Kosuke Noguchi (cozy) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Osaka, Japan
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
cozy English → Japanese
Original Text

Perhaps you have a promising employee who never got a college diploma. Maybe you have employed someone who needs help with money management. Perhaps an employee has emotional problems or substance abuse problems. All of these personal issues can have a dramatic effect on the development of the employee. Obviously you cannot be responsible for every individual's personal problems But if they are affecting his work, you must deal with it.

Wise financial moves
Many larger companies are taking notice of these issues They sponsor higher education reimbursement programs. They bring in experts to conduct seminars on personal money management.




cozy English → Japanese
Original Text

Oh – I wish I also had the 555 suit as well. You are correct, Tommi’s suits are very rare in the market that is why this is so very special. I have had some offers from other collectors in Finland and Italy so I cannot give much discount however, I would sell for alittle less at £1700 and I will include postal charges for that also (these are a lot of money from here). What I would ask though is for a money/bank transfer and not paypal because paypal take too much money in their charges. I know that this may take a while longer but I would be prepared to wait a little for the money as it would mean that I do not lose a large percentage of it to paypal. You will have a very special rally suit. Regards



cozy English → Japanese
Original Text

On their own
In programming a series of small victories for these employees, don't make the mistake of not holding them ac-countable or of getting so involved that you don't let them do the work. If you do it for them and they succeed, you have accomplished nothing. They must succeed on their own abilities. You can aid, support, and encourage, but you can't do the work for them.
Once they have succeeded, you can begin to stretch them, allowing them to build or rebuild their confidence in their talents. It is a gradual process. It takes time and commitment to program employees for victory. But that is what your job is all about:



cozy English → Japanese
Original Text

On the Job
When working on job descriptions with these employees, program in duties that they will be able to perform well. Don't try to stretch them too far too soon. Meet regularly with them, and talk about what they are doing, what things are going well, and what things are hanging them up. En-courage them to try, support them in their efforts, and work with them to avoid failure early on.
If you can develop jobs that will help your company and give the employees the opportunity to rebuild their confidence and enthusiasm, you will have gone a long way toward restoring their dignity and self-worth. And it is quite possible that you will find some of your best employees this way.



cozy English → Japanese
Original Text

Every boss has had employees who, for some reason, are having a hard time in getting things going positively in their direction. Perhaps they took part in a project that didn't go well maybe they worked under another manager who demotivated employees, or maybe they lack the self-confidence to perform to the level of their abilities. Regardless of the reason you need to work with them and get them back on track.

On the right track
They need to get back on track to being the productive employees that they can become, and they need to get back on track for their personal development. If someone doesn't help them, they may never be tile persons they could be.




cozy English → Japanese
Original Text

Guard your guarantees
Regarding the principle of promissory estoppel, things can get very sticky. If you tell an employee that you are going to make sure she gets a specific job but then for whatev.er reason she doesn't get that job, you can be held legally liable as a boss for making a promise that you didn't keep. Penalties can vary; you may be forced to put that person in the Job, and financial penalties may be assessed. In talking about the future of an employee, never make specific promises or implied promises about things that you cannot control or that you might change your mind about.
The whole basis of a concept like promissory estoppel is based on one thing - fairness.



cozy English → Japanese
Original Text

The person makes a promise to you that you accept as credible. But as time goes on, you find that the person can't or won't honor the commitment made to you. What is your response? Probably you feel hurt, unmotivated to help this person, and maybe even a little vindictive. You may decide that you don't want to do business with the person again. Over time you may learn to live with it, but things can probably never be the same again.
When you turn the tables and you become the boss, you can see where you can easily create sour attitudes and perhaps cause good people to leave your employ. if you aren’t careful about the commitments you make. This whole issue boils down to this principle:



cozy English → Japanese
Original Text

There are two specific reasons not to make promises to employees that you cannot or do not intend to keep. First, if you can't keep a promise that you have made, you seriously erode the trust factor. When trust is eroded, the relationship deteriorates. When a relationship begins to deteriorate, management becomes very difficult If possible at all. Second, as a boss, if you make promises to an employee that you don't honor, you can be held legally liable. The legal concept is called promissory estoppel.

Do unto others…
First, the trust issue. A bit of role reversal is the easiest way to illustrate why broken promises are so harmful. Imagine you are sitting with your boss or a client.




cozy English → Japanese
Original Text

In recent surveys, pollsters have been trying. to find out exactly what motivates employees. In our society, we live with a system where success is rewarded With more money. But in these surveys, the experts have found that money is well down the list of motivating factors.

