森のぷぅーさん (forest_the_pooh) Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 13 years ago
English German Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
forest_the_pooh English → Japanese
Original Text

10×10 Lessons Learnt From Entrepreneurs

On Saturday the Geeks on a Train crew from Chinaccelerator had their first stop in Beijing. The 10×10 event was held at the most artistic incubation space in China, Yuanfen Flow at 798 Art District. Surrounded by modern art installations, start-ups can draw creative inspiration to apply to their business – something that needs to happen a lot more in China.

10 speakers had 10 minutes each to impart their wisdom, experience and advice about being an entrepreneur. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the inspiring mentors who touched on a range of important and insightful topics.





forest_the_pooh English → Japanese
Original Text

1. Richard Robinson – Speed is key

Robinson China is currently working on Youlu, a mobile application to convert your mobile phone address book into a social network.

He illustrated the point by showing a snippet from the movie Troy, where Brad Pitt who plays Troy uses pure speed and agility to defeat his much larger and rather beastly opponent. The metaphor shows that start-ups who are lean and quick can overcome much bigger incumbent competitors that take a long time to move and change.

He also noted that speed helps improve morale with momentum, raises awareness and drives adoption, maximizes valuations and attracts investment. As famous serial entrepreneur, Mike Cassidy says to “set tone from day one”.


1. リチャードロビンソン-スピードが鍵です。

ロビンソン : あなたの携帯電話のアドレス帳をソーシャルネットワークに変換するための"Youlu"、モバイルアプリケーションに、中国は、現在取り組んでいる。
