hhanyu7 Translations

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About 9 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
hhanyu7 Japanese → English
Original Text




富士北麓地域をベースにおこなっておりますが、ご要望があれば、      全国のツアーも実施致します。


Our own transportation service arrangedto suit your needs

A driver’s driving hours and distance has been limited since 2013, and it has been required since 2014 that bus fare has to be calculated based on the driving hours and distance. In some cases, bus fare calculated by the new method could increase two to three times higher than one was before. In order to provide cost-saving and efficient tours, we will start our own special transportation service.

We use our own special trailer dedicated for bicycles. It is capable of carrying up to 40 bicycles.

We provide this transportation service mainly for the region around the foot of north of Mt. Fuji, but if requested, we will provide our service for tours across the country.

hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

If it was anyone but Apple, this could just be shrugged off. However, the company’s scale means signposting users towards the Apple ecosystem in this way has massive significance for search providers. Somewhere inside Cupertino, a butterfly is beating its wings trying to cause a storm in Mountain View.

Obviously, Google has not been slow to react to this changing market. The company has been building out its own indexes to improve app search and has been presenting app results for a while. Google Now, for example, has been working with select publishers to start serving relevant content within the Google Now app.



明らかに、Googleはこの変化する市場への反応が遅くはなかった。同社は、アプリ検索の向上のために自社のインデックスを構築してきているし、しばらくの間アプリの結果を提示してきている。Google Nowは例えば、Google Now内で関連したコンテンツの提供を始めるのに厳選した発行元に取り組んでいる。

hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

It will be interesting to see how this new OS dependent episode of the mobile search battle unfolds. These early skirmishes will see Apple moving fast, allowing it to quickly gain ground. The question will quickly become whether Google will be able to rally its larger, slower moving, army and claw back lost territory. While it is premature to predict a new world order for search, the giants are shaping up to do battle, and it will be fascinating to watch.

Emma Crowe is Chief of Client Strategy at Somo, which has been developing with iOS9 for the last couple of months, taking it apart in a series of hack days to get under the hood and see just what it can do.



Emma CroweはSomoの顧客戦略部長だ。彼は、中身を検査し何ができるのか知るために一連の不正侵入の日々を徹底的に調べながら、ここ2ヶ月の間、iOS9を開発している。

hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

From San Francisco to Shanghai, communities everywhere are taking to digital money transferring with gusto. And there’s a major social component to it too: Many apps, such as Venmo, integrate with bigger platforms as another way of broadcasting — or, some might say, boasting about — all of our activities.

So, as Venmo becomes to payments what Google is to search, how might this growing trend impact your business’ bottom line in the not-so-distant future? I recently took a more in-depth look at all the different types of money transfers on social. But in the bigger picture, here’s the gist of what’s in store.




hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

While Venmo has kept the social component in-app, on the other end of the spectrum is ChangeTip, which makes the experience inherently cross-network. The app lets users of Bitcoin (a digital currency) send and accept donations, tips, gifts, payments and rewards on a dozen platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Slack and SoundCloud.

The networks themselves have gotten into the game as well. Facebook’s peer-to-peer payment feature enables friends to exchange money via the Messenger app. All people need to do is add a US debit card to their Facebook account. But unlike Venmo or ChangeTip, keeping the transaction contained within Messenger prevents it from being a visible social experience.


Venmoは社会的構成要素をアプリ内に留めていたが、その対極にあるのは、体験を本質的にクロスネットワークにするChangeTipだ。そのアプリでは、Bitcoin(デジタル貨幣)のユーザは、Facebook、Twitter、Tumblr、 Slack、 SoundCloudをはじめとする様々なプラットフォーム上で寄付、チップ、ギフト、支払い、報酬などを送ったり受け取ったりできる。

そうしたネットワーク自体もこのゲームに参入していた。Facebookのピアツーピア決済機能では、友人たちがMessengerアプリを介してお金のやりとりができる。 やらなければならないのは、アメリカのデビットカードをFacebookのアカウントに加えることだけだ。しかしVenmoやChangeTipとは違い、Messenger内での取引きをそのまま維持することで、取引きが目に見えるソーシャル体験で見られないようにしてある。