jaga Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
jaga English → Japanese
Original Text

Yes just between me and you, we intend to lower our ○○ Prices soon, perhaps starting June. reason being we are working on the New ○○ so we want sell what we have on the current inventory.

As for exclusive distributors, we always want an exclusive distributor but we need someone that can sell to retailers in Japan as oppose to just online. 
Because if just online anyone can do it, so we are looking for someone with existing gaming channels to retail shops.

We have a few distributors in Japan now as you know,
and next time around we will limit the number of reseller to probably 2 but not exclusive.
Do you sell other gaming products such as gaming titles and controllers to retail shops in Japan?





jaga English → Japanese
Original Text

Of course, none of that is officially coming in WeChat v5.0. We know there is a social gaming platform coming for sure – similar to those from rival apps Line and Kakaotalk – but it might not be ready to go live this month. E-payments are far from a certainty as well; indeed, when we listened in on Tencent’s most recent earnings call in March – revealing $7 billion in revenue in 2012 – Tencent president Marin Lau had this to say of mobile payments:

We take a long-term view – there are so many hurdles and a lack of standardization [for payments]. So it’s an experiment that we take a lot of interest in, but it takes a long time to see what needs to be done to build a business model on it.


もちろん、これらの機能がWeChat v5.0に搭載されると公式に発表されているわけではない。ライバルアプリのLineやKakaotalkのものと似たソーシャルゲームプラットフォームが登場するのは確かなようだが今月にスタートするかどうかはわからない。電子決済も確実というには程遠い。事実、3月に行われたTencentの最新の実績発表(2012年の売上高は70億ドル)のなかでプレジデントのMarin Lau氏はモバイル決済について以下のように語っている。


jaga English → Japanese
Original Text

As for paid publishing or subscriptions for content, that’s also an area covered by Line and KakaoTalk. Just a few weeks ago, KakaoTalk rolled out its KakaoPage platform for selling digital content, while Line recently started selling e-books. Neither of those will impact WeChat in China, we suspect, where most of its users actually are, but it’s interesting to see these similar patterns.

It’s conceivable that WeChat will pursue many other channels in the future as well, such as a rumored mobile wallet capability.

My own feature request for WeChat is a badly needed makeover – especially for its slow and clunky Android app with its dated, pre-Android 4.0 stylings.




WeChatの機能についての筆者の要望は、ぜひとも必要な手直しをしてほしいということだ。特に、Android 4.0以前の時代遅れのスタイルで動作の遅い出来の悪いAndroidアプリはなんとかしてほしい。