Daniel Pham (danielpham) Translations

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Almost 12 years ago 30s
Viet Nam
Vietnamese (Native) English
IT technology Computer Software Travel Website Business Marketing
40 hours / week
Contact Freelancer
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
danielpham English → French ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

Our company was selected as one of the 9 startups to pitch directly to a panel of judges at the Echelon Japan Satellite. Conyac for Business was the 3rd participant to pitch at the event, and even though we didn't win, we enjoyed watching other startup's presentations. They inspired us and gave us a better idea of what we should focus on in the future in order to continue the rapid growth in Asia.

The winner was TopAdmit, a Taiwan-based educational startup that provides a professional essay editing services for students. Congratulations to them and we hope to see them win the final Echelon competition!

If you missed the Satellites, you can still meet Conyac Team at the Echelon Startup Marketplace in Singapore.


Notre société a été sélectionnée comme l'une des neuf startups à la hauteur direct à un panel de juges au Japon satellite Echelon. Conyac pour les entreprises qui participent à la 3ème à la hauteur lors de cet événement, et même si nous n'avons pas gagné, nous serions ravis de voir l'autre des présentations démarrage. Ils nous inspirent et nous donnent une meilleure idée de ce que nous devons concentrer nos efforts à l'avenir pour poursuivre une croissance rapide en Asie.

Le gagnant est TopAdmit, une start-up de l'éducation basé à Taiwan offre un montage essais de services professionnels pour les étudiants. Félicitations à eux et nous espérons les voir gagner l'Echelon finale de la compétition!

Si vous perdez le satellite, vous pouvez toujours rencontrer l'équipe à Echelon lancement sur le marché Conyac à Singapour.

danielpham English → Vietnamese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Our company was selected as one of the 9 startups to pitch directly to a panel of judges at the Echelon Japan Satellite. Conyac for Business was the 3rd participant to pitch at the event, and even though we didn't win, we enjoyed watching other startup's presentations. They inspired us and gave us a better idea of what we should focus on in the future in order to continue the rapid growth in Asia.

The winner was TopAdmit, a Taiwan-based educational startup that provides a professional essay editing services for students. Congratulations to them and we hope to see them win the final Echelon competition!

If you missed the Satellites, you can still meet Conyac Team at the Echelon Startup Marketplace in Singapore.


Công ty của chúng tôi đã được chọn là một trong 9 phần khởi động để vào ban giám khảo tại Echelon Japan Satellite. Conyac cho doanh nghiệp là người tham gia thứ 3 tại sự kiện này. và mặc dùng chúng tôi đã không chiến thắng tại cuộc thi, nhưng chúng tôi đã thực sự thấy hứng thú khi theo dõi các bài trình chiếu khác. Họ thực sự đã truyền cho chúng tôi nguồn cảm hứng và những ý tưởng tốt hơn về những gì chúng tôi nên tập trung đến trong tương lai để tiếp tục tăng trưởng nhanh tại châu á.

Người chiến thắng trong sự kiện này là TopAdmit, một phần khởi động giáo dục Đài Loan cung cấp dịch vụ chỉnh sửa các bài luận chuyên nghiệp cho sinh viên. Xin gửi lời chúc mừng đến họ và chúng tôi hy vọng sẽ thấy họ chiến thắng tại vòng chung kết cuộc thi Echelon!

Nếu bạn bỏ lỡ các vệ tinh, bạn có thể vẫn gặp Nhóm Conyac tại Echelon Startup Marketplace tại Singapore

danielpham English → Vietnamese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

This is what Startup Dating's Rick Martin wrote about our CEO's pitch:
"We’ve heard from Conyac a few times before, so regular readers are likely somewhat familiar with this service. Naoki Yamada pitched the startups offering for business, explaining that their crowdsourced translation solution can provide quick translations for businesses for a low price. As a typical business use case, he gave the example of a 10-slide powerpoint presentation, which was translated in five hours and cost $36. In comparison to competing services, Naoki explained that on their platform translators can be educated by more experienced translators, thus giving them an opportunity to improve themselves."


