Nate (cuavsfan) Translations

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About 12 years ago Male 40s
United States
English (Native) Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
cuavsfan Japanese → English
Original Text






Octagonal pyramids call forth the river of energy
According to feng shui, there exists a "river of energy," and where this energy flows people are healthy and do not experience stress. Mount Fuji and many Shinto shrines are built along this "river."
The octagonal pyramid is a shape which calls forth this energy and guides it in a positive direction.

Piling purifying salt into a tidy octagonal pyramid

Octagonal morishio set contents
Two small dishes to be placed on both sides of your front door, as well as a mold that makes it easy to make an octagonal pyramid from the salt.

Increasing fortune
If you set up morishio using the octagonal morishio set, your family's fortunes, your love life, your relationships with other people, your wealth, and your health, are all sure to improve.