junnyt Translations

ID Unverified
Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
junnyt Japanese → English
Original Text



Hello, how are you doing?

As I was busy preparing to open the new shops, I hardly could take any day off.
Even when I could take some days off, I have been sleeping all day.

For Japanese school students, the spring vacation is coming soon.
That's why I think many Japanese people will go to Hawaii.

I think you are also very busy working、but are you fine?
I'm used up now haha. I really want some days off to be relaxed.

It rains a lot here in Japan.
In some days, it is very cold.
In some other days, it is very warm.

Now the cherry blossoms starts blooming six days earlier than annual stadndart
in Japan

I talked about the cheery blossoms with you last year.
The memory of that reminds me of the fact that one more year has passed already.

I like cherry blossoms and looking at them makes me feel spring coming.

The cheery blossoms fall just after they bloom just for a week in a year.
Their full bloom impresses me.

If I can go bloom gazing this year, I will send you some pictures of them.

I am going to work tomorrw dreaming that both you and I can gaze blooms

I will write you again.
Take Care