Đây là những gì mà Ricky Martin đã viết về Giám đốc điều hành của chúng tôi:

"Chúng tôi đã nghe về Conyac một vài lần trước, và tôi nghĩ độc giả nên làm quen với những dịch vụ như thế này. Naoki Yamada đã đưa ra một đề nghị cho doanh nghiệp, giải thích rằng các giải pháp dịch thuật của họ có thể cung cấp một cách nhanh chóng công cụ dịch thuật cho đơn giản với chi phí rất thấp. Như một trường hợp doanh nghiệp điển hình, ông đã đưa ra ví dụ về một 10 slide powerpoint trình bày, đã được dịch trong năm giờ và có giá 36$. So sánh với các dịch vụ cạnh tranh khác, Naoki giải thích rằng dịch trên nền tảng của họ có thể đào tạo thêm phiên dịch có kinh nghiệm, do đó đem lại cho họ một cơ hội để cải thiện bản thân. "

danielpham English → French ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

We recently added PowerPoint upload function to the Conyac Translation Service. It is a new feature that enables companies to translate presentations easily and quickly. We celebrated this new feature, with a new company log page: LINK

Businesses can use this website for the worldwide promotion of their companies and products. They simply send us their presentation which will be translated by Conyac translators.

First 20 companies that send their presentations to support@any-door.com will get a free translation of up to 10 slides. We will also post the presentations to our or our website, which would give the businesses additional exposure.

Hurry up and get your free translation: LINK


Nous avons récemment ajouté la fonction de téléchargement PowerPoint pour le service de traduction Conyac. Il s'agit d'une nouvelle fonctionnalité qui permet aux entreprises de traduire des présentations facilement et rapidement.Nous avons célébré cette nouvelle fonctionnalité, avec une nouvelle page du journal de l'entreprise: LINK

Les entreprises peuvent utiliser ce site pour la promotion mondiale de leurs sociétés et de produits. Ils nous envoient simplement leur présentation qui seront traduits par des traducteurs Conyac.

Les 20 premières entreprises qui envoient leurs présentations à support@any-door.com obtiendront une traduction libre d'un maximum de 10 coulisse. Nous publierons également les présentations à notre ou notre site Web, ce qui donnerait aux entreprises une exposition supplémentaire.

Dépêchez-vous et obtenir votre traduction libre: LINK

danielpham English → French
Original Text

The reason why I became a translator at Conyac was simple. Registering as a translator was easy, and as soon as I have done some settings, I could start translating and actually earning some money. No test is required as translators get verified by their actual translation projects. This process is not only quick, but also fun, as it's much more pleasurable translating real documents then filling out a test sheet.

It depends on the language and amount of characters in the request, but by translating one translation request that usually has around 150 words, you can earn around 50 points. 50 points is equivalent to $0.5 USD, therefore by translating around 10 short translation requests gives you $5 USD.


La raison pour laquelle je suis devenu traducteur à Conyac était simple. Enregistrement en tant que traducteur était facile, et dès que je l'ai fait quelques réglages, je pourrais commencer à traduire et en fait gagner de l'argent. Aucun test n'est nécessaire en tant que traducteurs se vérifiées par leurs projets de traduction réelles. Ce processus n'est pas seulement rapide, mais aussi très amusant, car il est beaucoup plus agréable traduction de documents réels puis de remplir une feuille de test.

Il dépend de la langue et de la quantité de caractères dans la requête, mais en traduisant une demande de traduction qui a généralement environ 150 mots, vous pouvez gagner environ 50 points. 50 points équivaut à $0,5 US, donc en traduisant environ 10 demandes de traduction courts vous donne $5 USD.

danielpham English → French
Original Text

It isn't as much as you would earn working full time for a translation agency, but it’s a great opportunity to translate text that is needed by other people and improve translation skills at the same time.

