The newest TRIA laser hair removal system provides faster, more effective results.This improved TRIA home laser hair removal device has been redesigned to work faster and provide more effective treatments. With use of the 4X TRIA Beauty device, you will see results in just three months with use each week. In addition, this treatment product is FDA-approved for use on the face. Purchase TRIA Hair Removal Laser 4X today from to experience a more sophisticated form of laser hair removal at home.
最新のTRIA脱毛システムはより速く効果的な成果をご提供します。 改良されたTRIAホーム・レーザー脱毛器はより速く動作するよう再設計され、一層効果的なケアを提供します。4X TRIAビューティー・デバイスを毎週3か月ご使用になるだけでその成果がわかります。さらにこのケア製品はFDA(米食品医薬品局)の認定を受けておりますのでお顔にもご使用になれます。ご自宅で一層洗練されたレーザー脱毛をご体験いただくために今日にも でTRIA Hair Removal Laser 4Xをお求めください。
This seemed too much for his present youth, especially since the disposition of the people toward him was not clear as yet and many enemies were at hand.The suggestion was not adopted.Avengers were expected to appear from among those who in his lifetime had come upon good fortune at his hands or who had received from him power, riches,and valuable gifts, such as they had not hoped for even in dreams.Octavius received advice of various sorts form different people, as is always the case in times when a situation is obscure and unsettled, but he determined to postpone decision in the whole matter until he could see those of his friends who were preeminently mature and wise and secure the aid of their counsel also.
He decided therefore to refrain from action, but to go to Rome, and having first arrived in Italy, to find out what had taken place after Caesar's murder, and to take counsel with the people there concerning the entire affair.His retinue then began preparations for the voyage. Alexander, pleading his age and ill health, returned to his home at Pergamum. The inhabitants of Apollonia came in multitudes and for some time affectionately begged Octavius to stay with them, saying that they would put the city to any use that he wished, out of good will toward him and reverence for the deceased. they thought that it would be better for him to await developments in a friendly city, since so many enemies were abroad.
However, since he desired to participate in whatever was done, and to avail himself of any opportunity for action, he did not change his decision, but said that he must set sail.Then he praised the Apollonians, and afterward when he became master of Rome he conferred on them immunity and some other not inconsiderable favors, and made it one of the most fortunate cities. All the people escorted him at his departure, admiring his restraint and wisdom that he had revealed in his sojourn there; and at the same time the were sorry for his lot.There came to him from the army not a few from the cavalry and infantry, both tribunes and centurions, and many others for the sake of serving him, but some for their own gain.
JATA 海外旅行推進部と香港政府観光局は、来年1月23・24日、全日通霞ヶ関ビルのJATA研修室で旅行業界関係者を対象に「香港展示会/見本市セミナー(東京)」を開催。受講者募集を開始した。同セミナーは、展示会や見本市をどのように旅行会社のビジネスにするか、日本企業が香港での展示会/見本市に出展する意義、ビジターとして買い付けに行く意義を説明する。香港政府観光局からMICEに対するサポート体制や、香港で開催されている展示会や見本市の特徴を紹介。
JATA overseas travel promotion department and Hong Kong Tourism Board will co-host <Exhibition and seminar of Hong Kong (Tokyo)> on next January 23 and 24 at JATA seminar room in Zen- nittsu Kasumigaseki Bldg..for concerned parties of the travel industry.They began to acept applications. In this seminar, they will give an explanation about how to turn exhibitions and sample fairs into the business of travel companies as well as the meaning of participating in the exhibition/sample fair in Hong Kong, and the meaning of buying trip as a visitor. Hong Kong Tourism Board will provide an introduction to the support system of MICE and to the features of the exhibition/sample fair held in Hong Kong.
香港貿易発展局、グローバル・ソーシーズ、フランス見本市協会の展示会主催者3社が各展示会や旅行業界へのサポートなどを語る。■セミナー概要日時:2013年1月23、24日14:00~16:00※両日とも同じ内容会場:JATA研修室プレゼンテーション (予定):香港政府観光局 香港貿易発展局 グローバル・ソーシーズ フランス見本市協会定員:各回 50人申込み締め切り:2013年1月16日(水)※定員になり次第、締切
The exhibition hosts, Hong Kong Trade Development Council,Global Sources and French Trade Fair Commission (Promosalons) will talk about their support to each exhibition and to the travel industry. ■Brief summarydate and hour: January 23-24, 2013 14:00 -16:00※ two day's talks will be the same in contentVenue: JATA seminar roomPresentation (plan): Hong Kong Tourism Board, Hong Kong Trade Development Council,Global Sources and French Trade Fair Commission (Promosalons) Quota :50 people (each day) Closing date for subscription:Wednesday, January 16, 2013 Registration will be closed when all available space is taken.
