hhanyu7 Translations

5.0 1 reviews
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About 9 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Look at the pictures I think pretty accurate you can see the reading on the ohmmeter. Buyer will also be getting the aluminum throats you see. I cannot remember exactly what they were drilled for but obviously can be drilled for other horns. Will be incredibly well packed for shipping. I will and often do ship worldwide.

I will work as hard as I can to ship your AVS to you.

I am currently at work, tomorrow is a holiday (Thanksgiving) and I will most likely ship out on Friday morning but it is also a holiday (Black Friday)

So I am trying to get a label created and put it into the mail tomorrow so you can get it in Japan I suppose correct?






hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

I would like to inform that we cannot the make the changes unless and until you make some of the contribution from your end.

In short I would like to request you to please contribute first for the changes to take place. I'm sorry for making you take an additional step regarding the matter, it's just to ensure that we provide you a clear resolution to avoid any kind of discrepancy.

Please note it can take up to 24 hours after adding an image for the image to appear on the website. If you are changing the image, that image might take three to seven days to propagate through the Amazon.com system. It takes this long because of the method Amazon.com uses to store and serve images to our website.





hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

This startup knows what you are going to buy even before you do!

Using predictive analytics, Singapore’s PlusMargin pushes targetted notifications to increase conversions and sales revenue

For most e-commerce sites, the struggle to convert traffic into sales is real. That’s where Singapore B2B startup PlusMargin comes in.

According to Co-founder Viren Shetty, PlusMargin is a predictive marketing platform that helps e-commerce clients increase conversions on their site. Typical conversation rates are at about one per cent, despite the amount of cash thrown at pushing traffic.





共同設立者viren Shetty氏によると、PlusMarginは、

hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

After the data is pushed through its algorithms, clients using PlusMargin will be able to determine ‘how likely’ customers are going to buy and can craft notifications accordingly.

Notifications come in the form of offers, which incentivise the customer to buy. Shetty gives the example of offering a customer free shipping for a purchase of US$50.

Unlike their competition, which according to Shetty is primarily rule-based, PlusMargin operates on a more automated basis. “You can think of it as A/B testing versus automated personalisation. We are more into the predictive and data science part instead of trying to do A/B testing,” he says.




Shetty氏の口をかりれば主に規定をベースにしているという競合とは違い、PlusMarginは、より自動化をベースに運営している。「A/B テストと対比して個人化が思い浮かばれると思います。私たちは、A/Bテストを行おうとしているというよりむしろ、予測やデータ分析の側にいます」 と同氏は述べた。

hhanyu7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

“There are very few startups that are doing the predictive part — primarily because there is a very high barrier to entry. It requires a certain level of skill set, which is why you see way less competition in our domain,” and he notes that most of their competition is based in the US or Europe.

Based on its website (see below screenshot), 500 Startups is apparently an investor in PlusMargin. When asked, Shetty says that other investors have participated in their seed round and that more details are coming in.

Alongside Co-founder Melverick Ng, who was a software consultant at SAP prior to joining PlusMargin, Shetty is also flanked by two talented developers.


「予測関係のことを行うスタートアップはほとんどありませんーそれは主に非常に高い参入障壁があるためです。参入するには、一定水準のスキルセットが要求され、そのため私たちの分野には競合がずいぶん少ないのです」 そして同氏は、競合のほとんどはアメリカやヨーロッパを拠点としているとも述べた。

同社のウェブサイトによると(下記のスクリーンショットを参照)、500 Startupsは明らかにPlusMarginの投資者である。Shetty氏に聞くと、他の投資者は、同社のシードラウンドに参加しており、その詳細は追って入ってくるということだ。

PlusMarginに入社する前にSAPでソフトウェアのコンサルタントであった、共同設立者Melverick Ng氏と並んで、Shetty氏の両側には、二人の有能な開発者も並んでいる。