diego Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 13 years ago
English Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
diego English → Japanese
Original Text

Inspired by the concept of SXSW (South by Southwest) that happens annually in Austin, Texas, Masanori Hashimoto, the co-founder and CEO of Fukuoka-based tech company Nulab, wanted to hold such an event in Japan. His many friends and angel investor Taizo Son have joined forces to help, and the event finished with great success. There were more than 1,200 attendees, which is quite a remarkable number for the first-time event.

Panel discussion on Asian startup scene:

On day two of the event, I had an opportunity to moderate a 45-minute panel discussion with Taizo Son, Willis Wee (of our own Penn Olson), Serkan Toto (of TechCrunch), and Gang Lu (of Technode) who joined from Shanghai via Skype.


テキサス州のオースティンで毎年開催されるSXSW (South by Southwest) のコンセプトに触発され、福岡に拠点を持つテクノロジー企業Nulabの創立者の一人であるCEOの橋本正徳は、日本でも同じようなイベントを開催したいと思っていた。彼の多くの友人とエンジェル投資家のは手助けとなり、イベントは大成功に終わった。第一回のイベントとしては驚くべき数字となる1200人を超える来場者を集めた。


イベントの二日目、孫泰蔵氏・Penn Olsonの仲間Willis Wee・TechCrunchのSerkan Toto・上海からスカイプ経由で参加したTechnodeのGang Luがパネリストとして参加する、45分間のパネルディスカッションの司会をする機会を得ました。

diego English → Japanese
Original Text

I also met up with James Tan, a fellow Singaporean who made a bold move to set up 55Tuan with friends he met during his time at university. He stumbled upon a MBA scholarship at Qinghua and quickly grabbed the chance, seeing it as a good way to learn more about China as a student. That is obviously one of the best decisions he has made in life so far. 55Tuan, the service he started with Qinghua classmates, is now one of the largest group-buy sites in China and is poised for an IPO by the end of this year.

He told me that if we can spend 24 hours focusing on a small market, then why not spend the same amount of time on a large market?


私はまた、大学在学時に知り合った友人たちと55 Tuanを立ち上げるという大胆な行動を起こした、シンガポール人の同僚James Tanに会いました。彼は精華大学でMBAの奨学金を偶然見つけ、学生として中国についてより学ぶ良い方法としてのチャンスを急に得た。それは彼の今までの人生でも最良の選択の一つなのは明らかだった。精華大学の友人と彼が始めた55 Tuanは、今や中国で一番大きな共同購入サイトの一つになり、今年の終わりまでには、株式公開に見合う。