The Tokyo metropolitan government will hold the second human resource development program at Iidabashi Campus of Tokyo Metropolitan University. It began to accept applications. This program is held since 2008 with the aim of developing the expertise and the skills necessary to attract MICE. The instructors who work in the front lines of the industry teach the knowlege about MICE and practical cases. Besides that, the instructors of Tokyo MetropolitanUniversity will give an explanation about the circumstances surrounding the tourism. On this occasion, a lecture will be held under the theme of 'Study about the present situation of tourism - MICE, frontier of the tour industry - ' Tuition fees : 12,000 yenQuota : 20 people
British Retailer Marks and Spencer Launches Major E-Commerce Push in ChinaMarks and Spencer (LON:MKS) might have 12 brick-and-mortar stores in five Chinese cities already, but it’s surprisingly only this week that the UK retailer is sorting out its e-commerce strategy in the country. The fashion-oriented chain has just launched a Chinese version of its homepage along with a virtual store-front on Tmall, the nation’s largest online mall.
イギリスの小売業者Marks and Spencerが中国で主要Eコマース事業をローンチMarks and Spencer (LON:MKS)はすでに中国5都市に従来型の実店舗12店を持っているが、このイギリスの小売業者が中国国内のEコマース戦略を展開しているのは驚くべきことに今週に入ったばかりのことだ。このファッション志向のチェーンはホームページに中国語版をローンチしたばかりで、Tmallのバーチャル店舗を並んで中国最大のオンラインモールになった。
Realistically, it’s the Marks and Spencer Tmall store (see it here) that’s far more important and will see much more traffic. Alibaba-owned Tmall dominates the B2C e-tailing sector in China, and is home to store-fronts from lots of global and Chinese brands. This e-commerce effort also opens up the whole of China to the British company, as most of its physical stores are centered on the usual eastern China hub around Shanghai.The China roll-outs are part of a broader e-commerce push by M&S into 10 international markets.
現実的には、これはMarks and Spencer Tmall store(ここをクリック)で、重要度ははるかに高く、トラフィック数もずっと多くなるだろう。Alibabaが所有しているTmallは中国国内のB2CのEテイラーの中で最も支配的で、多くの海外の店舗や中国ブランドの拠点となっている。同社のほとんどの実店舗はお決まりのように上海周辺の中国東部のハブに集中しているため、このようなEコマースへの取り組みにより、このイギリスの企業は中国全土への店舗の拡大にもつながった。中国での本格展開はM&Sの10の国際市場に参入する、より広範なEコマース活動の推進の動き一部だ。
Marks and Spencer’s most recent interim management statement describes China and India as “key international markets” for the retailer. Non-UK sales were up 4.1 percent in the third quarter of 2012, outpacing lacklustre 0.3 percent growth within the UK.As a Brit, it’s a bit disappointing that the new M&S Tmall site does not sell any of its food, as surely the best part of a Marks and Sparks is its vast food hall.
Marks and Spencerの最新の一時管理の声明を読むと中国とインドを同社にとって「鍵となる国際市場」と表現している。2012年第3四半期の英国外への売り上げは4.1%を占め、英国内ではパッとしない0.3%の成長を凌いでいる。Marks and Sparksの広範な食料品売り場は同社の最も優れた部分に違いないので、 Brit同様、新たなM&S Tmallサイトが食料品を全く販売しないのは少し残念だ。
At this time, my two largest suppliers are out of this item, but I think I can still get the quantity you need. However, what type of price were you asking for?I currently have 3 in stock and would be willing to sell them to you for $225 each....or $675 total for all 3,Once that transaction is complete I would have faith that you would be a reliable customer, and would be able to supply you with many more camera's at a discounted price....Please let me know if you are interested in moving forward, and i will send you an invoice for the 3 camera's, I currently have in stock...
