happytranslator Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) Chinese (Traditional) Chinese (Simplified) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
happytranslator English → Japanese
Original Text

Usually all our goods reach Japan within 7-10 days. Indeed, your dispatch alone with a few other packages which have been shipped at the same time with yours are too long on thier way. And we have already contacted our post office concerning your issue. As it turned out, a mistake happened on a sort facility. Firstly, your package (with a few other ones) was shipped to Vladivistok by mistake. It stayed there a few days and then the mistakes was discovered and the packages were reshipped to Moscow (since there is one of our customs points located there) to get it sent to you, to Japan. We hope next week you will get your package safe and sound. If you have any more questions please feel free to ask us.



happytranslator English → Japanese
Original Text

1966 Corgi Batmobile 267

Rocket Firing 1st Issue

Everything is original. Batman and Robin are still intact and in excellent condition, along with windshield, antenna, and missel launcher (missels are not included). The paint job is still a beautiful gloss black with VERY MINOR small chips in a couple of spots (mainly on bottom). I would consider it to be in very good to excellent condition. The car does come with the box, but the box and insert have seen better days and would be graded at fair at best (outter box is missing one flap). I have described this item to the best of my knowledge and hope you purchase with confidence-it is a hard to find item in this condition!


1966 コーギー バットモービル 267

ロケット発射 第1版

すべてがオリジナルです。バットマンとロビンは、フロントガラス、アンテナ、ミサイル発射装置(ミサイルは含まれません)がついた完全で素晴らしい状態です。塗装は、まだつやのある黒色のきれいな状態ですが、ほとんど目立たない小さな傷が数か所あります。 (ほとんどの傷は底の部分にあります)非常に良い素晴らしい状態だと思います。車には箱がついていますが、箱と挿入物は、あまり良い状態ではなく、まあまあの状態と言えます。 (外箱はふたが1つ紛失しています。). この商品を不安なく購入して頂けるよう商品説明は、私のわかる範囲で出来る限り詳しく書きました。-このような状態の商品はめったにありません!

happytranslator English → Japanese
Original Text

I tried to send you an email through email channels, but it keeps kicking back?? I wanted to mention that I sold another item to a lady that has the same address...Kimura Ryusuke...I'm sending you this note to inquire if you girls know each other - would it be ok to pack your item and hers together to save you girls on postage. When I send the invoice I'd just split the postage cost - maybe only a couple dollars, but trying to save you double insurance too. I'm sending this message to her as well...just one of you girls let me know WHO to send the package to OR if you want it separately shipped - no problem and I'll pack separate for each of you and send invoice off very promptly.....Kindest regards, Phyllis


電子メールチャンネルから貴方にメールを送ろうと何度か試みましたが、跳ね返されてしまいました。別の商品を貴方と同じ住所の女性(きむらりゅうすけさん)に販売したことをお知らせしま。このメールを貴方に送る理由は、貴方とその女性は知り合いかどうか聞きたかったからです。 - 貴方の商品とその女性の商品を一緒に梱包して送料を節約してもいいでしょうか。お送りする送り状の送料は半分にわけます。- おそらく数ドル安くなるだけだとは思いますが、保険は二重に節約できます。当メッセージはその女性にも送っています。...どちらに小包をお送りするべきか、または、別々に送ったほうがよいかを、貴方達のどちらかおひとりが私にお知らせ下さい。

happytranslator English → Japanese
Original Text



happytranslator English → Japanese
Original Text

Secondly, I think its very important to try to do something new...some sort of musical idea that nobody else is really exploring. This might be an interesting use of rhythm or harmony, but I think that more often it is a sonic exploration. Timbral and production choices are defining bands' sounds more than ever. Often I hear songs that can be very interesting from a production or tone point of view, but the song itself is musically boring or stagnant. That's not necessarily a problem if the production and tones are sufficiently interesting, but I think the best songs are those that combine new sonic ideas with great songwriting.

