aimmnoot Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
aimmnoot English → Japanese
Original Text

"As social media increasingly becomes a mainstream activity throughout the region, brands have been quick to ‘get on board’ with the practice of better understanding and connecting with their consumers when it comes to their advertising strategies, engagement and conversion."

However, the study does paint a picture of what strategy brands or products can take with social media users. Perhaps they might want to use quizzes to boost new followers on Twitter, something that has previously proven popular in Indonesia. Or if Facebook is the preferred advertising channel, then these tips on running a successful ad campaign surely will be of help.




aimmnoot English → Japanese
Original Text

Consumers in Southeast Asia Are More Influenced By Social Media Ads

As social media turns into the Internet’s new playground, brands and products are flocking there en masse in an effort to catch customers. And according to Nielsen’s latest study, consumers in the Southeast Asia region are highly influenced by such online advertisements, especially when ads are displayed on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. The study reveals 73 percent are ‘highly’ or ‘somewhat’ influenced by ads in social media. The rate jumps to 80 percent if social context is factored in, showing who has liked or followed the advertised brand. (See chart below)




aimmnoot English → Japanese
Original Text

Lindoc: A Textbook Noting System That Aims To Change Learning In Japan

E-books combined with social notes are a dream come true for geeky students. And Lindoc is a Japan-based start-up working to meet that vision.

The service is a PDF e-book distribution platform with a social learning element, and it allows you to share textbook notes with other users reading the same book. It somewhat similar to Social Books in the US but Lindoc is focusing specifically just on e-textbooks, at least for now.

I had a chance to speak to Akinori Machino, the CEO and founder of Lindoc. Here is our conversation below as he shares more about his business.




LindocのサービスはPDF形式の電子書籍を配信するプラットフォームだ。ソーシャルラーニングの要素が含まれ、同じ本を読んでいる他のユーザーとテキストへの書き込みを共有できる。米Social Booksといくらか類似しているサービスだが、Lindocは少なくとも現在まで、電子教科書にその焦点を当てている。


aimmnoot English → Japanese
Original Text

What made you start developing Lindoc?

"I’m majoring in physics and I had been thinking that it’s hard to note a formula using mathematical symbols (like integrals, for example). When I was at university, I developed an app that allows you to note mathematical symbols on a web browser. This won the grand prix at a business contest held by the university’s VC arm. We were also chosen as a nominee for the Japanese goverment’s tech and science incubation/mentoring program in 2009. I then decided to quit graduate school, found a company using the prize money from the program, and be committed to developing more practical apps and services."




aimmnoot English → Japanese
Original Text

The language of the initial update is a bit hazy: “Apps on Facebook may not integrate, link to, promote, distribute, or redirect to any app on any other competing social platform.” Broadly interpreted, many developers would have reason to believe cross-promoting an iOS version of their game would be in violation of the policy. This could’ve been pretty damaging to many social game developers looking to expand into the mobile space. For example, Cupcake Corner developer OMGPOP tells TechCrunch it got a healthy percentage of its first 1 million downloads for its iOS game, Puppy World, using cross-promotions like the one below:


アップデートの冒頭の一文は以下のように、やや漠然としている。『Facebook上のアプリは、他のいかなる競合ソーシャルプラットフォーム上のアプリを統合、宣伝、配布、およびそれらへのリンク、リダイレクトをしてはならない。』広義に解釈すれば、自分たちのゲームのiOSバージョンのクロス・プロモーションはこのポリシーに違反する、と多くの開発者は判断することになるだろう。もしそうなら、モバイル空間への拡大を視野に入れている、多くのソーシャルゲーム開発者たちにとって大きな痛手となりかねなかった。たとえば、『Cupcake Corner』の開発者OMGPOPがTechCrunchに伝えることには、その最初の100万ダウンロードのうちかなりの割合がiOS用ゲーム『Puppy World』をダウンロードしたが、その方法は以下のようなクロス・プロモーションを用いたものである。

aimmnoot English → Japanese
Original Text

Facebook Adds Game Stories to the News Feed, Privacy Settings to Limit Them
August 12th, 2011

Facebook yesterday announced several changes to how games work on the Platform, including that stories about game may be published to the news feeds of a user’s friends, including non-gamers, when the play a game for more than 15 minutes or complete an in-game objective. Depending on their prevalence in the news feed, game usage and achievement stories could help developers gain new users for free, but could also clutter the news feeds of people who don’t care about games.