The group of murderers was not small, and they would drive out and murder Caesar's relatives.When they heard this they were greatly disturbed (it was just about the time that they were going to dinner). Speedily a report spread to those out of doors and through the whole city, revealing nothing accurately, but only that some great calamity had befallen. Then when the evening was fully come many of the foremost Apollonians came up with torches, asking with kind intent what the news was. After taking counsel with his friends Octavius decided to tell the most distinguished of them, but to send the rabble away.
暗殺したグループの規模は小さくはなく、Caesarの身内を追放して殺害する可能性があった。彼らはこれを聞いて非常に動揺した(ちょうど晩餐に出かける時間だった)。うわさは瞬く間に戸外にいる人々の間から街全体に広まったが、大きな不幸が起こったこと以外には正確なことは何も明らかになっていなかった。そこですっかり暗くなった時、抜きんでたApollonianらが松明を掲げてやってきて善意から何が起こったか尋ねた。友人に相談した後Octavius はその中の最も抜きんでた者たちに群衆を遠ざけるよう命じようと決心した。
He did so, and when the crowd was with difficulty persuaded by the leaders to leave, Octavius had the opportunity of taking counsel with his friends (much of the night already having been spent) as to what ought to be done and how he should improve the situation.After thoroughly considering the case, some of his friends advised him to go and join the army in Macedonia; it had been sent out for the Parthian War, and Marcus Acilius was in command of it. They advised him to take the army for the sake of safety, to go to Rome, and to take vengeance upon the murderers. The soldiers would be hostile toward the murderers because they had been fond of Caesar, and their sympathy would increase when they saw the boy.
彼をそれを実行し、去ろうとする指導者が群衆を説得するのに手こずっていた時、Octaviusは友人に何をすべきか、事態を打開するためにどうすべきかを相談する機会を持った。この件を熟慮した後、何人かの友人はMacedoniaの軍に合流すべきだと助言した。Macedoniaの軍隊はパルティア戦争のため出動しており、Marcus Aciliusが軍を指揮していた。友人はローマに無事にたどり着き、Caesarの仇を取るため軍を率いていくべきだと助言した。兵士らはCaesarを慕っていたため殺人者らに敵意を持っており、少年Octaviusを見てから共感が増していた。
Feel good about owning a great instrument designed to be earth friendly.The Martin Special Edition 3 style cherry ukulele is constructed from 100% environmentally sustainable, certified wood that includes cherry top, back, sides, neck and blocks, basswood linings and braces, a katalox fingerboard and bridge and a maple bridge plate. Other Style 3 appointments include a pointed fingerboard inlaid with black/white marquetry and a pointed ivoroid tail inlay. The Martin 3 Ukulele is beautifully crafted and a pleasure to play.Since traditions are made to be broken we also developed the SM series. The difficulties we experienced when working with spalted mango were more than worth the tone that was created.
We are getting nowhere with DHL as the boxes were not damaged and they want photos of how the boxes Were packed which i cannot supply this, I will offer the replacement of the bikes mentioned below 2 x bk124 and 1 x bk 125 which i feel is more then can then fix the ones you have and sell them too.As DHL will request the return of all the bikes you have mentioned if they ever process the claim.
DHLに関しては箱に損傷がなく、箱の状態の画像を求めているため埒があきません。梱包した商品はご提供できません。交換品として下記のbk124を2個、bk 125を1個ご提供いたします。これはお買い得だと思います。お持ちの商品を修理されて販売することもできます。DHLはクレームを処理する場合には、お客様がお持ちの全てのバイクの返却を要求してきます。
The relatively recent introduction of 'transition' lenses which can give the sunglasses look when the lenses are exposed to bright light show another development.With increasing concerns over the effects of the suns rays, the future of sunglasses looks assured and many more weird and wonderful sunglasses are sure to result.How to Clean SunglasesKeeping a clean pair of eyeglasses ensures your vision is as good as it can possibly be and reduce eye strain and other problems that are associated with poor vision due to unclean lenses. They also improve your appearance, making your eyes that much clearer to everyone else. You clean your eyeglasses regularly.You should wash your lenses with warm water and a mild soap.
