akoyan Translations

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Over 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
akoyan English → Japanese
Original Text

Here are two very Nice older Francie dolls with thier case and some clothing found in Estate sale box. One doll has long dark brown hair that flips on the ends. There is a shorter place of her right on the top of her head but the rest of her hair covers it and it might be original to the doll since it looks like her should be pulled back. I have looked at her hair and found no missing hair. Her head is lighter than her body. Her face paint looks nice as with her lashes. She is wearing a tagged Francie outfit marked Francie tm 1965 Mattel. She also twist at the waist and her legs bend. The other doll is a black doll. Her hair is a reddish shade with no missing hair that I have found by looking.



akoyan Japanese → English
Original Text



Although it is often said that Gogh imitated Millet, his coloring is extremely large different from Millet's.
The excellent artist needed the talent of course, and he had need of an abundant painting materials too. The biggest influence of new impressionism of Paris was vivid coloring in the point and the line, but the bright colors were so expensive at that time. One of the reasons why Gogh was poor was that he invested most of the financial aid which was supported by his younger brother Teo who was an art dealer in the painting materials beyond his cost of living.
He said that it was necessary the spirit of inquiring to discover the own colors for the life and a supporter who offered the white campus was also need.

akoyan English → Japanese
Original Text

Through the new FBVA Platform, LPL Financial advisors will be able to manage their variable annuity assets within a fee-based relationship and on a discretionary basis, thereby allowing them to deliver active portfolio management efficiently alongside the valued protection features that these products offer. Investors will also benefit from a more streamlined pricing structure given the removal of bundled commissions and still maintain the consistency of the fee-based relationship with the financial advisor across products within the same account.

Through this platform, purchases of fee-based variable annuities will be integrated in the existing LPL Financial process for opening accounts for investors.


 新しいFBVA プラットフォームを通し、LPL ファイナンシャル・アドバイザーは料金ベース関係の範囲内か任意ベースで変動年金資産を管理することができるます。

このプラットホームによって,料金ベースの変動年金の購買者は、投資家のための導入の口座として既存のLPL ファイナンシャルプロセスで統一するでしょう。

akoyan English → Japanese
Original Text

How to Use 2D Codes for Business

The term “2D code” is used to describe the category in general, not any specific type of code. Some of the most common types of 2D codes include Datamatrix, EZ Code, Microsoft Tag, QR Code, SPARQCode and ScanLife, among others.

Even though 2D code usage is increasing, the average consumer hasn’t used one yet, so you’ll have to help them get started. Typically, this means putting a short caption underneath the 2D code that tells people where they can download a reader for their phones, and explains the process of scanning the code.



 「二次元コード」という用語は、何か特別な種類のコードを指し示しているのではなく、一般に、そのカテゴリについて説明するのに使われる。最もよく知られているタイプの二次元コードとしては、特にDatamatrix、EZ コード、マイクロソフト・タグ、QRコード、SPARQCode、およびScanLifeなどが挙げられる。


akoyan English → Japanese
Original Text

The benefits of MassMutual's underwriting philosophy go beyond covering people who thought they may not be eligible for insurance. "It was a proud moment in my career when I was able to offer whole life and disability income insurance coverage at reduced ratings to one of my long-time clients who has a heart condition," said Caren Levine with First Financial Group, . "The company's underwriting practices have opened more doors to me and more possibilities for my clients. For that, I am very thankful."
MassMutual has also recently updated its life insurance underwriting guidelines for persons suffering from anxiety as well as various forms of cancer – prostate, kidney and melanoma.



akoyan English → Japanese
Original Text

The most common heart disease in the United States is coronary artery disease, which often appears as a heart attack. About every 25 seconds, an American will have a coronary event.
"Many people with medical conditions may not believe they're eligible for life insurance, when in fact they may be," said Shelby Hollister, vice president and chief underwriter, MassMutual. "That's because, at MassMutual, we look at a 'whole' person in our underwriting process as opposed to as a sum of various medical conditions, and we provide incentives to live healthier life styles via 'credits' to reduce premiums, such as not smoking, managing cholesterol and blood pressure, and maintaining a healthy weight."


「それは私たちがマスミューチュアル生命において、保険を引き受ける過程で、様々な病状を考え合わせ、それと対比させてその方の『全体』を見るからです。 そして、保険料を下げ、“信用”を通してより健康なライフスタイルを送れるような動機付けを行っています。例えば禁煙やコレステロール・血圧の管理、そして健康的な体重を維持していくことなどです」