ayamari Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 13 years ago
Japanese English Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ayamari English → Japanese
Original Text

•Cue weight range is 18.25 up to 21 ounces.
•2x4 combo case with side handle and shoulder strap and accessory pouches to hold your pool goodies.
•Includes a dart handle that weighs around 3.4 ounces for close up jump shots.
•Samsara custom joint protectors. You will like these for sure, they are very nice!!
•The spider bridgehead is taller than normal, which allows you to get higher up for those difficult shots. Don't ever get caught off guard now. It has a rubber grommet in the center so you can slide it over any cue without doing damage.

You also get a tip tapper to help keep your tip in top condition. It will tap indentations to hold chalk or you can use it to file (roughen) up the tip.


• キュー重量範囲は、18.25オンスから21オンスまでです。
• 2x4コンボ・ケースと横のハンドルとショルダーストラップとアクセサリー・ポーチによる、あなたのプールがよくできます。
• クローズアップ・ジャンプショットのためのおよそ3.4オンスの重さのダーツ・ハンドルを含みます。
• サムサラ・カスタム ジョイント・プロテクター。 あなたは絶対これらが好きです、非常に素敵です!!
• 三脚は普通タイプより高いです。それはもっと高くて難しいショットのためです。 今は油断しても大丈夫です。センターでゴム・グロメットがあるので、 どんなキューに滑っても、あなたが傷つかないです。

ayamari English → Japanese
Original Text

For ex.a box with 10 kilos costs 52,00 EUR and for every kilo more you have to pay 3,00 EUR more.
As soon as the models are packed we can tell you the freight charges.

You can order by mail. Then we prepare the shipment, pack everything, write the invoice - freight included and send you the invoice for payment. As soon as we have received the payment, we will the goods.

The prices are net withou any tax.

"cf" means that you should compare the model with the model of the suggested page.
It is the same model, but in a different colour or edition.
I hope I could answer all your questions.

Please send further inquiries or orders directly to my colleague Beate, who is reponsable for Japan.


あなたはメールで注文することができます。 そして、我々は出荷を準備して、すべてを詰めて、輸送料金を含む請求書を書いてあなたに送ります。 支払いを受領すると、我々はすぐ商品を出荷します。