jaga Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
jaga English → Japanese
Original Text

That’s exactly why PosteVN could experience immediate success in Vietnam. An under-served Japanese community needed to connect. For example, many Japanese businessmen only come to live in Vietnam for three years at a time and they have to get rid of their furniture and they don’t know who to sell or give it to, PosteVN addresses unique problems like these.

Before we even had a website, I just had a small PowerPoint and an idea in my head, and I came to the CEO of Japan Airlines in Vietnam, and I pitched PosteVN. He immediately understood and saw the potential, and gave me two tickets to fly to Japan for our raffle.




jaga English → Japanese
Original Text

Tellit, on the other hand, fits with the general Asian culture better with a cuter overall design coupled with stickers similar to KakaoTalk, Line, and WeChat. I’m guessing that GREE has plans to make Tellit a mobile gaming platform once it gains steam. But a GREE representative said that the company has no plans to turn it into a mobile gaming platform just yet.

Whatever it is, GREE has two mobile messaging apps at its disposal. I guess it could tap into eBuddy XMS for the Western market and Tellit for the Asian market. But first it probably has to buy the rest of eBuddy to make that possible.



いずれにせよGREEは自由にできる2つのモバイルメッセージアプリを持っている。筆者は同社がeBuddy XMSを欧米市場向けに、Tellitをアジア市場向けに利用すると推測している。しかし、それを可能にするためにはまずeBuddyの残りの株式を購入する必要があるだろう。

jaga English → Japanese
Original Text

The operations that would also be known as “NAMCO BANDAI Studios Singapore Pte. Ltd.” would be working in close collaboration with the Economic Development Board and several educational institutions to develop and secure human resources.

This would also ensure the further revitalization of the local game industry cluster, which is evolving rapidly. NAMCO BANDAI Studios will further consider optimal deployment of its development facilities to acquire new customers in the growing markets. They would also be looking optimizing content development cost, in order to develop content that is in line with their mission of providing “Dreams, Fun and Inspiration” to people around the world.


子会社の名称は「NAMCO BANDAI Studios Singapore Pte. Ltd.」でシンガポール経済開発庁および複数の教育機関とみつに連携し人的資源の開発・確保を行う予定だ。

これにより急速に発展を遂げているシンガポールのゲーム産業がさらに活性化されることになるだろう。さらにNAMCO BANDAI Studiosはこの成長市場における新規顧客を獲得するために同社の開発施設を最適に展開することを検討している。また、「夢と、遊び、感動」を世界中の人々提供するという同社のミッションに沿ったコンテンツを開発するめにコンテンツ開発コストを最適化することにも目を向けている。

jaga English → Japanese
Original Text

For now, some of the more prominent publishers include Jong-shin Yoon, a popular singer-songwriter in Korea, Young-man Heo, a renowned manhwa (Korean cartoons, similar to Japanese manga) artist, Hong Cha, a well known hair stylist, and Yi-hyeon Chung, a popular novelist.

While most of the digital content is text-based, KakaoPage also has music and images to offer. For example, 2AM, a popular boy band in Korea, is offering their ‘One Summer Day’ album through KakaoPage, bundled with their photos and commentaries for KRW 5000 (US$4.40). For all content sold, the revenue is shared between Google Play (30 percent), Kakao (20 percent), and the publisher (50 percent).


現在、コンテンツを提供している著名人には韓国の人気シンガーソングライターのJong-shin Yoon氏、manhwa(日本の漫画に似た韓国のカトゥーン)アーティストとして名高いYoung-man Heo氏、有名なヘアースタイリストのHong Chaし、人気小説家のYi-hyeon Chung氏などがいる。

KakaoPageで配信されているデジタルコンテンツのほとんどは文字コンテンツだが音楽や画像もある。例えば、韓国の人気男性バンドの2AMは彼らのアルバム「One Summer Day」に写真やコメントをセットにして5000ウオン(US$4.40)で販売している。完売されたコンテンツの売上はGoogle(30%)、Kakao(20%)、版元(50%)で分け合うことになる。