Katsuya Sato (ka28310) Translations

4.9 315 reviews
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Almost 9 years ago Male
Japanese (Native) English
Computer Hardware Computer Software
Contact Freelancer
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

More than 24million people in England and Wales commute to work, with an average round- trip time of 56 minutes, rising to 79 minutes in London.
RSPH polls suggest 33 per cent snack en route, with 29 per cent going to fast food restaurants on their way to or from work.
The organisation's Health in a Hurry report also finds that travelling to work by rail, bus and car is linked to increased stress, higher blood pressure and weight, and reduced time available for healthy activities such as cooking, exercise and sleeping.
It calls on more employers to allow staff to work from home, with more flexible working hours to avoid rush hour.



ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Some 58 per cent of the 1,500 Britons polled felt that flexible hours would improve their health.
Shirley Cramer, RSPH chief executive, said: 'For some, the daily commute can be a pleasurable experience, giving time for reflection or an opportunity to relax, but for an increasing number it is having a damaging effect on our health.
'As the length of our commute increases, this impact is getting worse.'
Commuting adds 800 calories a week to our diet turning the rat race into the fat race



ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

I'm still waiting to hear from Saga. I doubt I'll hear from my contact there before tomorrow; Saga is in San Franscisco, California, which is 3 hours behind Virginia. I've attched a pdf of their 1988 catalogue page.
Do the same conditions as in your listing -- free shipping to US, 30-day approval period -- apply?
I'm impressed with your 100% positive rating. I have the same.
I trust you are an expert in shipping instruments. The bottom of the instrument looks really close to the case, and I'd hate to have it damaged in transit.


あなたの出品と同じ条件 --つまり、アメリカ国内へは無料発送で、認可期間は30日とする --の条件を適用されますか?

ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

• Works with the Sales Manager and team to develop and execute programs to drive pipeline & close deals
• Works with the wider virtual account team (VAT) to educate target accounts on the solution set and conducts account planning for strategic deals
• Works to uncover and run large sales cycles based opportunities as directed by the Regional Sales Lead
• Works with VAT team on sales campaigns
• Leads efforts to establish, develop, and expand market share and revenue attainment within named accounts
• Works to attain various sales objectives related to securing new business opportunities within named customers
• Develops sales best practices securing repeatable and expansive opportunities across named accounts


- セールス・マネージャーおよび販売チームと共にパイプラインを遂行するための計画を立案・実行し、販売契約を結ぶこと。
- より広範なヴァーチャル・アカウント・チーム(VAT)と協力して、弊社の提供するソリューションセットに関してターゲット顧客を教育し、戦略的な販売を立案してアカウント計画の指揮をとり。
- VAT チームと協力し、販売キャンペーンを遂行する。
- 市場におけるシェアを確立し、開拓し、伸長することに努め、それぞれのアカウントからの利益を獲得する。
- それぞれのアカウントに対する新しいビジネスチャンスを確保することに関した様々な販売目標を達成するために努力する。
-繰り返しのアプローチが可能で今後伸長する機会をもつそれぞれの顧客に対し、 最も適した販売活動を展開していく。

ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

The primary purpose of the Solution Sales Executive Expert is to achieve their overall revenue goal. In order to achieve this goal, the Solution Sales Executive Expert must create a complete territory business plan that generates at least 3x their quota in pipeline opportunity. The Solution Sales Executive Expert is responsible to identify and qualify opportunities, develop and drive strategy. The Solution Sales Executive Expert will develop an opportunity plan containing the value proposition for XXXXX's cloud ERP and line of business SaaS solutions to potential customers & prospects in that territory.


ソリューション・セール・エグゼクティブ・エキスパートの職務の第一の目的は、全体的な売り上げ目標を達成し、ゴールに設定した利益を上げることである。この売り上げ目標を達成するために、ソリューション・セール・エグゼクティブ・エキスパートは、担当の顧客に対し、売り上げのチャンスのパイプラインで見込まれる額の3倍の売り上げ目標を達成できる完全なビジネスプランを立することである。 ソリューション・セール・エグゼクティブ・エキスパートはビジネスチャンスを発見して吟味し、戦略を立てて実行に移していく責任を負う。ソリューション・セール・エグゼクティブ・エキスパートはXXXXXのクラウドERPと担当範囲の潜在的な顧客と見込み客に対しSaaSのビジネスラインの価値の提案を含む販売活動計画を作成することになる。

ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Greetings from Fulfillment by Amazon,

We received negative customer feedback regarding the ASIN listed below.

We have checked all inventory on hand in our Fulfillment Center and products held in your account that are Fulfilled by Amazon have been graded as defective and moved into your unsellable inventory.

Please verify that all future shipments have this issue corrected; failure to do so will cause errors, poor customer experience, and delays in receiving your products.

Please create a removal order in your seller account to have these items returned to you or destroyed.

For more information, please see How to Create Removal Orders in Seller Central Help.








ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

sir i pay camera price but ship is pay by u

Sorry but this is about an item, I could not find the number. It's about your Nikon F4S, 591 and 594: you listed them as junk because you did not properly test them. You also said they are functional so, in your opinion, do they work? Almost no one have camera properly tested for film, so I'd just like to know if camera powers up, fires and windings work.

You say you didn't check if the light meter works? If you check it and it's accurate I'm happy to bid for it :)

But I don't want to bid if it's not working.

What mount does this lens sport?



商品について、ですが、恐縮ですが私は番号がわかりません。売主様のニコン F4S の591と594についてです。あなたは、適正にテストを行わないでジャンク品として出品されました。あなたは、機能的なものであると仰いましたが、あなたのご意見ですとそれらはちゃんと動作しますか?フィルムカメラについてはどなたもきちんと動作テストをしないようですので、そのカメラはきちんと電源が入り、シャッターが切れてフィルムの巻き上げまで動作するかどうかを知りたいと思います。

ライトメーターが動作するかどうか確認しなかった、とのことでしたね? そこで、確認して頂き、正確に動作するのであれば私あ喜んで入札いたします。



ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Is there anything we can offer you to retain you as a member with our company? Would you consider staying with us as our customer if I switched you to a Basic Account and waived the setup fees? With Basic Account you can keep your account open without having to pay further annual or monthly fees.

If you choose to keep your account open as a Basic Account rather than cancelling your account, you can avoid incurring the setup fee to re-open your account if and when you choose to use our services again in the future without having to pay a setup fee to reinstate your account.

I look forward to hearing from you. We have left your account open pending your reply.


あなたを弊社のメンバーとして居続けてもらうために弊社ができることは何かありますでしょうか? もし、お客様を設定手数料無しで弊社のベーシック・アカウントに切り替えさせて頂ければ、引き続き弊社のお客様で居続けることが可能でしょうか?ベーシック・アカウント会員になりますと、月々の料金や年単位での手数料を払う必要がなくお客様のアカウントをオープンに維持することができます。

