Katsuya Sato (ka28310) Translations

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Almost 9 years ago Male
Japanese (Native) English
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.5
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Not all of us are cut out for office jobs. In the past, it was relatively simple to find employment that was indoors or outdoors, depending on the jobseeker’s aptitudes and interests.
In the new millennium, however, success is almost always attached to indoor jobs, especially those that require sitting at a desk. If you’ve tried a number of indoor jobs and found them incompatible with your personality, or you’re leaving college and know you just can’t hack a desk job but still need to earn a decent salary (after all, beach bums also “work” outside), consider one of the jobs below, which combine being outside with a reasonable salary.



ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Some of the jobs require more professional training than others, and some include some inside work, but all of them mean the employee will spend the vast majority of his time out-of-doors.
This job is going to involve some indoor work (teaching, cataloging experiment results or research), but there should be plenty of time outside too, since that’s where plants grow best. Whether in a farmer’s field working for the agriculture department, or within a university setting, in a greenhouse or in the woods, there’s still plenty to learn about the plants that surround us. For more about jobs in botany, check out this page.



ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
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■Wildlands firefighter
This is a potentially dangerous job, which is one reason it pays so well. But unlike a traditional firefighter, you won’t be running into burning buildings — instead doing whatever needs to be done to fight forest and wild blazes. Expect to travel to wherever help is needed. The job requires physical stamina, knowledge of first aid, the capacity to think quickly and clearly, and basic practical skills like construction and minor repair. Check out job openings, discussions and more on the Wildlands Firefighter site.
■Park ranger or naturalist


潜在的に危険を伴う職種です。それが給与が高い一つの理由でもあります。しかし、従来の一般的な消防士とは違い、燃え盛る建物には突入していきません -- その代わり、森林火災や自然発火を防ぎ鎮火するためのあらゆることを行います。助けが必要な所にはどこでも赴きます。この職種は肉体的なスタミナや応急救急の知識、迅速で明晰な判断力と思考能力、建築や応急修理の基本的・実践的な知識を必要とします。募集中の職務があるかどうかや様々なディスカッションについては、ワイルドランド・ファイヤーファイターのサイトを参照してみてください。


ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
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The people who make the most working for park services (meaning national, state or even one of the well-funded city parks service, like in New York City) are those who have college-level training in environmental science, outdoor education or management. Park naturalists educate the public about their local ecosystems and animals, and spend most of their time outside, while rangers will advise and assist park visitors, a job that could include everything from supplying information about water supplies and hiking routes to search and rescue operations). Think you have what it takes to be a park ranger? Check out the Federal Government listings here.



ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

If you love Earth science, there are a host of well-paying jobs you can get with a degree in geology. You can find employment as an instructor at a college or university, work for an oil or gas company, or with an environmental services company (doing things like testing wells for leaks, or checking groundwater). But whichever path you choose, you will most likely spend a good portion of your working day outside. Start your job search or education about geology at the United States Geological Service's page, where you'll find resources from jobs to schools, as well as what's going on in the field.



ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Whether you can “make it” as a photographer definitely depends on talent, dedication and probably a bit of luck. The average salary for a photographer is only $36,000 a year, but that’s because plenty of people do the work only part-time. If you choose to specialize in wildlife, environmental or architectural photography, you will not only earn yourself a niche, but have the potential to work for publications that might pay more than for the easier and more straightforward work of editorial, wedding or product photography. Check out photographer job listings here, and this great tutorial for taking wildlife bird photos from MNN's Jaymi Heimbuch here.


写真家として『成功』するかどうかは間違いなくあなたの才能、献身的な努力とおそらくは少しの幸運に依存します。写真家の平均的な給料は年間でたった 36,000 ドルですが、それは多くの写真家が、パートタイムでその職に従事しているからです。もしあなたが専門的に自然環境や野生動植物の写真を撮影する専門家の道を選んだ場合は、特定のニッチなニーズに応える写真家としてのみならず、たとえば、編集部に出入りする写真家や、結婚式や物撮りを専門にする写真家よりも、自身の自然写真集を出版するなどして、より高額の報酬を簡単に稼ぎ出すことができます。写真家としての職業を詳しく知るには、ここを参照してください。そして、MNNのジェイミー・ハインバッハの撮った野鳥のこの素晴らしいチュートリアルを参考にしてください。

ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

■Wildlife rehabber
The estimates of how much you can earn helping distressed animals vary widely, but it does seem that those with the greatest knowledge and talent will earn the most. Also, there is a chance to earn more money by dealing with those animals hurt as a result of human negligence (like, say, an oil spill that can be blamed on a specific party). Another advantage would be expertise with endangered or threatened species. Some kind of veterinary training is expected, and the more experience with healing animals, the higher the expected salary might be. Start learning more about this amazing career at the National Wildlife Rehabilitator Association's site.



ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Fishing is a seasonal activity that is considered dangerous, so pay is high, but it’s not necessarily consistent and the labor is hard and the conditions can be uncomfortable. That being said, if being outdoors at sea, using your body and your head, and working as part of a team to bring in the day’s catch is your idea of great work, there are opportunities for entry-level workers that pay quite well. There are plenty of fishing jobs in Alaska, check out the jobs in the 49th state here, and fishing jobs elsewhere here.
Until the building is up, most construction jobs are outside, though usually not in the woods or next to the sea, but more likely in an urban setting.


