chipange Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
chipange English → Japanese
Original Text

Thanks for your Email. Concerning your question, we do not have any stand called “Almighty”. Did you maybe mean “Atlántico” (wooden stand)? There are 2 sizes, Atlántico Single (ATS12-1) and Atlántico Double (ATS16-1).

Those are the sizes:

ATS12-1: 300cmx145cmx135cm. The packaging is 166cmx46cmx14,5cm. Weight is 20 km. It fits only single hammocks: http://www.
ATS16-1: 365cmx158cmx135cm. The packaging is 183cmx48,5cmx14,5cm. Weight is 25 kg. It fits only double hammocks: http://www.

We also have an even bigger hammock stand called “Barco” (BAS20-1): 400cmx160cmx145cm, weight: 30 kg. It fits family hammocks: http://www.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.


メールありがとうございました。ご質問に関してですが、“Almighty”という物はございません。“Atlántico” (木製スタンド)でしょうか?2つのサイズがあり、Atlánticoシングル(ATS12-1)とAtlántico ダブル (ATS16-1)があります。


ATS12-1: 300cmx145cmx135cm. 梱包サイズは 166cmx46cmx14,5cm. 重さは 20 km. シングルのハンモックのみに適合します。: http://www.
ATS16-1: 365cmx158cmx135cm. 梱包サイズは 183cmx48,5cmx14,5cm. 重さは 25 kg. ダブルのハンモックのみに適合します。: http://www.

またもっと大きな“Barco” (BAS20-1)というハンモッックスタンドもあります。400cmx160cmx145cm, 重量: 30 kg. ファミリー用ハンモックです。http://www.


chipange English → Japanese
Original Text

Please understand that we are willing to issue a refund (less original shipping costs = $139.75) provided the DualSaws are returned as they were sent, intact and unopened. Also, please be aware that we are low in stock of these popular items. Our supplier is currently on backorder with the manufacturer and we do not know when we will receive our next shipment. We are also anticipate a possible 5%-10% increase in the cost of these DualSaws with future shipments. You can see that the cost on Amazon and eBay has already risen.
Please advise as to how you plan to proceed. If you choose to return these DualSaws, I will issue a return authorization number for your use.


それとDualSawsですが、今後の出荷分に関しましては、5%-10% 値上げするかもしれません。AmazonやeBayでは、すでに値上がりしているのがわかると思います。

chipange English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

Apple's Retina iPad mini to follow debut of high-res Google's Nexus 7,report says

The research firm told CNET on Friday that supply chain checks point to a possible third quarter production for the so-called "iPad mini 2's" Retina display,suggesting the device won't be available for some time.

"When would the Mini be available? Could be third quarter or fourth quarter," DisplaySearch analyst Paul Semenza speculated,citing the company's supply chain data.

The estimate is in line with a previous report from KGI analyst Ming-Chi Kuo,who said in January that he expects a Retina version of Apple's small format iPad to be introduced in the middle of the third quarter.


高解像度のGoogleの Nexus 7のデビューに続きアップルのRetina iPad miniが登場だろう。

リサーチ会社は金曜日、サプライチェーンを調査したところ、いわゆる”iPad mini 2”のRetinaディスプレイを第三四半期に生産するらしいとCNETに伝えた。つまりしばらくはiPad mini 2は出ないという事になる。

では、”いつMiniは出るのか?”だが、ディスプレイサーチアナリストのPaul Semenzaは、サプライチェーンのデータを見る限り第三四半期か第四四半期では”と推測する。

この予想は、1月にアップルの小さなIpad向けRetinaバージョンが第三四半期の半ばに登場するだろうと語ったKGIのアナリストのMing-Chi Kuoの前回の報告と合っている。