If you are very skilled, you are entitled to translate better paid Premium and Business requests. They require higher standard than general requests, therefore I feel the responsibility of the work I am doing and I'm proud of every point that I earn. At the end of the day, I have done a good job and I am happy I have earned enough money to purchase myself a reward for my effort.

If you speak more languages and want to earn some money easily, sign up as a Conyac translator and start your new job today: LINK


Ce n'est pas autant que vous le souhaitez gagner en travaillant à temps plein pour une agence de traduction, mais c'est une grande opportunité pour traduire le texte qui est nécessaire par d'autres personnes et d'améliorer les compétences de traduction en même temps.

Si vous êtes très habile, vous avez le droit de traduire Prime mieux rémunéré et demandes de visite. Ils exigent des normes plus élevées que les demandes générales, donc je me sens la responsabilité du travail que je fais et je suis fier de tous les points que je gagne. A la fin de la journée, j'ai fait un bon travail et je suis heureux que j'ai gagné assez d'argent pour acheter moi-même une récompense pour mes efforts.

Si vous parlez plusieurs langues et que vous voulez gagner de l'argent facilement, inscrivez-vous en tant que traducteur Conyac et commencer votre nouveau travail aujourd'hui: LINK

danielpham English → French
Original Text

e27 impressed by Conyac's turnover time

e27 is a trusted source of latest news that impacts the tech startup ecosystem and the wider tech industry.

We are very proud that e27 tested Conyac for Business and published the positive experience they had with our Social Translation Service:

"Having used this new service personally both as a translator and a person looking for translation, I was impressed at the turnover time. As translators, you’ll also get instant notifications about pending jobs. In total, it takes an average about 1 day to get your document translated accurately. Definitely worth a try, and worth the money if you’ve been relying on the (unreliable) Google translate."

Read full article:


e27 impressionné par le temps de rotation du Conyac

e27 est une source fiable de dernières nouvelles qui influe sur l'écosystème démarrage tech et de l'industrie plus large de haute technologie.

Nous sommes très fiers que e27 testé Conyac pour les entreprises et publié l'expérience positive qu'ils ont eue avec notre service de traduction sociale:

«Après avoir utilisé ce nouveau service personnellement à la fois comme un traducteur et une personne à la recherche de traduction, j'ai été impressionné à l'époque de chiffre d'affaires. Comme traducteurs, vous obtiendrez également des notifications instantanées sur les travaux en attente. Au total, il faut en moyenne environ 1 jour pour obtenir votre document traduit avec précision. vaut vraiment la peine d'essayer, et valeur de l'argent si vous avez été en s'appuyant sur ​​la (non fiable) Google Translate. "

Lire l'article complet:

danielpham English → French
Original Text

Hi, I’m Nozomi Okuma, Marketing Manager at Conyac. My native language is Japanese and I’ve been studying English as a second language for almost half of my life. I don’t have much problem with speaking two languages but when it comes to translating, I realize that the ability that I need for speaking and translating is completely different.

The reason why I started to translate is because I wanted to use my bilingual skill and open up a career as a translator. I didn’t have any education in translation and it is obviously difficult for an inexperienced translator like me to get a job. But Conyac offers newcomers a chance to translate and to practice their translation.


Salut, je suis Nozomi Okuma, directeur du marketing chez Conyac. Ma langue maternelle est le japonais et j'ai étudié l'anglais comme deuxième langue pour près de la moitié de ma vie. Je n'ai pas trop de problème à parler deux langues, mais quand il s'agit de traduire, je me rends compte que la capacité que j'ai besoin de parler et de traduction est totalement différente.

La raison pour laquelle j'ai commencé à traduire parce que je voulais utiliser mes compétences bilingues et ouvrir une carrière de traducteur. Je n'ai pas eu de formation en traduction et il est évidemment difficile pour un traducteur inexpérimenté comme moi de trouver un emploi. Mais Conyac offre aux nouveaux arrivants la possibilité de traduire et de pratiquer leur traduction.