Mame (aikiwata) Translations

ID Verified
Over 11 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
aikiwata English → Japanese
Original Text

4.Pregnant women
5.Medical Plastic parts , or parts with artificial in filling inside.
6.People with metal inside the body (include metallic tooth)
7.Patient with skin inflammation or with edema.
8.People with an abnormal immune system.
9.Numb or intensitive to heat

Technical Specification

3.How does it feel?
Most clients consider the procedure painless and comfortable.There may be, however, a slight discomfort due to the specific noise experienced,
but it poses no harm and disappears as soon as you are not in contact with the applicator. You may also experience a little warmth during the treatment.
It is very normal if you experience with this aboved problems in which is doing the treatment of Real 40Khz cavitation


4. 妊婦
5. 医療用プラスチック成形品や詰め物が入った人工物が体にある人
9. 熱に対する感覚がない人



Real 40Khz cavitation (キャビテーション)を使った処置の最中に、上記のような問題が発生するのはごく通常のことです。

aikiwata English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Something in your listing title conflicts with the item specifics you’ve specified. For example, your title may indicate that your item is new, but your description may say that it's used or refurbished. If your item is cracked or damaged, please use the “For parts or not working” item condition. If it has been used for any purpose, please select the “Used” item condition.

Please review and edit your listing, making sure that the information in the title and the description are accurate and consistent.

Find out more about the Item Descriptionportion of our selling practices policy.





aikiwata English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

my name is Andrew and I see that you have got some questions about changing negative feedback left by your buyer. AS I have understood from your request you have managed to resolve the issue with your buyer, and you both willing to change the feedback.

System shows that already contacted your buyer asking him to change the feedback he left, as the issue has been resolved. You can change the feedback if it meets some requirements:
You have 30 days after the original Feedback has been left to file a Feedback Revision request. The buyer then has 10 days to respond to that request.

So unfortunately you can’t change the feedback right now because the time frames has expired.





aikiwata English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Now with SiIkie - The Natural Bonding Aid!
Each Bear arrives with a Silkie, which can be used to help reinforce parents‘ bond with their baby. “A baby’s sense of smell is more defined than that of an adult. Research shows that a baby can recognize his own mother by her smell," writes Elizabeth Pantley in THE NO-CRY SLEEP SOLUTION.

Silkie can become a powerful bonding tool between you and your baby. In order to maximize the effectiveness of the Silkie, place Silkie next to your skin for a few hours to absorb your scent. Alternatively, you can also place Silkie between you and your baby when breast or bottlefeeding.

Washing Instructions: Use mild detergent.


クマは、親と赤ちゃんとの絆を強くするのに有効なシルキーでできています。「赤ちゃんが泣かずに寝る方法」でElizabeth Pantleyは「赤ちゃんの匂いの感覚は大人よりもはっきりしています。研究によると、赤ちゃんは母親を匂いで識別できます。」と書いている。


aikiwata English → Japanese
Original Text

There’s a good example in the latest Regus Work-Life Balance Index. In the Index the three major economies with the highest work-life balance are Mexico, India and Brazil, all of them significantly above the global average. Yet, according to figures from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development,[2] employees in Mexico and Brazil are more likely to work very long hours than the OECD average (India is not included in the OECD study). Indeed, Mexico has some of the longest average working hours in the OECD. So there’s more to work-life balance than not spending too long at the office.


最新のRegus社のワークライフバランスの指標に良い例がある。その指標では、最も高いワークライフバランスを維持している3つの主要な経済国はメキシコ、インド、ブラジルであり、いずれも世界標準より高い。しかしながら、Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development(経済協力開発機構)の数値によると、メキシコとブラジルの労働者はOECDの平均よりも非常に長時間にわたって労働をしているようである(インドはOECDの調査には含まれていない)。それどころか実際、OECDの中で、メキシコは、平均労働時間が最も長い。従って、オフィスでただ長時間を過ごしているということ以上のことがワークライフバランスには関わってくる。