A unique effort
One thing that motivates employees to higher levels of production and proficiency is recognition. In a world crowded with millions of people, they want to know that what they do as individuals can make a difference and that their work and effort can set them apart from the crowd as
being unique.





cozy English → Japanese
Original Text

The real payoff
To continue to make strides to be a great boss, you must have enough perseverance to keep going in the face of your mistakes. That takes willpower, discipline, and determination. And if you think that you don't have these qualities, you can develop them. Just keep going. Evaluate what is happening, make corrections, and have enough respect for those who work for you to be honest with them about your shortcomings.
If you can learn anything from this book, it is that being a great boss is work. It is not a quality that some people are born with and others can never obtain. A strong work ethic can help you learn all the necessary skills to be a great boss.



cozy English → Japanese
Original Text

No status quo
So when you have your first failure, celebrate it. Reward yourself for not accepting the status quo and pushing yourself to do something unique and innovative. The evaluate what happened and learn what you did wrong.
Even if you are trying to be a more consistent manager, realize you will never be totally consistent. But the recognition that you have been inconsistent is a step in the right direction. Many people go through life and never realize that they have been falling short. They stay stuck in the same rut and can't see that they could be doing better.



cozy English → Japanese
Original Text

We have talked about giving employees the chance to fail. But you need a similar attitude toward yourself. It is easy to go to a workshop or conference or read a book like this and get enthused about all the things that you can do to be a. great boss. When you return to your workplace and try to implement some of these changes, remember this: you are going to fail. Not all the time, and not in the long run, but you are going to make mistakes and have difficulties in making some of these ideas consistent parts of your work life.
That's OK. Falling short of a higher standard means you are trying.



cozy English → Japanese
Original Text

STEP 2 (RSS Syndication): Press releases are sent by RSS (Really Simple Syndication) to popular news sites. All press releases included in our RSS feed are automatically posted to approximately 5,000 popular news sites. This online visibility brings traffic, SEO benefit, and credibility to your news and website. STEP 3 (FTP): We also send your press release to newsrooms and Wire Service by FTP (File Transfer Protocol). The wire services and newsrooms then redistribute your press release to thousands of additional news outlets.STEP 4 (Email): We reach individual journalists by email. Your entire press release is sent to journalists (reporters, editors, etc) that cover the topic of your press release.


ステップ2(RSS):プレスリリースはRSS(Really Simple Syndication)で有名ニュースサイトにも送信されます。我々のRSSフィードに含まれるすべてのプレスリリースは自動的に5,000以上の人気ニュースサイトに投稿されます。これによるオンライン知名度はあなたのニュースとウェブサイトに、アクセス数、検索エンジンにおける優位性、そして信頼性をもたらします。ステップ3(FTP):さらに、あなたのプレスリリースは、FTP(ファイル転送プロトコル)によってニュース編集室と通信社にも配信されます。通信社とニュース編集室はそこからさらに何千もの配信先に再配信します。ステップ4(Eメール):Eメールで個人ジャーナリストにも配信します。あなたのすべてのプレスリリースは、その記事のトピックをカバーするジャーナリスト達(リポーター、編集者など)に送信されます。

cozy English → Japanese
Original Text

Exclusive 4-WAY Distribution Process: Regardless of the geographic area that you have chosen for distributing your press release, all releases are delivered by a unique "4-Way distribution process". Other press release distribution services only post your press release online without sending it to any journalists, reporters or editors. Without sending your press release to journalists, you will not be successful in getting publicity or media attention. STEP 1 (Posting Online): In addition to being automatically posted to about 5,000 news sites, we will post your press release to our highly respected MMDNewswire.com service. Your press releases will appear in popular search engines, including Google News.


プレスリリースを配布したい地域にどの場所を選んでも、すべての投稿は「4ウェイ ディストリビューションプロセス」によって配達されます。他のプレスリリース配布サービスはジャーナリストやリポーター、編集者には送ることなくただネット上に公開するだけですが、ジャーナリストに送らないことには、知名度を上げたりメディアの注目を集めることは難しいでしょう。ステップ1(オンラインへの投稿):あなたが投稿したプレスリリースを5,000以上のニュースサイトに自動的に投稿するのに加え、高い評判を受けているMMDNewswire.comへも投稿します。これによってあなたの報道がGoogle Newsなどの有名な検索エンジンで検索できるようになります。