est (estzet) Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
estzet English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.5
Original Text

A proof-of-work (POW) system (or protocol, or function) is an economic measure to deter denial of service attacks and other service abuses such as spam on a network by requiring some work from the service requester, usually meaning processing time by a computer. A key feature of these schemes is their asymmetry: the work must be moderately hard (but feasible) on the requester side but easy to check for the service provider. This idea is also named Client Puzzle Protocol (CPP). It is distinct from a CAPTCHA, which is intended for a human to solve quickly, rather than a computer.

One popular system is Hashcash, which uses partial hash inversions to prove that work was done, as a good-will token to send an e-mail.


Proof-of-work(POW)システム(またはプロトコル、またはファンクション)は、DOS攻撃やリクエスト者からの複数要求によるネットワーク上へのスパム行為(通常コンピュータのプロセスタイムを意味する)などの他のサービス悪用を阻止するための実用的な手段である。これらのスキームの重要な機能は、非対照性にある。つまり、動作は要求者側にとっては程よくハード(しかし利用可能である)であるが、サービス提供者によるチェックが容易であることだ。この考えはまた、 Client Puzzle Protocol (CPP)と呼ばれている。これは、素早い解決にはコンピュータよりもむしろ人間の方が向いているという、CAPTCHAとは区別されている。


estzet English → Japanese
Original Text

Do you want this to ship to Japan or the United States?

Sorry, but for your protection and ours, we can only ship to verified PayPal addresses or credit card billing addresses. We have this policy to ensure we are not processing fraud orders as PayPal offers no protection if we ship to an unverified address.

If you would like to change the shipping address, we can refund the original payment and then you can resubmit the payment with the correct shipping address. Please let us know if you would like to do this or if you would like us to continue with the shipping of the item to the original address.





estzet English → Japanese
Original Text

3) pair the mouse
- Switch off the chuck, and switch on the mouse
- Insert the dongle into the PC or PS3
- Hold the mouse close (~10cm/~4inch) to the dongle, and press either cross, square, circle or triangle button
- The LED on the mouse should dim out and the green LED on the dongle should light
- If not, repeat the procedure

4) pair the chuck
- Switch off the mouse, and switch on the chuck
- Insert the dongle into PC or PS3
- Hold the chuck close (~10cm/~4inch) to the dongle, and press L1 button
- The LED on the chuck should dim out and the blue LED on the dongle should light
- If not, repeat the procedure




estzet English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

New investment bonuses from Germany’s Market Incentive Programme and improved loan terms from KfW Bank Group for renewables become available for solar thermal.
The new map will provide greater momentum for renewable heat and step up private investments.
Solar thermal arrays with a collector surface of less than 40 m² will now receive up to €400 more upfront, as will biomass-fired boilers and heat pumps smaller than 100 kW. Irrespective of system size, €90 is still paid per square meter of collector surface. However, solar thermal arrays installed on new single family homes or duplexes remain ineligible; such buildings are only eligible if renovated.




estzet English → Japanese
Original Text

:if you enclose any ONE piece, be it the Cathedral [FIG.4a],or one of your opponent's buildings [FIG.4B],you MUST remove it from play IMMEDI-ATELY.If not, it remains where it is and the space is still available to your opponent. The opponent may replay the removed building as they choose. The Cathedral is not replayed for the remainder of the game.

:If you enclose TWO or more buildings [FIG.5], one of which may the Cathedral, no buildings are removed from play and the space is still available to your opponent.

:If there are any unplaced buildings at the end of the game, the player whose buildings take up the least number of squares on the board wins the game. Now play with the Dark lowest score wins.





estzet English → Japanese
Original Text

hi please read all i wrote

I just committed to buy it like you asked me to, please send me invoice of 399$ with free shipping to paypal (paypal : dondror @
and please don't forget to declare 50$ like we agreed on because if you don't i can get 33% tax payment and i will have to return it , and i prefer you to ship it with tracking number but not ems because in my country i need to pay extra fee for ems, but if you don't have no choice then send it ems with tracking ok? tell me what are you going to do.

thank you



私はあなたが私に依頼したものについてのみ購入をお約束しましたので、Paypalにて手数料込み399ドルの請求書をお送りください。(Paypal: dondror@gmail.comです)


estzet English → Japanese
Original Text

Hello, it's been almost a week and I haven't heard from you. My previous message states that I opened the system and the disk belt inside was broken, it was not replaced like said in the listing and therefore no games will work. I had to purchase parts myself and I have to repair it as well. The system itself is fine but as a result of the belt it does not play anything. I bought this disk system thinking it was 'new' until I was told from you that it was used, and you offered that I can instead buy the system for $120 rather than the $170 I paid for it. The system came broke even

