jaga Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
jaga English → Japanese
Original Text

As Line’s popularity grew, the app was spun-off in February this year into the Line Corp subsidiary. Besides facilitating chats between users, it has truly become a mobile platform incorporating different digital content including games and manga. Growing to 150 million users in less than two years hasn’t been easy. One of the reasons why Line has been able to grow so rapidly was because it has listened closely to its users’ needs. At NHN’s headquarters in Seoul, Korea, Kang Hyunbin, who is the head of business office at Line Plus Corp, told me:

I think users in Japan and the users in the world actually provide us the reason why we develop Line and what [way] to develop Line. Our users are kinda our co-founders


Lineの人気が高まるのに伴い同アプリ事業は今年の2月に分割されLine株式会社となった。ユーザー間のチャットを容易にしただけではなく、Lineはゲームやマンガを含む異なるデジタルコンテンツを取り込んだ真のモバイルプラットフォームとなった。2年足らずで1億5000万のユーザーを獲得するのは容易なことではなかった。Lineがこのように急速に成長できた理由の1つはユーザーのニーズにじっと耳を傾けたからだ。Line Plus Corpのビジネス・オフィスのトップを務めるKang Hyunbin氏に韓国のソウルにあるNHNの本社で話を聞いた。


jaga English → Japanese
Original Text

Starting with Cony, Brown, Moon, and James, these characters, who each represent different personalities, have been a huge hit in Asia. In Japan, Line’s kawaii characters are broadcast on TV in cartoon form and can also be found for sale as plush toys, T-shirts, and other merchandise. Take the pictured screenshot as an example. Expressing our sincere goodbyes to friends using stickers can be that fun.

Line also has games to entertain its users. One of its more popular games, Line Pop, is popular not just in Japan but also Thailand and Taiwan. So much so that it even has tutorial videos on tips and tricks to get more points.


Conyをはじめとする Brown、Moon、Jamesといった異なるパーソナリティを象徴するキャラクターはアジアで大人気だ。日本ではLineの「かわいい」キャラクターがテレビのアニメ番組に登場したり、それらのキャラクターをあしらったビロード玩具、Tシャツその他の商品が販売されている。スクリーンショットの例にみられるように、スティッカーを使い心からのサヨナラの気持ちを伝えるのは楽しかったりもする。

またLineにはユーザーを楽しませるゲームがある。広く普及しているゲームの1つであるLine Popは日本だけではなくタイや台湾でも人気が高い。そのためより多くのポイントを獲得するためのヒントや裏ワザに関するチュートリアル動画もあるほどだ。

jaga English → Japanese
Original Text

The user-base number isn’t big in China but we have a growth trend plus our own effort, which we are going to plan in the future. I have confidence that we do have more aggressive numbers coming soon that we can reach in the future.
Tencent’s WeChat – called Weixin in China – is the clear market leader there.

Thailand, Indonesia, Spain, and more

Unlike China, Line dominates Thailand with more than 15 million users from the country. In Thailand, Line noticed a familiar trend: Users simply love their stickers. “Again, the one big phenomenon in the Thai market is that users can express themselves really well using Line’s stickers,” said Hyunbin.



