hhanyu7 Translations

5.0 1 reviews
ID Verified
About 9 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

I wanted to let you know that we took a closer review of the invoice that you provided to us on September, 18, 2015. It was determined, since the item descriptions matched that of what was received in your account, and the unit value of each item was listed that we can accept the invoice.

We have updated all of the values to match that on your invoice. Of the 18 packages that were on hold, we have released 9 from hold. The remaining 9 are still on hold. However, these are able to ship. We have to keep them on hold to ensure that they ship together. When you are ready to ship these packages, please email us and we will create the ship request on your behalf based on your specifications.




hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

★Hello, you can send : used minolta VC7 Grip $ 25 so I do not pay tax

★"Alo I am looking the same 2.8 / canon/eyefish 15mm or 18 mm but must be eye fish 2.8 . If you have it we can negociate, tomorrow I will send you back the lens you sent me"

★"Please ASAP Send me your add ...."

To reply now, see the request details.

★I am unsure if you're taking offers - but I'd like to offer you $900 AUD if you're interested

★I am a young photography student so my purse is very small
I want to know your best sale price for a student please?
I am ready to pay the monthly payment every month by my Master card credit card, it's going to help me a bit
I could also recommend to my photography class for more customers



★「Alo 私は同じ2.8/キャノン/eyefish 15mm か18mm、しかし eyefish2.8でなければなりません。もし在庫がありましたら交渉したいと思います。明日、あなたが送ってくれたレンズを送り返します。





hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

However the addresses you provided and are still provided is to another freight forwarder. We require the merchant invoice even for these package to go domestically because the packages are hold by our Trade Compliance team who require that information from you before they will release the packages.

We require the original receipt for each package as some arrived with a merchant invoice missing the values and only displaying the item descriptions. We require the original invoice which includes the item descriptions, item values and verification of payment made. Each package is a separate order so we required the invoices for each one.


しかし、あなたが提出した住所およびこれから提供される住所は別の運送会社です。これらの荷物が国内に送られるものであっても商業インボイスが必要です。なぜなら荷物をお渡しする前にあなたからの情報を必要とする私たちのTrade Complianceチームが荷物を持っているからです。


hhanyu7 Japanese → English
Original Text





Each team has to find several assigned spots according to “photos of Mt. Fuji,” and at each spot it has to take a picture of the scenery by a team’s camera at the same angle as in the photos of Mt. Fuji.
After all teams reach the finish line, they show their pictures taken at each spot to get points for correct answers.

Based on the assignment and map with a clue written on it, each team must find several spots that it is instructed to find. How many spots will it be able to find and which team will be able to finish the line within the time limit? A team’s brain power and consensus is put to the test.

People split into teams and start fishing to compete for a total of how many fish they get within the time limit. In addition to the number of fish they get, a big fish could be a chance to come from behind and win.

hhanyu7 Japanese → English
Original Text





A pair maneuvers ① Canadian canoe. Each team consisting of several pairs in canoe competes on the speed, which is a total time spent by each pair of the team to reach the line, of making a circuit of a track on a designated water area in Lake Kawaguchi.

There is a scattering of natural caves in Aogigahara sea of trees fanning out across the northern part of the foot of Mr. Fuji. Team members with only a helmet and a headlight try to enter the untouched caves being without power or handrail and then come back.

In Lake Kawaguchi and its surroundings as a stage, team members have to work together as a team to locate several spots that they are instructed to find, finding out numbers on a map coordinate by GPS. Which team can find everything and reach the finish line within the time limit?

hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

1.Hello Sir,
Indeed, this model is available but I’ve just one model in my stockroom.

You can watch your pro forma invoice without tax and with fret charge from Japan, below

I wait your instruction

Best regards

2.Hello Sir,
Your order N°93113 is ready to send (with great address), you can paid by credit card Visa or Master Card . We don’t used Paypal System.
Send by email your credit card number BUT WITH TWO MAILS FOR SECURITY (VERY IMPORTANTE) (ex : 1st mail : 4565/5203/****/**** date 04/17 *** - 2Nd mail : ****/****/ 7896/2385 **/** crypto 523).

Thanks you very much for your order

Best regards.





(例:一通目:4565/5203/****/**** 日付04/17 *** - 二通目:****/****/ 7896/2385 **/** crypto 523)。

