlexis Horowitz-Burdick氏によると、オープンな態度を示すことで得られる利点はそのリスクに値するものだという。「Luxolaは私たちの見込みよりもはるかに多くの人々から愛されるようになりました。」


kenny2030 English → Japanese
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Content strategy

Many brands in Southeast Asia are guilty of posting silly images (like cute kittens) to get quick engagement. But does content that doesn’t reinforce your brand message really help build long-term relationships with customers? Christopher of Groupon argues that shopping is fun and social, so there’s nothing wrong starting a conversation with a silly photo. Alexis of Luxola disagrees, arguing that cutsie photos can distract from the core brand message. Those cheap likes won’t benefit your brand in the long term.



東南アジアの多くの企業は急いで人々と対話しようとして、くだらない(かわいらしい子猫などの)画像を投稿している。しかし、企業の発するメッセージを強化することのないコンテンツは顧客との長期的関係を構築する上で本当に役立つのだろうか?GrouponのChristopher Chong氏が述べるところによると、買い物とはおもしろくてソーシャルなものだから、くだらない画像で会話を始めることも悪いことでは全くないという。しかし、LuxolaのAlexis Horowitz-Burdick氏はこれに同意しない。かわいらしい画像のせいで、顧客は企業が発するメッセージの核心部分から気をそらされてしまう。したがって、そのようにして手軽に得た『いいね!』は長期的に見ると企業にとって役に立たないものとなってしまうだろう、とのことだ。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
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Danny Tan, formerly of Found, unwraps new e-commerce startup HipVan

Serial entrepreneur Danny Tan first caught the attention of the tech crowd on the back of Found, a mobile app that allows friends to organize gatherings. His team won the first ever Echelon startup pitch competition ever in 2010, earning praise from Dave McClure of 500 Startups and getting a USD500k investment from Neoteny Labs, East Ventures and an undisclosed angel investor.

But since then, not much has been heard about Found. Danny himself ventured into the wilderness, joining Rocket Internet as senior product manager for Southeast Asia and Singapore startup Viki as director of product.


Foundを手がけたDanny Tan氏が新たなeコマースのスタートアップHipVanについて公開

連続起業家Danny Tan氏が最初にテック関連の人々から注目を浴びたのは、友人が集まることを計画できるようにするモバイルアプリFoundのためだった。同氏のチームは、2010年に初めて開催されたEchelonのピッチコンペにおいて優秀スタートアップに選ばれ、500 StartupsのDave McClure氏から称賛を受け、さらにはNeoteny LabsやEast Venturesおよび未公開のエンジェル投資家から50万ドルの出資を受けたのだった。

しかしそれ以後、Foundについての話はあまり聞こえてこない。Danny Tan氏自身は、Rocket Internetの東南アジアシニアプロダクトマネージャーおよびシンガポールのスタートアップVikiのプロダクト担当ディレクターに就任し、荒野の冒険に挑んでいたのである。