hhanyu7 Translations

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About 9 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
hhanyu7 English → Japanese
Original Text

We add new creations to our shop weekly setting us apart from the fashion industry norm of seasonal collections. I have been making jewelry for as long as I can remember. I would search for treasures on the beach, in vintage shops and my own Mother’s closet for things to make jewelry out of. I’m not sure where this passion came from but I have always known that making jewelry is what I needed to do with my life.
I had my first business license when I was only 16 years old and would find local fashion shows and events to sell my creations at. When it came time for college I attended the World’s Biggest Gem grading lab in the world for instruction to hone my craft.


私が営業許可を取ったのは16歳の頃でしたが、地元のファッションショーや催し物を探しては自分の創作物を販売したものです。大学へ通う頃になると、私はWorld’s Bigest Gemに参加し、世界の実験室できた宝石を等級別にする教えを仰ぎ工芸のスキルを磨きました。

hhanyu7 English → Japanese
Original Text

GIA taught me most of what I know today. I became a certified Gemologist, Bench Jeweler and Designer. With the new skills under my belt, I set out into the world for inspiration. Along the way I met my supportive husband who now runs LDJ with me! He contributes to A LOT of the inspiration I have for my jewelry and comes up with awesome ideas all the time!
He is the Yin to my Yang and together we make this company so much stronger! We spend most of our days communicating with our customers, making new creations, packing and shipping orders, doing photo shoots and preparing for festivals and events. We search for all our gemstones and know where they all come from.



hhanyu7 English → Japanese
Original Text

and im confident with my group that they can help your business grow because of their track record and your are protected because this guy is also 1 of the right hand of senator Enrile and they are the one who control the port irine in Cagayan.
Take note brother that they will also do the marketing invetation for the auctions sale so you don't have to worry about the buyer of all that your going to export here,

They also have warehouse.You can see wen we go to there place at Cagayan and they advised you to stay there for to nights so that they can show you around.
Take note also that there place is economic zone so you don't have to pay taxes right away.
We discuss the best strategy wen you get here.