Do not use a fabric softener or similar detergent on the cloth as this will reduce its effectiveness.If stuck for a way to clean your eyeglasses in a rush, you can drop a bit of vinegar onto a soft cloth and wipe this over the lenses. This only works for glass lenses however, never attempt this on plastic lenses. Do not wipe glasses on clothing as the abrasive fibers present in clothing could actually damaged the lens.General good eyeglasses care is to keep your eyeglasses in a case when not in use as will prevent buildups of dust or accidental damage. Buying scratch resistant lenses, such as polycarbonate, will assist in making sure your lenses are always of the best quality, free of scratches.
I think I did buy 20 of this game back in October and I did keep a few of the rarer black label limited/collector editions off eBay until the release of Dead Space 3 so I could sell them to collector's at a higher price. I may have 4 total in stock right now so I don't think I could fulfill your order of 20 in a fast enough time frame. But if I happened to have 20 on hand I would certainly be able offer them to you at a discount.I'm still growing and have just recently opened up my store to 18 countries outside of the US(not currently to Japan)so I'm constantly reevaluating the my inventory and the quantities I should buy so maybe in future I will be better equipped to handle your needs.
確か10月にこのゲームを20個購入したと思います。より希少な黒ラベルのコレクター限定版はコレクターにより高値で売れるよう、Dead Space 3のリリースまでeBayに出すのを控えています。現在在庫は計4個ですので、短い期間内にご注文の20個を満たせるとは思いません。ですが、もし20個手元に用意できましたら割引料金でご提供いたします。当社はまだ成長中で、ごく最近アメリカ国外に18店舗をオープンしました(現在日本にはまだありません)。というようなわけで私は常時商品リストと購入する量を見直しています。おそらく将来的にはあなたのご要望に対応できるだけの、より整備されたものになると思います。
Kobo c.e.o. Michael Serbinis said: "In December we celebrated Kobo's third anniversary as well as the biggest month for the company yet. Millions of new users registered with Kobo in December alone, annual device sales soared with millions of Kobo e-readers bought, and e-book sales nearly doubled from the previous year. "2012 was truly outstanding for our company and our network of booksellers and retailers around the world." On Christmas Day itself, the company said it saw users reading more than 22m pages, with Kobo readers in Canada reading the most (an average of 200 pages each), while in America they read an average of 160 pages and in Britain 93 pages.
KoboのCEO、Michael Serbinis氏は次のように述べている。「12月に弊社はKobo3周年を迎えると同時に、この月は弊社にとって最も重要な月でした。12月だけでKoboに何百万のユーザーが登録しました。端末の年間売り上げはKoboの何百万人の電子書籍の読者の購入に伴って急上昇しており、昨年比で電子書籍の売り上げ高は倍近くに伸びています。」「2012年は弊社及び世界の書籍販売業者や小売店とのネットワークにとってまさに素晴らしい年でした。」Kobo社によると、クリスマス当日、ユーザーは2200万ページ以上を読んだと言い、その中で最も読書したページ数が多かったのはカナダで(平均200ページ)、アメリカの平均読書ページは160ページ、イギリスは93ページだった。
The Canada-based retailer said that contrary to suggestions that e-ink devices would decline in popularity over Christmas, its sales of those models rose by 150% in December, leading the company to claim it now has 20% of the global e-reading marketIn the last six months, Kobo has attracted more than four million new customers internationally, taking its total registered consumers to 12 million. It has also nearly doubled the number of e-books it has sold on last year.The most-read digital books in 2012 were the Fifty Shades of Grey series and the Hunger Games books, but romance fiction is the most popular genre read on Kobo devices overall, the company said.
このカナダに本社を置く小売店は、提案に反して、e-ink社の端末はクリスマスの間中に人気が落ちているが、12月には同社のモデルの売り上げは150%増加した結果、現在、同社は世界の電子書籍市場の20%のシェアを誇っている。ここ6か月間、Koboは世界中の400万人以上の新たな顧客を惹きつけており、登録ユーザー総数1200万人を獲得している。Koboは昨年売り上げた電子書籍数も倍近く伸ばしている。2012年最も読まれた電子書籍は『Fifty Shades of Grey』シリーズと『Hunger Games 』書籍版だったが、Koboによると、同社の端末を通して総合で最も人気のジャンルは恋愛フィクションだという。