hhanyu7 Translations

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About 9 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
hhanyu7 Japanese → English
Original Text



①Saturn VII. Because of irregularity of the axial rotation period and the axis of rotation, there is no concept of a day.
②The largest lake in the world. The north of the Caspian Sea is very shallow with an average depth of 5-6m.
③A dwarf planet omitted from a planet of the solar system because it does not meet the definition of planet
④The largest island in the world. About more than 80% of the island is covered with ice sheet and perennial snow.
⑤The largest basin area in the world. 6516km long. The mouth of the river is about 300km wide.
⑥Material things flown by the impact of the collision between the Earth and other celestial objects piled up, forming the Moon in about one month.
⑦Over 97% of the Antarctic Continent is covered with 1000 – 2000 m thick of ice.

hhanyu7 Japanese → English
Original Text



①An ameba consists of only one cell and does not have a fixed shape. It multiplies by cell division.
②Fine-grained sandstones are geologically categorized into five groups by size.
③An ovum is a reproductive cell, which exists in the female body. It is the largest cell in the human body.
④Fog is a condition that develops when the temperature of air with water vapor drops and water vapor condenses into tiny liquid water droplets suspended in the air.
⑤Snow crystals form under conditions of low temperatures, high humidity and mild wind.
⑥Tardigrades can live in any environment. It is confirmed by experiment that they are able to live as long as 10 days even in space.
⑦There are about 20,000 kinds of ticks in the world. It is said that only ticks have a great diversity equivalent to the diversity of all insects.
⑧Sesamum indicum is an annual plant of the Pedaliaceae family. The savanna region is said to be its place of origin.