ageha75 Translations

ID Verified
About 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ageha75 English → Japanese
Original Text


②The Estimated delivery is THURSDAY 13 JUNE 2013 - MONDAY 1 JULY 2013, didn't receive nothing.
Tell me the website where can i view whereis my product? When my product will arrive?
The product already pass on Japan Post, where the product?

③"What DHL makes the delivery? the Express,or the packetor Logistics ?
I cannot find the tracking code on, tell the website where we can search the Tracking-Code"

"Was macht DHL die Lieferung? Die Express oder die packetor Logistics?
Ich kann nicht finden, den Tracking-Code auf, erzählen die Website, wo wir die Tracking-Nummer-Suche können "

I check the japan post, but the product was already "Dispatch from outward
office of exchange".



私の商品がどこにあるかを見ることができるウェブサイトを教えてください。 いつ到着予定でしょうか? 商品はすでに日本郵便へ渡されたようですが、今どこにありますか?

③DHLのどのサービスでしょうか? 速達かpacketor Logisticsですか?
私はで追跡番号が見つけられません。 追跡番号を入力できるウェブサイトを教えてください。


ageha75 English → Japanese
Original Text

Your fax will be converted to a secure electronic image that will never be printed. Once we have completed the verification process, we will delete the image. Inquiries sent by fax will receive a reply within 24 hours of receipt.

If you would like us to complete the verification process with your card issuer directly, we ask that you reply to this e-mail after you have made arrangements with them to accommodate our request.

Your card issuer may use our fax number to send us the name and number of a representative we may contact by phone.

If we are unable to complete the verification process within three days, all pending orders will be cancelled.


確認手続きが完了すると、その電子画像は消去されます。 ファックスで送られた問い合わせは24時間以内返信を受けます。




ageha75 English → Japanese
Original Text

Log in to your "My eBay", click the "Applications" tab and start MyStoreRewards.
Once MyStoreRewards has launched, click "Mass Payment Files" on the left navigation bar
Download and save the pending mass payment file to your PC. You may review the reward file with any text reader
Next, log-in to your PayPal account and click the "Send Money" tab.
Click the "Make a Mass Payment" link under the "Send Money" tab.
You will next upload the reward file you downloaded using the form that will show on PayPal.
To upload the file, in the first box, click "Browse" and find and then select the downloaded file from where you saved it on your system and add that file. Hint: It will always be a *.txt file.


「My eBay」にログイン後、「Applications」タブをクリックしMyStoreRewardsへ進んでください。
MyStoreRewardsが開いたら、左側のナビゲーションバーから「Mass Payment Files」をクリックします。 「pending mass payment file 」をダウンロードしをあなたのPCへ保存をしてください。 どのテキストリーダーからでもreward fileを見直すことができます。
次に、あなたのPayPalアカウントにログインし、「Send Money」タブをクリックしてください。
「「Send Money」タブの下にある「Make a Mass Payment」のリンクをクリックしてください。
次に、PayPalに表示された表を使ってダウンロードしたreward fileをアップロードします。
そのreward fileをダウンロードするには、最初のボックスで、「Browse」をクリックし、先の作業でPCへ保存したファイルを探し、それを選択、そして付け加えます。 ヒント:ファイルの拡張子は常に.txt fileでなければなりません。

ageha75 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.5
Original Text

The players did fantastically well, Japan manager Alberto Zaccheroni said
The crowd was also brilliant and the fans’ support really helped us
If you look at the game it wouldn’t have been such a surprise for us to have won, but we were hit by something unexpected and this group showed its strength to make it happen in the end

The reason for me coming to Japan was to qualify this team for the World Cup, the Italian added
It’s a relief to have achieved that, and now we want to go on and shock the world

Japan has now become the first country to qualify for next tournament in Brazil having also achieved the same feat four years ago, but that would not have been the case had Honda not kept his cool in the 91st minute


もしこのゲームを見ていたら、私たちが勝っていただろうことに驚かないと思う。 予期せぬ事態に陥ったが、このチームは最後は決める強さを示してくれた。



ageha75 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Keisuke Honda scored a dramatic injury-time penalty to book Japan’s place at the 2014 World Cup after a breathless 1-1 draw with Australia on Tuesday night.

Japan needed only a point to qualify for the tournament for a fifth straight time in front of 62,172 expectant fans at Saitama Stadium, but a goal against the run of play from Tommy Oar gave Australia a stunning 82nd-minute lead.

With time running out on Japan’s chances of punching its World Cup ticket at home for the first time, however, Australia conceded a penalty for a Matt McKay handball, and Honda stepped up to ram it home and start the celebrations.



日本チームは埼玉スタジアムの62,172人の観客の前で、5連続トーナメント進出のための1点が必要だった。 しかしオーストラリアのトミー・オアーが試合後半82分に見事なシュートを決めてリードを許した。
