Chibbi (chibbi) Translations

4.9 25 reviews
ID Verified
Over 9 years ago Female
United States
Japanese (Native) English
Product Descriptions Food/Recipe/Menu Business Travel
Contact Freelancer
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
chibbi English → Japanese
Original Text

Please understand we do not want to provide unwanted information or any unwanted action on our valued sellers account which may lead to any inconvenience to you.

We endeavour to provide the best service and aim to contribute in the best way to fulfil all the needs of our valued Sellers. I appreciate the time you have taken to write to us.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to write back to us in a new case. We will be glad to help you resolve it.

We would also like to wish you luck for all your future endeavours.

Have a pleasant day

Please let us know how we did.

Were you satisfied with the support provided?








chibbi English → Japanese
Original Text

For the other order that goes to 8-1 26-CHOME, we need to have some more information from you. From my understanding, you are looking to have the order shipped with your FedEx account in FedEx International Economy. Unfortunately, the order is too big and will need to go LTL. I am wondering if you want us to ship to your freight forwarders or the FedEx account you have is LTL account.

If we are using your FedEx LTL account, please let me know who is the FedEx contact. Or if you want us to ship to your freight forward, we will still need the contact information and there will be additional shipping charge for us to ship to your freight forwarder.

Please let me know how do you want us to process the order.


注文の宛先の8−126ーCHOMEにつきましてお聞きしたいことがございます。こちらとしてはFed Exのアカウントに国際エコノミー便で送っていただきたいことと理解しています。残念ながら小口トラック貨物では注文の商品が大きすぎるようです。もしよろしければお使いの運送業者もしくは小口トラック貨物アカウントのあるFedExでお送りできればと思っております。



chibbi English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

I am not discussing the condition of the coin when you bought it. I am discussing the spot on coin that I was not aware of when was sold to me? I needed to be informed about it initially to make my decision? not sure what do you mean by saying "it is in the case"?

I do understand your point completely. Also I don t want to escalate this matter any further. Just want to clear my point: it s okay to have a coin with spot/s. However, I needed to be notified with this before the transactions so I could have decided accordingly. Hope u understand my point!
Over all, I am not pleased with this transaction, however,I would rather to stop at this point as I can t see any progress planned ahead from ur side!


